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Search results

  1. C

    Saugus HS, Santa Clarita shooting

    Ghost, I'm beginning to see the pattern.
  2. C


    The only Non-safety handgun I have is a double action revolver. I made a leather shoelace loop to go over the hammer. Even so, it is heavy enough that when "strapping" it on it has a tendency to flop around. I remove it when sliding the holster. Always (that I remember) with no other persons...
  3. C

    My future predictions for the US 2020

    I, personally, think 2020 will afford us with 4 more years of stalemate. No gains or losses in the 2a area or even other. After that we are headed toward more of our rights being eroded to the point that by the end of those 4 years we are not the same nation we are now. Unfortunately the...
  4. C

    Supreme Court offers gun-possession loophole for illegal immigrants

    So, all those people that unknowingly carried concealed into states not allowed should be exonerated?
  5. C

    WASHPOST gun rights hit-piece shows failure to understand how the world works

    I believe Dick's Sporting Goods stores are hearing our voices now!
  6. C

    Holster Maker?

    I'm wanting a leather holster made for my Canik. Wanting an OWB with retention strap and some nice leather work. Does anyone know of a local leathermaster?
  7. C

    Have a Carry Merry Christmas!!!

    To all of you and yours!
  8. C

    Church Usher

    I heard the Usher was not allowed to carry in the Church by law. Is that correct? Injuries and maybe life may have been saved.
  9. C

    Idaho City

    So about 3 weekends ago I was in Idaho City with the family getting ice cream and visiting the various stores. We happened to go as far as the Miners Exchange building at the North end. As it houses various county offices it was closed. I noticed a sign at the entryway: "All persons...
  10. C


    America's Second Amendment City! Just saw this. Thought it was pretty cool! https://www.abqjournal.com/925625/mayor-declares-tombstone-second-amendment-city.html
  11. C


    I was perusing the magazine section of the store this afternoon and came upon a Massad Ayoob article on open carry. He listed 5 OC accounts of guns being stolen or other things. Most were pretty bad examples. Neighbors strapping on and confronting other neighbors and such. Also the open...
  12. C

    Umpqua College

    Just heard Umpqua College in Roseburg shooting. Anyone else confirm this?
  13. C

    Safeway/Albertsons No Carry?

    I have always thought Safeway and Albertsons were members of the "Follow State Law" business. A "Moms" group in Grand Junction Colorado is gloating about victory stating Safeway/Albertsons policy of no firearms. Anyone else have any insight on this...
  14. C

    Isu nd?

    Breifly saw on the news this morning about an ISU Prof with a ND in the classroom. Couldn't find any info on it. anyone have any insight into this?
  15. C

    Boise Shooters website.

    Temporary down server.
  16. C

    ford" Idaho Center Nampa"

    I'm hearing rumors of serious frisking, opening coats and lifting of shirts by Nampa police before being allowed entry to events in this public facility. Can anyone substantiate this?
  17. C

    School shooting?

    Being reported on Yahoo. Any insight into this? http://news.yahoo.com/reports-shooting-at-high-school-near-denver-201843048.html
  18. C

    Blackhawk Holsters now foreign made.

    Company moving manufacturing to Puerto Rico. http://www.jrn.com/kivitv/news/Sporting-company-lets-go-64-Meridian-employees-230366591.html Dissapointing, and I let them know. Email: cs@blackhawk.com
  19. C

    Shooting at LAX?

    Must be a false rumor. I just heard there was a shooting in LAX?
  20. C

    TM Phone texts

    This is a link to the supplemental phone records of Trayvon Martin that the jury did not get to see. Interesting insight into the mind of a "gangsta" wannabe. http://www.gzlegalcase.com/index.php/court-documents?start=18