Welcome! If you've come here, I probably offended you by taking you to task for posting some foolishness.
Carrying a weapon is a sacred duty, not to be taken lightly. You have given yourself the power of life and death, and where that is concerned, my patience for tom foolery is scant.
Whether you carry strictly for your own protection, of understand the concept of Noblesse Oblige, it is the most serious action you can take, outstripping all other activities. Be careful, be smart. Know the law AND the moral implications before you strap one on.
Carrying a weapon is a sacred duty, not to be taken lightly. You have given yourself the power of life and death, and where that is concerned, my patience for tom foolery is scant.
Whether you carry strictly for your own protection, of understand the concept of Noblesse Oblige, it is the most serious action you can take, outstripping all other activities. Be careful, be smart. Know the law AND the moral implications before you strap one on.