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Search results

  1. Sonora Rebel

    TPD Suicide by cop scenario.

    She had the pistol in a holster on her hip... drew it on the cops and refused commands to drop it. http://azstarnet.com/news/blogs/police-beat/woman-killed-by-tucson-cops-man-wounded/article_dc4e8ace-d08a-11e2-806d-0019bb2963f4.html
  2. Sonora Rebel

    Gunshow Tucson

    Oct. 27-28, AZ, 2012, Tucson. Gun Show. Fairgrounds, Pima Cty., I-10 Houghton Rd., Exit 275. SH: Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm. T: 350. Crossroads of the West Gun Shows, PO Box 290, Kaysville, UT, 84037. PH: 801- 544-9125 or www.crossroadsgunshows.com
  3. Sonora Rebel

    Just when you think they're all gone...

    Leaving the 'Dollar' store on Sanderio Rd yesterday. Woman: "Is that a real gun?" (1911 .45acp) Me: "Of course." She stands there... staring... open mouthed. Where do people carry non-real handguns in Arizona? Why do they ask?
  4. Sonora Rebel

    Helldorado ~ Tombstone, Arizona

    Just an observation: Bunches of guns... hundreds... loaded... openly carried without permits by both sexes who've been drinking to some extent or other. Cowboys, bikers, tourists... NOBODY IS SHOT! Nobody ever is. Nobody runs screaming into the streets at the sight of a 'gun'. Children...
  5. Sonora Rebel

    Watch the 'bystanders'

    http://video.gainesville.com/video/1737652323001 The woman in the blue shirt is more concerned about the noise than what's going on... She's oblivious and in the way. Note the other woman who appears from the right in the path of the defending shooter. This could have gone bad. Notice the...
  6. Sonora Rebel


    Guns are heavy... ammo pouches are heavy... and with any activity they'll drag your britches down. Well... at least for me. I happned onto 'Perry' suspenders, which hook on your belt, not your pants. No metal. No need to tighten your belt 'till you can't breath either. Get 'em on line. Oh...
  7. Sonora Rebel

    Noob reactions to OC in Marana...

    I don't live in Marana but way out to the west of the Tuscon Mountains. But... that's where I get my groceries 'n stuff. Noobs are easy to spot... they're pasty looking, generally hatless 'n wear shorts their wives picked out. I pull into FRY's on Silverbell and Cortaro in the hot rod. That...
  8. Sonora Rebel


    'Been seein' more of 'em than ever for some reason... rattlers. Killed a Mohave last Wedensday in my carport 'n tonite I was takin out the trash 'n spied this 'coon tail' goin' under one of the cans. Western Diamondback. Suffice to say... it's dark 'n nobody's home but me. 'Not gonna risk it...
  9. Sonora Rebel

    Campus Carry passes out of Senate - March 14th‏

    The vote was 21 to 7 with 2 Senators not voting: http://www.azleg.gov/FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/1r/bills/sb1467.sthird.1.asp . From here it will be sent to the House. Whoohoo!
  10. Sonora Rebel

    Bloomberg's at it again

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/31/bloomberg-gun-show-investigation_n_816296.html The seller screwed up when the (planted) buyer told him he prob'ly couldn't pass a background check. I won't sell a firearm to anyone that I haven't personally known for a long time... that's just me. I've...
  11. Sonora Rebel

    Did anyone notice....???

    Of all the 1st responder's who where hailed as hero's by Obama during last nights memorial event... Joe Zamudio (the only one who was armed) was not. Joe was right there in the front row... blue shirt w/VIP badge on his pocket. Political correctness again? Obama would have had to recognize an...
  12. Sonora Rebel

    Pima County Sheriff Dupnik could have prevented this...

    http://thechollajumps.wordpress.com/ Wow! Just... wow!
  13. Sonora Rebel

    Frank Frazetta... dead.

    Frank died on 10 May of last year... and I never heard a peep on the news. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4DKUS_enUS307&q=frank+frizzeta His art was an inspiration to many. What a loss. He was 82.
  14. Sonora Rebel

    Happy New Year 'Zonies!

    'Hope this coming year brings even more personal freedom and sanity in regard to bearing arms.
  15. Sonora Rebel

    Merry Christmas Arizona!

    'Hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas!
  16. Sonora Rebel

    Guy from screwed in D.C.

    (make that) Guy from Marana screwed in D.C. http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=118494&catid=158 Typically myopic statements from the east. Poor Patocks' prob'ly ignorant of the bed wetter mentality that exists there. They spelled it wrong. It's 'Marana' connected to Tucson at...
  17. Sonora Rebel

    Open Carry in Washington question

    A friend (last night) informed me that if I were to carry my sidearm in Seattle (or anywhere else in WA) in the same open manner as I carry here in AZ... I'd get arrested. OK... so what's the current deal in WA? The language of the WA Constitution SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS is identical to...
  18. Sonora Rebel

    Serpa Level II problem

    Simply put... one of the screws fell out. The other 3 were loose. The holster is at a 45 deg angle (cross draw) 'n the upper screw disappeared. When I noticed it... (while putting on the gunbelt) I found that the mag release on my 1911 had been hit as well... and the mag was disengaged...
  19. Sonora Rebel

    'Mexican' carry...

    imported post My wife was shopping in Fryes (Silverbell & Cortaro ~ Marana) 'n spied this guy with his wife and kids. The guy was carrying a pistol (unknown as to what) stuck in his waistband in the middle of his back (no holster) with a t-shirt over it. The t-shirt had ridden up 'n behind the...
  20. Sonora Rebel

    'Guy just got whacked...

    imported post Nobody else was heeled in that joint? By Van Nguyen - email mailto:vnguyen@kold.com Updated by Julie Steigerwald - email mailto:jsteigerwald@kold.com TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - Tucson police are investigating at a homicide at a restaurant near Tucson Mall. It happened...