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We had an incident in my neighborhood last week. I group of about 6typical Tacoma gang member types jump out of their gold caddy suvand confront another group of the typical Tacoma gang youth walking down the street. The typical remarks are exchanged and before you know it there are 20+ young males right in front of my house. Of course my 9yo daughter is outside in our fenced yard and I'm in the shower..perfect, just my life. As I'm showering I hear the screaming of the....let's just call them youths, I exit the shower, wrap a towel around my 210lb, shaved head (which of course is covered in shaving cream) body, grab my 9, tell my wife to call 911, and exit the house to get my daughter. I walk up to her, take her arm and escort her to the house. I make no effort to conceal my gun. On my wifes first call to 911 there was no answer, she calls TPD, no answer, calls 911 no answer, calls pierce county sherriff, no answer, calls Tacoma PD, no answer, but she gets a call from 911. She explains the situation, which is continuing to escalate to the point that I am expecting gun fire..which my wife makes clear to 911. 15 minutes later, no police, and the crowd starts to disperse without further incident.A single TPD car shows up 30+ minutes later, I happen to be standing outside with my gun. He looks at me (I'm dressed now) and I point down the street in the direction ofone of the groups, he nods, and we never hear fromTPD again.Did I mention that this was a Sunday at about 4PM, not the busiest time offor law enforcement. And....we have two TPD officers who live in the neighborhood. What use do we have for the police again? Were moving, Tacoma, near the mall sucks!!!!!!