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Search results

  1. SovereigntyOrDeath

    OC Hayden Starbucks

    I OC'd at the Hayden Starbucks yesterday with no issues with my wife and kids in tow. There was an ISP trooper in there on his lap top. I decided to thank him for his service and he appreciated it. I think LEO's need to hear thank you these days with all the hatred being directed at them lately.
  2. SovereigntyOrDeath

    2nd Amendment Preservation Idaho

    In March, 2014, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter signed a bill which would effectively nullify future federal gun laws by prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, a firearm accessories or ammunition. S1332 passed the house by a vote of 68-0 and the senate by...
  3. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Russia To Help Iran Attack Saudi Arabia If U.S. Arms Ukraine

    http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-official-we-could-help-iran-attack-saudi-arabia-if-us-arms-ukraine-2015-2 The sabres are being rattled.
  4. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Constitutional Carry for Idaho

    Greg Pruett, from Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, presented the bill. Constitutional Carry is House Bill 89. IFF Analysis of HB 89. HB 89 Text. February 6, 2015 We are pleased to announce that Constitutional Carry has its own number. It will now be referred to as House Bill 89. The Idaho...
  5. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Oath Breakers List Announced

    What a great resource! Every state should have something similar. Please let ISAA know of any oath breakers in your area: The ISAA is announcing a new list that will help Idaho citizens identify elected officials who have broken their oath to defend the 2nd Amendment (part of the U.S...
  6. SovereigntyOrDeath

    H.R.402 - To amend title 18

    H.R.402 - To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a national standard in accordance with which nonresidents of a State may carry concealed firearms in the State. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/402
  7. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Saw Fury today

    I had to see Fury on the big screen before its gone! Not as intense as Saving Private Ryan. The Omaha Beach landing in that movie was gut wrenching. Looking forward to seeing Unbroken soon. I am glad to see more movies being made about "The Greatest Generation" lest we forget history and...
  8. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Take some action. Join us for some fellowship tomorrow 12/20/14 @ 2pm

    Moved here since this is an event? Anyway, hope to meet a lot of like minded folks tomorrow! "Scott Maclay, president of the Rattlesnakes Motorcycle Club, responded to the video by organizing a protest which is set to take place this Saturday outside the Spokane Valley Police Department on...
  9. SovereigntyOrDeath

    The Supreme Court and Judicial Review by Warren Michelsen

    It's a long and very interesting read. What Constitutional Right will be diminished next? Judicial Review The Supreme Court of the United States spends much, if not most, of its time on a task which is not delegated to the Supreme Court by the Constitution. That task is: Hearing cases wherein...
  10. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Sony caves to threats of theater massacres

    This is a great example of why folks should be armed to protect themselves. Would these cowards dare attack a well armed populous? I think not!
  11. SovereigntyOrDeath

    WA state sheriff deputy "We have a lot of Constitutionalists" to justify MRAP use.

    WA state sheriff deputy "We have a lot of Constitutionalists" to justify MRAP use. How much longer are we going to sit in our comfy, warm pot of warm water? Don't wait until it boils or it will be too late. This sheriff deputy should be fired for violating his oath to Defend The Constitution...
  12. SovereigntyOrDeath

    CDA Costco OC

    While shopping at the CDA Costco, I was asked to conceal my sidearm. The guy was polite and said he personally does not mind, but that some members got nervous. He also said since I was on private property, it would not be an issue with the LEO's. I told him no problem and tucked as much as...
  13. SovereigntyOrDeath

    Idaho Second Ammendment Alliance

    The Preemption project is landing in CDA tomorrow evening! ISAA is leading the legal fight to force municipality to follow state law that "preempts" any municipalities anti-gun ordinance. Here is the info taken from their web site. Support the cause! "Preemption Project The Idaho Second...