We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :)
Please help by posting all issues here.
The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I'm not one of those 'end of the world as you know it' prepper types if that's what you're asking! If some type of catastrophe happens that risks starving out masses of humanity around me, I'll likely die with the rest of them, LOL. I've got no place to go and live in the middle of suburbia...
My bad ... I called guns 'weapons' all my life and still slip up now and then. A weapon is an offensive tool. Gun, firearm, sidearm etc ... much more accurate and those terms do not imply any type of usage whether you're fighting a war or protecting yourself from someone who would do you harm...
Don't I wish!! Someone once explained to me though, that these large 'lobbying' organizations are all the same. If they fixed all the issues that they claim to stand for, then there would be no reason for them to exist, and then all those high-paid leadership positions in the organization...
Friends of the NRA Treasure Valley 26th Annual Fundraiser on the behalf of the NRA Foundation!
Join other champions of the Second Amendment for dinner, raffles, auctions and fun with a
chance to win exclusive NRA guns, gear, decor, and...
Yeah sorry ... I edited out the link (and yes, it's an ugly website for now - until our new one gets put up ... just a placeholder, really). It's my cut and past sig. In any case, I can't say about all M&P's. They're very popular, so I expected to see zero problems. In two cases, I watched...
I think I'll avoid the M&P's ... I've seen too many fail to loads and that sort of thing with them when watching other people shoot. Perhaps my exposure has not been great enough, but .... hmmmmmm