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Eastern WA OC Report


Regular Member
May 14, 2010
Spokane, ,
Asked to leave Cheney BiMart

I've been open carrying exclusively now since October when I started my new job that allows me to open carry at work. I haven't had ANY issues until today. I stopped by the Cheney BiMart with my daughter to grab a few items and the manager approached me. He asked if I have a CCw. I told him that was not his business. He then told me well if you don't have a CCW you have to leave. I told him that open carry in WA is legal without a CCW. He then told me their store policy is no open carry, only conceal carry with a permit is allowed. I sat down my basket of merchandise, politely I informed him that they lost a frequent customer, and left. An interesting point to note, is I have open carried in this store dozens of times without a second glance from the employees. But just last week a customer gave me a dirty look and pointed at me. I suspect a complaint was made to management hence today's incident.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Tri-Cities Sportsman's Show

While visiting the 24th Annual Tri-Cities Sportsman's Show at the TRAC in Pasco, I switched from carrying CC to carrying OC. Went around the entire area OCing & no one seemed to either notice or care.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Pasco & Kennewick OC Adventures

Started the day by going to the TRAC to do setup for the 25th Anniversary Columbia Basin Friends of NRA Banquet. After doing some setup, went over the Taco Bell on Road 68 for the wife to get a snack, & no one seemed to care or notice. Same thing can be said about the Chase Bank on Road 68 as went inside to do a teller transaction. After Chase Bank, went to Moneytree at 20th & Court Street & conducted a transaction with the branch manager & no noticeable responses.

Went across the Blue Bridge into Kennewick to go pick up a package being held at UPS & just got a few odd glances from a few customers. After UPS, went to the Benton County Justice Center, & when approaching entrance noticed a sign that stated no weapons allowed, must be taken back out to car. I entered & asked about lockbox for weapon, & security handed me a key to their lockbox podium where I removed holstered sidearm, 2 extra magazines, & a pocketknife in the lockbox, locked it, & after clearing pockets & notifiying of pacemaker, went through security via patdown, where I accidentally forget about my other holster being in my one cargo pocket. Security just shrugged it off & I was free to go to the Benton County Sheriff's Office to sign up to do a ride-along. Proceeded back to the lockbox podium, where I used to key to open the lockbox & rearmed. After emptying lockbox, I handed the key back to security & went back to TRAC to finalize setup for the banquet. Before the banquet started, I switched from being OC to CC.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Additional OC Adventures in Tri-Cities

On Saturday, decided to take care of bills we were unable to on Friday cause of time constraints, & the first stop was Chase on Vista Way where I proceeded inside to conduct business using the new ATM inside near the teller counters. I did notice a few glances but nothing to cause alarm. Next went to Buddy's Home Furnishings to make monthly payment & the staff there know I carry & no reactions. After Buddy's we stopped at Numerica Credit Union on Kennewick Ave. to make monthly car payment & no one was paying attention to me OCing. We then proceeded to the lone Wells Fargo in Tri-Cities, located on Kellogg in Kennewick to make monthly loan payment for furniture. Being the only branch & Saturday near the beginning of the month they were very busy. While waiting in line, a gentleman directly behind us, stayed a bit further back & kept glancing in my direction. After Wells Fargo, we proceeded to the Sprint Store on Columbia Center Boulevard & Grandridge, to pay phone bill & everyone there was in Condition White. Made a stop at Target on Columbia Center Boulevard to pick up a few items & noticed a gentleman OCing with a Springfield XDS on right hip. While still shopping at Target, mom noticed a woman with children give a bit of dirty look & scurry away. No other issues at Target. We then proceeded to KFC/A&W on Court in Pasco to pick up dinner for the wife & I & didn't notice any reactions from customers or staff, then headed home.

On Monday, had a few more bills that needed to be taken care of due to those businesses not being open Saturday. First stop was Franklin PUD, which was very busy, & did not notice any looks/responses from anyone. After Franklin PUD, went to Target in Kennewick to do a Price Match for a product purchased on Saturday & did not notice any responses/looks. Proceeded then to the Benton County Justice Center, to give mom the opportunity to sign up for a ride along with Benton County Sheriff & when entering asked for lockbox key to secure firearm, spare magazines, & pocket knife. When I asked for the key, was asked to present WA CPL as my coat was somewhat covering my sidearm due to it shifting. Proceeded with getting mom signed up for the ride along, & when exiting, approached lockbox to secure firearm, spare magazines, & pocket knife back on self & handed security personnel the lockbox key. Proceeded then to Dickey's Barbecue Pit to get a bite to eat, & no responses from anyone. Same thing can be said for the stops at Chase on Road 68 in Pasco, Yoke's Fresh Market, & Maverik (no visible responses/looks).


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
OC Adventures in Tri-Cities

First of the month means running bills & errands. Our first stop was Les Schwab Tire Center on Road 68 in Pasco, & no one noticed/cared. Next stop was the Chase branch on Road 68 where a gentleman in line behind, seemed to keep a bit more distance than normally seen (no words exchanged). Next up was MoneyTree at 20th & Court in Pasco & no one there seemed to care/notice.

