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Idaho stand your ground bill 1313

Pat Gardner

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2011
Plummer Id
Ok everyone i see that Governor Otter let bill 1313 become law as of July 1 2018 without signing it. Just curious as what everyone thought about this bill.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Ok everyone i see that Governor Otter let bill 1313 become law as of July 1 2018 without signing it. Just curious as what everyone thought about this bill.

You'd probably get more responses if you included a link to the bill so that a responder could actually read it before saying whether or not he liked it.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Forum Rules
If you state a rule of law, it is incumbent upon you to try to cite, as best you can, to authority. Citing to authority, using links when available,is what makes OCDO so successful. An authority is a published source of law that can back your claim up - statute, ordinance, court case, newspaper article covering a legal issue, etc

Link to bill/law:

OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
Click on image to enlarge. The NRA sabotaged real stand your ground in Idaho. Even the Mad Mommies were okay with 1313. That's how worthless it is.

Join the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance today. Don't let Idaho become the next Oregon or Washington.

stand your ground bills.jpg
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Click on image to enlarge. The NRA sabotaged real stand your ground in Idaho. Even the Mad Mommies were okay with 1313. That's how worthless it is.

Join the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance today. Don't let Idaho become the next Oregon or Washington.

jpg snip..

now OC Freedom, et al., what specifically do you believe ID 1313, which you are complaining about, violates, especially after the legislation has been successfully passed through the ID legislature and is in fact a law of the land shortly?

What specifically do you believe the NRA didn't do?

Finally, why on this green earth would you recommend anybody, in or out of ID, to contribute to the Second Amendment Alliance AFTER the ID bill has passed which provides some indication of their capabilities or lack their in?

Please advise this forum's membership what it is you wish done ~ after the fact for goodness sake. One would presume the time for activism would have been beneficial before this legislation passed both of ID's legislative bodies?
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OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
now OC Freedom, et al., what specifically do you believe ID 1313, which you are complaining about, violates, especially after the legislation has been successfully passed through the ID legislature and is in fact a law of the land shortly?

What specifically do you believe the NRA didn't do?

Finally, why on this green earth would you recommend anybody, in or out of ID, to contribute to the Second Amendment Alliance AFTER the ID bill has passed which provides some indication of their capabilities or lack their in?

Please advise this forum's membership what it is you wish done ~ after the fact for goodness sake. One would presume the time for activism would have been beneficial before this legislation passed both of ID's legislative bodies?

1st This is an Idahoan specific forum with a question asked by a citizen of Idaho. Why are you here trying to sow more imaginary dissension? Oh wait, that's right, just standard operating procedure.

2nd HB 444 was drafted by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance with the attorney Alex Kincaid whom specializes in Second Amendment Law. This was Printed and committee approved several weeks before the NRA even thought about bringing forth a stand your ground bill.

3rd The NRA did everything they could do behind the scenes to crush HB 444, "the real stand your ground bill." The bill that passed was already case law and is now going to be legislative law. Nothing really changed.

4th I was talking to Idahoans to join the ISAA since this is a Idaho specific forum and if it were not for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance we would not have Constitutional Carry in this state today. So before you mouth off about subjects you are ignorant about, please don't for I and others would appreciate it.

5th I don't remember seeing you at the statehouse, or talking with our Idaho representatives, so until that time, don't lecture me about activism!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
1st This is an Idahoan specific forum with a question asked by a citizen of Idaho. Why are you here trying to sow more imaginary dissension? Oh wait, that's right, just standard operating procedure.

2nd HB 444 was drafted by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance with the attorney Alex Kincaid whom specializes in Second Amendment Law. This was Printed and committee approved several weeks before the NRA even thought about bringing forth a stand your ground bill.

3rd The NRA did everything they could do behind the scenes to crush HB 444, "the real stand your ground bill." The bill that passed was already case law and is now going to be legislative law. Nothing really changed.

4th I was talking to Idahoans to join the ISAA since this is a Idaho specific forum and if it were not for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance we would not have Constitutional Carry in this state today. So before you mouth off about subjects you are ignorant about, please don't for I and others would appreciate it.

5th I don't remember seeing you at the statehouse, or talking with our Idaho representatives, so until that time, don't lecture me about activism!

1st - imaginary what? Shall we recap a moment OC,
a. your august ID brothern posted an ambiguous statement re ID 1313 legislation apparently passed by the ID legislative bodies which the governor is allowing, without action to become law of the land in ID
b. ID brothern failed to post any cite, others chimed in, including the august member from KY as well as the moderator mentioning a lack of a cite tho the mod provided one after his chastisement?
c. Three days after the OP posted you pop in with an equally ambiguous pronouncement about the NRA sabotaged the efforts as well as a blatant and unabashed blurp for donations for ID grassroots whatever?

