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A non-firearm related incident that fortified my belief in being armed


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
Bremerton, Washington, United States
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Seeing as I think pot should be legal I don't think I'd rush to that call either. :p Probably why I'm not a cop. I'm thinking you could get mugged in front of the precinct and they would take a good 20 minutes to respond.

I used to mountain bike all the time. I've noticed that no one in this city,Bremerton, wears a helmet. Must be the meth.


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2008
Spokane, Washington, USA
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Had a potential bomb left off at the facility I work at (they later would say that it was dressed up to look like a possible bomb). It had a 1 cent stamp. No return address. No name to deliver it too, just the company name. The inside was sealed with plastic to prevent smells, and had weights added into it. Was placed in a non-desrcipt plastic bag and left out front of the building.

Anyways. Contacted the police and explained the scenario. 1st arrival at 25-30 min. Sgt. arrival 30 min after that. Bomb squad, 45 min after that... Almost 2 hours to get the right people on the scene to even start dealing with the issue at hand.

And this is right in the center of Spokane...


Regular Member
Sep 27, 2007
University Place, Washington, USA
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We had an incident in my neighborhood last week. I group of about 6typical Tacoma gang member types jump out of their gold caddy suvand confront another group of the typical Tacoma gang youth walking down the street. The typical remarks are exchanged and before you know it there are 20+ young males right in front of my house. Of course my 9yo daughter is outside in our fenced yard and I'm in the shower..perfect, just my life. As I'm showering I hear the screaming of the....let's just call them youths, I exit the shower, wrap a towel around my 210lb, shaved head (which of course is covered in shaving cream) body, grab my 9, tell my wife to call 911, and exit the house to get my daughter. I walk up to her, take her arm and escort her to the house. I make no effort to conceal my gun. On my wifes first call to 911 there was no answer, she calls TPD, no answer, calls 911 no answer, calls pierce county sherriff, no answer, calls Tacoma PD, no answer, but she gets a call from 911. She explains the situation, which is continuing to escalate to the point that I am expecting gun fire..which my wife makes clear to 911. 15 minutes later, no police, and the crowd starts to disperse without further incident.A single TPD car shows up 30+ minutes later, I happen to be standing outside with my gun. He looks at me (I'm dressed now) and I point down the street in the direction ofone of the groups, he nods, and we never hear fromTPD again.Did I mention that this was a Sunday at about 4PM, not the busiest time offor law enforcement. And....we have two TPD officers who live in the neighborhood. What use do we have for the police again? Were moving, Tacoma, near the mall sucks!!!!!!


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington, USA
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medlogic wrote:
Did I mention that this was a Sunday at about 4PM, not the busiest time offor law enforcement.
On weekends there is an emphasis patrol on Ruston Way to catch speeders and stop that dangerous cruising (it’s against the law to pass the same place on Ruston twice in an hour). That means there aren’t enough officers to respond later in the evening after they get off shift. I have to question the way they manage the manpower and wonder if the big business owners down on the waterfront are pressuring the TPD to the detriment of the safety of its citizens. Additionally, even though I drive a retired police car, I constantly witness drivers running stop signs without even slowing down, parking illegally, and speeding. The TPD has lost the respect of many of the citizens.

Two years ago while most of TPD was down on Ruston for the Freedom Fest, a little girl was abducted from the alleyway behind her house. Even though they had a description of the van, they never found her until after the slime-ball killed her.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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David.Car wrote:
Had a potential bomb left off at the facility I work at (they later would say that it was dressed up to look like a possible bomb). It had a 1 cent stamp. No return address. No name to deliver it too, just the company name. The inside was sealed with plastic to prevent smells, and had weights added into it. Was placed in a non-desrcipt plastic bag and left out front of the building.

Anyways. Contacted the police and explained the scenario. 1st arrival at 25-30 min. Sgt. arrival 30 min after that. Bomb squad, 45 min after that... Almost 2 hours to get the right people on the scene to even start dealing with the issue at hand.

And this is right in the center of Spokane...

Sounds like a test or probe of police reaction time.


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2008
Spokane, Washington, USA
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Citizen wrote:
Sounds like a test or probe of police reaction time.
Before the first police officer arrived we had the parking areas that all pass in the packages general direction blockedwith no people allowed to exitthe front of the building or walk in the front parking lot (where the package was located)and before the Sgt arrived we had the building emptied except for necessary crew who were moved to the other side of the building, all parked cars gone, parking for entire facility blocked off (includeingour seperateparking lots so if a news crew arrived they couldn't use it for a shot).

The police officers actions involved parking their cars a long ways a way and sitting there, waiting for the bomb squad. All in all there were 6 squad cars with officers just hanging out and watching, but everything was handeled by me and my crew and than the bomb unit when they arrived...

