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Search results

  1. michaelm_ski

    American Pride

    During World War 1 the pride in the country was AWESOME , We need that pride more than ever today ! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/309962_3588670989387_1051687494_3332847_637515549_n.jpg :(
  2. michaelm_ski


    Could this be so ? You decide http://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/vietnam-war/how-ted-nugent-avoided-the-draft/1581347852001/ , I am Shocked at the names mentioned here .:eek:
  3. michaelm_ski

    Mt.Pleasant Police and Open Carrying

    I just read an article in the Morning Sun our local paper , in it is an article about open carrying and the police view on this topic the state police are more clear and OK with this BUT here is a comment from the Mt.Pleasant Police public information officers remark and I quote "If somebody is...