2nd - now to add to the chaotic post(s) you pop off with an out of the blue rambling tirade about a ID HB 444 with absolutely no context to the thread’s subject matter on 1313? The continued your disjointed tirade by rambling into the ID AG and the NRA with no context to 1313 or 444?

3rd - now you state nothing changed?

4th -
a. I do believe you misstated, this is the ID SUB forum of the OCDO forum!
b. Further, you truly believe this grassroots organization is responsible for ID’s ‘Constitutional’ ID SB 1389 where they explicitly state on their website “....it isn’t the bill we had hoped for which we have cleanup work to do?” https://www.idahosaa.org/about/
c. Others? You are now the ID contingency spokesperson but what about isaa, thought they were?

5th - Well OC, the time to mention assistance is not after the fan (legislation) has splatter the p00h everywhere now is?

Ya know I might’ve come down from Priest River or made a call or two on isaa’s behalf!

however OC, it is far easier for and your ego to believe we can do it ourselves and oh crap lookie our grassroots entity failed completely oh let’s blame the failure on the NRA or the antis or the ???

yes OC rant all ya want, someday ya’ll will figure out it takes the whole country to make a point in the state’s legislative bodies...watch the news at the young adult HS making changes in states as you whine.

OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
1st - imaginary what? Shall we recap a moment OC,
a. your august ID brothern posted an ambiguous statement re ID 1313 legislation apparently passed by the ID legislative bodies which the governor is allowing, without action to become law of the land in ID
b. ID brothern failed to post any cite, others chimed in, including the august member from KY as well as the moderator mentioning a lack of a cite tho the mod provided one after his chastisement?
c. Three days after the OP posted you pop in with an equally ambiguous pronouncement about the NRA sabotaged the efforts as well as a blatant and unabashed blurp for donations for ID grassroots whatever?

2nd - now to add to the chaotic post(s) you pop off with an out of the blue rambling tirade about a ID HB 444 with absolutely no context to the thread’s subject matter on 1313? The continued your disjointed tirade by rambling into the ID AG and the NRA with no context to 1313 or 444?

3rd - now you state nothing changed?

4th -
a. I do believe you misstated, this is the ID SUB forum of the OCDO forum!
b. Further, you truly believe this grassroots organization is responsible for ID’s ‘Constitutional’ ID SB 1389 where they explicitly state on their website “....it isn’t the bill we had hoped for which we have cleanup work to do?” https://www.idahosaa.org/about/
c. Others? You are now the ID contingency spokesperson but what about isaa, thought they were?

5th - Well OC, the time to mention assistance is not after the fan (legislation) has splatter the p00h everywhere now is?

Ya know I might’ve come down from Priest River or made a call or two on isaa’s behalf!

however OC, it is far easier for and your ego to believe we can do it ourselves and oh crap lookie our grassroots entity failed completely oh let’s blame the failure on the NRA or the antis or the ???

yes OC rant all ya want, someday ya’ll will figure out it takes the whole country to make a point in the state’s legislative bodies...watch the news at the young adult HS making changes in states as you whine.

All you do on this site is try to cause problems and while trying do it within the sites rules. Not wasting anymore keystrokes on you.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
All you do on this site is try to cause problems and while trying do it within the sites rules. Not wasting anymore keystrokes on you.

sorry OC, but I didn’t initally post the obtuse and disjointed or out of context rant 3 days after the inital ambiguously posted commentary on legislation already passed nor did i post the five level commentary rebuttal on a myriad of disjointed and seriously confusing subject matters ~ you did!

All I did was ask a simple question, or two, of WTF are you trying to say with your out of the blue NRA poster and your completely from left field blatant request for funding for isaa!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I have found that most don't like questions, let alone qualified questions. And, people with an agenda particularly believe a question is an attack on their credibility. Though sometimes true, jumping to that conclusion and attacking for someone asking a question destroys any credibility you had. Just say'n.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Supplied for context of my remarks.



I read the three page pdf document and do not see a grave danger to our self defense right. Perhaps I have missed a key word or phrase. There are some terms from a by gone era used in the bill text, nonetheless, it seems reasonable to me. Is the new law a step backward from a previous law, or, as was pointed out above, a codification of case law which could/would/should mitigate any ambiguity initiated by LE. Open to being educated.