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‘Devastating’ Grantsville family shooting leaves community in shock. Four dead, perp son in custody.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
hummmm...dougie your favorite reference source which you bragged to contributed to, wiki...
A mass shooting is an incident involving multiple victims of firearm violence. There is no widely accepted definition of the term mass shooting. The United States' FBI defines a "mass murder" as "four or more murdered during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders." Based on this, it is generally agreed that a mass shooting is whenever four or more people are shot (injured or killed), not including the shooter(s).

Different media outlets and research groups use different definitions for the term "mass shooting" For example, crime violence research group Gun Violence Archive defines a "mass shooting" as "four or more shot (injured or killed) in a single incident, at the same general time and location, not including the shooter,” differentiating between mass shooting and mass murder and not counting shooters as victims.

The United StatesCongressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition and defines a "public mass shooting"as an event where someone selects four or more people and shoots them with firearms in an indiscriminate manner, echoing the FBI's definition of the term "mass murder", but adding the indiscriminate factor.

The term was originally defined as the murder of four or more people with no cooling-off period[6][5] but redefined by Congress in 2013 as being murder of three or more people. unquote

there ya go dougie...greater than four or more [unless discussed in congress] not including the perb...

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Per CRS report.
Indiscriminate Selection of Victims. For this report’s definition, a killer’s relationship to his or her victims is important. Driven by a desire for revenge and/or power, some killers may target family members or intimate friends. In the incidents described as public mass shootings for this report, the gunmen cannot solely kill such individuals. This particularly rules out cases of domestic violence—instances only involving family members either inside or outside the home—from consideration as public mass shootings. Thus, for this report, the gunmen in public mass shootings somewhat indiscriminately select their victims. For example, a student assailant involved in a public mass shooting plans on killing particular teachers, while simultaneously staging a wider assault on his school.

Massacring your family or "intimate friends" does not fall into the category of "mass shooting."


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Per CRS report.

Massacring your family or "intimate friends" does not fall into the category of "mass shooting."
from your cite:
1. report uses the term: "This report focuses on mass shootings"
2. report changes the term six sentences later: "There is no broadly agreed-to, specific conceptualization of this issue, so this report uses its own definition for public mass shootings."
3. report's summary topic sentence: "Finally, baseline metrics related to this problem are often unclear or unavailable."

wiki addresses 2013 congressional re-defining this lack of clarity [1]..oh wait CoL...your cited material by congressional research to congress is dated 2013...
[1] PUBLIC LAW 112–265—JAN. 14, 2013
‘‘(i) For purposes of this subparagraph—
‘‘(I) the term ‘mass killings’ means 3 or more
killings in a single incident; and
‘‘(II) the term ‘place of public use’ has the meaning
given that term under section 2332f(e)(6) of title 18,
United States Code.’’

seem congress should be investigating the justice dept & FBI for violation of PUBLIC LAW 112–265—JAN. 14, 2013.