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The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
It is with deep sadness that I bring the OCDO community news of Mike Borders passing. Also known on the MGO forums as mikeb32, he was current President and Membership Chairman of Michigan Gun Owners, and was a member of Michigan Open Carry.
From MGO:
From MOC:
His family has set up a...
After reading some more on the case from articles in the Madison Courier (they even have links to all the past related articles at the bottom, very cool) and then reading Fallschirmjager's great post I think Big Shot might be in for a bigger fight than they think, NRA not withstanding.
I'm not...
In response to the so-called "intimidation" of snowflake lefties and antifa quasi-terrorists by demonstrators openly carrying firearms, the mental defectives at the Southern Poverty Law...
Pray that it never happens to you.
Some idiots have way too much money. This one decides to destroy some watermelons by shooting a 20mm round through the open windows of his Lamborghini Huracan. As much as he spazzes out about reporting it to the insurance if something goes wrong, it's too bad he didn't hit the car...
This is a great Stossel vid about how gun owners are treated in NYC.
5:00 mark is the best. Stossel to the NYC Prosecutor: "You're a sadistic bully locking these people up. These aren't threats."
Well, so much for safer "smart guns." Not only was he able to operate it without the "authorizing" watch by using magnets, but he also was able to build a jamming device that rendered the gun useless even when the watch was worn.
A federal judge in Sacramento has issued an injunction blocking the new law from taking effect and turning thousands of law abiding gun owners into criminals literally overnight.
Seems more and more that cops are being accidentally overdosed in the courses of their investigations. If they're being this sloppy with...
Seattle PD officers are no longer allowed to use the word "suspect" when writing up their reports. Instead, they are required to substitute the phrase "community member" in its...
Well, nice to the see the NY legislature at it again. This time, they want to ban the sale or transfer of any firearm that doesn't have the "childproofing" measure of a minimum 10 lb trigger pull. The only thing this will do is drive up...
The reporting is atrocious, but it gets the point across even though it's light on facts. Attempted drive-by results in two...
Considering how far reaching the definition of a gun free school zone is, I can't see how it would be legal for anyone in Louisiana to carry a gun anywhere.
Can't even have lunch at a cafe without the BS of gangs running amok. How's that gun control working out?
I know some of you don't yet know what to think of HeatStreet, so I'll include links to the...
The story: http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Delta-Implements-New-Rule-For-Guns-in-Checked-Bags-417732003.html
TSA Rules: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition
Seems like the new policy is actually a violation of the law, though.
Cornell Easy Read Version of ATF...
... when you can just rip off the train transporting what you want.
Now, I'm guessing that they don't actually KNOW which trains have firearm shipments, so I'm going to say there is a lot...
I'm sorry, but I seemed to have missed the memo where this became a priority for anyone that carries. Also, I find Ana Lopez's comment at the 1:50 mark of the trailer to be hilarious in the face...