Next stop was the Franklin County Courthouse to take care of vehicle tabs. Going through security checkpoint, one of the personnel noticed me walking up & was getting a lockbox for me. On the way out (while picking up sidearm from lockbox), same personnel asked me if anyone ever freaked out about me open carrying, & my comment was it's not uncommon.

On to Franklin PUD to pay monthly bill, & no one cared/noticed, & the same can be said about the Pepsi Bottling on Lewis Street in Pasco.

Onto Kennewick to Rite Aid at 395 & Kennewick Ave. & seems as if everyone is in condition white, not caring or noticing. Same thing can be said about Buddy's Home Furnishings (though they know there that I carry). Went to Numerica Credit Union on Kennewick Ave. & even with the "No Weapons/Hats/Suglasses/Hoodies" sign that is almost invisible on the door, no one said anything. Stopp ed by 7-Eleven on Clearwater to get a couple of drinks with no responses. Stopped by the Sprint Store on Columbia Center Blvd. to pay phone bill & nothing was said. Decided to see about scheduling a tour of Benton County Justice Center, & at the security checkpoint, I was asked to show ID & CPL, in order to get a lockbox, I queried as to why I must show a CPL when OCing, & the supervisor stated they ask to verify that the person is valid to have sidearm. I did do a gentle reminder about Washington State allowing OC without need of CPL.

In the evening, went to Dickey's Barbecue Pit on 395 & Kennewick Ave. & everyone was too busy enjoying their delicious food to notice. Then headed over to Kennewick Ranch & Home to see about some work gear for dad, & while there no one noticed/cared. Ran over to the MoneyTree on Court & 20th in Pasco with no response from anyone.

Since it was National Doughnut Day, ran up to Krispy Kreme in Richland to get our free doughnuts, as well as bring home a few dozen. The place was packed, almost to the brim, & no one noticed/cared. Across the parking lot, at Walmart, did a bit of shopping & again everyone seemed to be in condition white. Same can be said for WinCo Foods in Richland.
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Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
-snip-. Went to Numerica Credit Union on Kennewick Ave. & even with the "No Weapons/Hats/Sunglasses/Hoodies" sign that is almost invisible on the door, no one said anything. -snip-
My bank Wells Fargo has a BIG sign like this, but does not have the weapon exception. When I go in without my gun they give me crazy looks :).


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
My bank Wells Fargo has a BIG sign like this, but does not have the weapon exception. When I go in without my gun they give me crazy looks :).
It was my understanding that Wells Fargo had changed their corporate stance and removed all such signs. Please follow through to have that sign removed.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
My bank Wells Fargo has a BIG sign like this, but does not have the weapon exception. When I go in without my gun they give me crazy looks :).

When my parents were still paying off their furniture loan, it was through the Wells Fargo in Kennewick. There I never noticed any gun buster signs. I do know there were a few times where Garda Armored Car was stopped there making pickup/delivery & the officer, when he noticed me, would give me either a nod or thumbs up, in appreciation.

The sign at Numerica Credit Union basically is also invisible as the background is clear, & is approximately 3 inches high by 4 inches across.


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
It was my understanding that Wells Fargo had changed their corporate stance and removed all such signs. Please follow through to have that sign removed.

You misunderstood. I said they a policy prohibiting everything BUT GUNS. I have no problem carrying in WF, and Chase.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
You misunderstood. I said they a policy prohibiting everything BUT GUNS. I have no problem carrying in WF, and Chase.

I was not misunderstanding, the Wells Fargo branch in Kennewick we did all the furniture loan transactions at, there was no signage present whatsoever. Not even about hats/hoodies/sunglasses (that I noticed). Only negative responses I seemed to ever get at Wells Fargo was from other customers (most stared intensely, while a few kept themselves further back while in line).

Chase is the bank I have my checking account through & at the branch I frequent, one of the personnel is a 2nd Amendment supporter himself, & they are used to seeing me carry. The Pasco MoneyTree is basically the same way, the personnel have seen me carry before, plus the Branch Manager, my wife & I are friends with.

The signage at Numerica, I did ask an associate about, & the response was that as long as the person is not acting suspicious & they keep their face clearly visible, they have no problems with people wearing hats inside the branch. I am thinking that the same principal applies with the carrying of sidearms/weapons (not acting suspicious, not handling...).

The majority of times, when I do OC now, the primary response I get is staring &/or maintaining a bit of a distance (however I have not visited the local DSHS office in Kennewick in awhile, thankfully).


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Othello & Connell OC Adventures

I decided that I wanted to go check the Othello Walmart for some items that I have not seen, but know they are supposed to be available. While there I walked throughout the whole store, & even though it was very busy, no one reacted/responded to my OCing. Went across the parking lot to Taco Bell, to get dinner & no response from anyone.

