We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :)
Please help by posting all issues here.
The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
The Casper city council is in the process of passing an ordinance to ban open carry of firearms in the council meetings. As I understand it, the council has voted in favor of the ban. It needs to pass three readings before it can become an ordinance. All gunowners in the Casper area need to...
I just wanted to say howdy to all our brothers and sisters in New Hampshire! It is good to have a sister state even so far away. Good to see you folks cherish freedom and liberty as much we do here in the Cowboy State. Interesting/exciting times are ahead. Long Live Liberty. Liberty or...
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Today Wyoming can stand proud. We have the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act signed into law! The first step back to liberty and state soverengity! This law differs from others,in that it has teeth.
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I believe we need to recognize the fallout of an anti-gun (extreme) Pres. I do believe it will have a definite impact on all the states, even here. If I understand it right, Nobama wants to increase the number of LE federally and possibly in the states. I think the response to LE...