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Sitting down to watch Star Wars but when picking up my tickets I noticed that starplex in Lake Jackson posted a 30.07 sign. They are not 30.06 so that's good at least I can still carry concealed
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Basically cops went to this guys house at 1:30 am and banged on the door (without announcing themselves) the guy opens the door with a gun in his hand and the cops shot him before going oops...
Their words not mine. Basically it's a double barrel .45 I would post some of the article but I'm on my phone
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They say he might be facing charges because it is unsure if the burglar had a weapon
That last sentence is the worst in the entire article:
http://news.sympatico.ca/oped/coffee-talk/burglar_killed_during_attempted_break-in_homeowners_may_face_charges/e00262cd (original article)...
Being reported by MSNBC Killed by a drone and Americans have the body President is making a statement shortly.
msnbc.com news services
updated 2 hours 3 minutes ago
U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head while holding a public event in Tucson, National Public Radio reported Saturday...
imported post
on the new Pawn Stars that came on today in the last 3 minutes of the show a lady comes in to sell an antique tricycle and one of the guys that works at the pawn store (at least it looked like he had the logo on his jacket) is OCing a pistol on his right leg, no one freaked out...
imported post
Being from Texas all I have are concealment holsters. The crossbreed supertuck that I have is an IWB holster. Would it be considered open carry for legal purposes if I tucked my shirt in around the firearm so that the back part of the gun was visible to the general public but the...