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The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Anyone who carries a 1911 may want to look into these.Winchester has developed a 230 Grain JHP just for the 1911s. I have ran over 150 rounds without issue using the following. Colt 1911 Government Model series 80 with Wilson combat 7 round mags. Do your own testing, but these have been the most...
They should ask their own HRT guys why they carry 45 ACP, I say they have come full circle now. The FBI abandoned the 9mm specifically because it failed so miserably in...
Shot show 2014. WOW
The Strike One looks to be a serious game changer in the pistol world.
My wife and I with a couple of her friends went out shooting a few days ago. On the way to the range we stopped by the local gun store to get a few more boxes of ammo. While looking around I noticed a woman who had said she just got her CCW. She was looking for her first carry pistol, the...
I went to my big box local gun store this Blackfriday and I had seen a binary explosives on sale which is weird because it is illegal for us to even have possession of said mixture. I talked to the salesmen and they said that for them to sell it you sign a piece of paper and promise to not set...
No government official should be exempt from the very laws they press down on the rest of America. Like Rand Paul or not, you either believe your politicians are above the law and are better then you, or they...
I ran into this today and could not remember if it was ever posted. enjoy.
I can see the empty suit in the WH screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Update on my wifes search for her first 1911. Her plan was to spend only 800 on one, but when she got to hold a Colt 1911 Commander Lightweight in stainless, she was hooked. She picked it on on Friday and we went to the range today. We shot roughly 250 rounds through it. The target below is mine...
TULSA, Oklahoma -
A burglary suspect got quite the surprise Wednesday morning. Police say Robert Cole tried to break into a home, but ended up hogtied in the front yard.
The picture is making...
"Am I being detained and Am I free to Go." Say nothing else, cops are there with the goal of charging you with a crime and they have no probable cause in searching you or your vehicle at these check...
Louisiana Democratic Senator Peterson goes on a rant about why people hate obamacare.
"It's about race. I know nobody wants to talk about that. It's about the race of this African-American president."
California will NOW enforce 'micro-stamping' gun law.
The NRA should drop him as a member.
Sounds like someone at DHS is just tired of finding empty shelves at Walmart.