On the way home, decided to stop for gas at the Circle K in Connell, & the associate on duty asked me some questions concerning firearms & Washington State. We struck up a little conversation concerning some of the differences between California & Washington State.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
A quick trip to Pasco today

In order to help stop our place from getting a foreclosure placed on it, had to do a quick trip into Pasco. First stop was Yoke's Fresh Market on Road 68, for the wife to place an advanced order for all her prescriptions, as well as to get some money out from the Global Credit Union branch located inside. No noticeable responses from anyone while there. Next stop was to Chase on Road 68, to put some money into my checking account, as well as for mom to withdraw a large sum out of her checking account. The associate that assisted us, is the one who's a 2nd Amendment supporter, so he knows that I carry. No one there cared/noticed.

Stopped by Walmart to pick up a few items, & no one cared/noticed.

On the way out of Pasco, made a brief stop at Maverik on Road 68 & Sandifur Parkway to get a light snack, with the same response as Walmart & everywhere else.

Stopped in Connell at Subway to get lunch for home, & while at the counter getting my sandwich made, the Connell Police Chief, Chris Turner, came in to get lunch. I said hi to him & asked him how his day was going. No one else seemed to care/notice, however did get a few quizzical looks when asking the Chief Turner how his day was going.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Food shopping down in Hermiston, Richland, & Pasco

We did our monthly food shopping today, & the 1st stop was the Pasco Farmers' Market. No one cared/noticed while there. Next stop after that was the Hermiston Walmart Supercenter, & everyone was in their own little world to care/notice. When waiting to check out, we were directly behind 2 women with a baby in the baby seat in the cart, & one would think they'd respond, but no reaction. After Walmart, went to Safeway & Dollar Tree in Hermiston, & even with been very busy, no one cared/noticed. Same thing could be said for when we stopped at Fiesta Foods in Hermiston.

After doing the food shopping in Hermiston, we made our way back to Tri-Cities, & stopped at the Chase branch at Vista Way in Kennewick, & no noticeable reactions. Went across the Columbia River, to pick up a special order from Yoke's Fresh Market in Pasco, & while checking out, the courtesy clerk who was bagging our groceries, asked me what I was carrying, however no other reactions. After Yoke's, we went across the street to McDonald's to have a snack, & did not notice any reactions from anyone. Same could be said while at the Dollar Tree & WinCo Foods at Columbia Point in Richland.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Range time & taking care of dogs

Went to the Connell City Shop to take care of the sick animals currently in the kennel for Red Waggin' Rescue, while there the Coyote Ridge Correctional Center workcrew showed up to do their normal feed/water/clean. The CO kept the gentlemen away until mom & I were done administering medicines to our two sick dogs. We made a stop at Circle K in Connell to use the restroom, & had a bit of a line for both men's & women's. There was a family there visiting from Virginia, & only noticeable response was just a quick glance from both the mother & father, as well as the kids.

After we were done there, we went into Pasco to the Franklin County Courthouse to sign up to do a float-along (ride along in the boat) with Franklin County Sheriff's Department June 23 & 24. They were in the process of training a new security guard & asked both mom & I for our ID & CPL, in order to get a lockbox. I did a gentle reminder that Washington State does allow OCing without the need for CPL & that there may be times a person may not have a CPL. After going over to the Sheriff's Department & signing the required paperwork, mom & I reacquired our sidearms & proceeded to Grigg's Department Store to do a bit of shopping. While in Grigg's, I went back to the Gun Counter, & purchased 1 100 round box of 40 S&W, & 1 100 round box of .38 Special. I did notice a few looks from other customers but nothing more than that.

From Grigg's, we went over to Hole in the Wall to get in some range time, of course, being a gun store/range, no adverse reactions. After getting done with range time, we went to Walmart off of Road 68 in Pasco. While at Walmart, I just noticed a few looks, but nothing more. After Walmart, we made a stop at the Maverik on Road 68 & Sandifur Parkway to gas up, get a few snacks, & use the restroom. While I was looking for snacks, mom noticed a 2 1/2-3 year old young man with his father, point at me & shout "GUN!!!". The clerk near him, just smiled & said "Yes it is". As they were exiting, he noticed my mom's sidearm on her left hip & pointed it out to his father. The clerk just smiled & I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

After Maverik, we made a stop at JC's Mesa Grocery to take advantage of the $0.99 Gallon of Milk special, & the clerk there knows we carry.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Quick trip up to Medical Lake to do some banking

My father & I took a quick trip up to Medical Lake today, to do a banking transaction which involved a larger sum of cash.

The first stop we made was the Eastbound Sprague Lake Rest Area & noticed a few looks but nothing more. Next stop we made was at Washington State Employee Credit Union in Medical Lake. Got to the branch as they were opening, & conducted the transaction. On the way out of the branch, the manager was at the door, introduced himself, & stated "nice handgun you have there", & pointed down to where the gunbuster sign was posted (at eye level for a 2-3 year old & clear with black & red symbols). He stated that as a Federally-insured financial institution that he prefer that next time I come in I concealed carry.

No other reactions that I noticed.