Bear 45/70

Regular Member
May 22, 2007
Union, Washington, USA
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David.Car wrote:
Citizen wrote:
Sounds like a test or probe of police reaction time.
Before the first police officer arrived we had the parking areas that all pass in the packages general direction blockedwith no people allowed to exitthe front of the building or walk in the front parking lot (where the package was located)and before the Sgt arrived we had the building emptied except for necessary crew who were moved to the other side of the building, all parked cars gone, parking for entire facility blocked off (includeingour seperateparking lots so if a news crew arrived they couldn't use it for a shot).

The police officers actions involved parking their cars a long ways a way and sitting there, waiting for the bomb squad. All in all there were 6 squad cars with officers just hanging out and watching, but everything was handeled by me and my crew and than the bomb unit when they arrived...
This didn't really surprise you did it? Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law, cops don't do much except harass honest citizens and catch the really stupid bad guys. The smart one walk around free and clear.


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2008
Spokane, Washington, USA
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Bear 45/70 wrote:
This didn't really surprise you did it? Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law, cops don't do much except harass honest citizens and catch the really stupid bad guys. The smart one walk around free and clear.
Their actions? No. Their response time? Yes... I would think that a realist bomb scare such as this one, in the middle of a heavily populated area, at a building that has a real concern for this sort of event (utility company) should get a better response time than 30 min for 1 patrol officer who than needs to wait 30 more min for a Sgt to come and confirm his decision.

So again, what they did isn't surprising, but taking 1 hour to get someone on the site who can say, yeah... that looks like a bomb... is pretty ridiculous for a city of this size.

Bear 45/70

Regular Member
May 22, 2007
Union, Washington, USA
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David.Car wrote:
Bear 45/70 wrote:
This didn't really surprise you did it? Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law, cops don't do much except harass honest citizens and catch the really stupid bad guys. The smart one walk around free and clear.
Their actions? No. Their response time? Yes... I would think that a realist bomb scare such as this one, in the middle of a heavily populated area, at a building that has a real concern for this sort of event (utility company) should get a better response time than 30 min for 1 patrol officer who than needs to wait 30 more min for a Sgt to come and confirm his decision.

So again, what they did isn't surprising, but taking 1 hour to get someone on the site who can say, yeah... that looks like a bomb... is pretty ridiculous for a city of this size.

I said it all with the line

"Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law".

So if the policedon't have to protect anyone, what's the rush?


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
4 hours south of HankT, ,
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David.Car wrote:
Bear 45/70 wrote:
This didn't really surprise you did it? Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law, cops don't do much except harass honest citizens and catch the really stupid bad guys. The smart one walk around free and clear.
Their actions? No. Their response time? Yes... I would think that a realist bomb scare such as this one, in the middle of a heavily populated area, at a building that has a real concern for this sort of event (utility company) should get a better response time than 30 min for 1 patrol officer who than needs to wait 30 more min for a Sgt to come and confirm his decision.

So again, what they did isn't surprising, but taking 1 hour to get someone on the site who can say, yeah... that looks like a bomb... is pretty ridiculous for a city of this size.
Next time tell them you shot the guy who left the package and see how long it takes them to show.

Bear 45/70

Regular Member
May 22, 2007
Union, Washington, USA
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Tomahawk wrote:
David.Car wrote:
Bear 45/70 wrote:
This didn't really surprise you did it? Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law, cops don't do much except harass honest citizens and catch the really stupid bad guys. The smart one walk around free and clear.
Their actions? No. Their response time? Yes... I would think that a realist bomb scare such as this one, in the middle of a heavily populated area, at a building that has a real concern for this sort of event (utility company) should get a better response time than 30 min for 1 patrol officer who than needs to wait 30 more min for a Sgt to come and confirm his decision.

So again, what they did isn't surprising, but taking 1 hour to get someone on the site who can say, yeah... that looks like a bomb... is pretty ridiculous for a city of this size.
Next time tell them you shot the guy who left the package and see how long it takes them to show.
Ain't that the ever lovin' truth. But don't tell them you are holding the bad guy at gun point, all the dispatcher will tell you is not to shoot the moron.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
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Tomahawk wrote:
David.Car wrote:
Bear 45/70 wrote:
This didn't really surprise you did it? Since the courts have said the cops don't have to protectthe citizensand officer safety is more important than the law, cops don't do much except harass honest citizens and catch the really stupid bad guys. The smart one walk around free and clear.
Their actions? No. Their response time? Yes... I would think that a realist bomb scare such as this one, in the middle of a heavily populated area, at a building that has a real concern for this sort of event (utility company) should get a better response time than 30 min for 1 patrol officer who than needs to wait 30 more min for a Sgt to come and confirm his decision.

So again, what they did isn't surprising, but taking 1 hour to get someone on the site who can say, yeah... that looks like a bomb... is pretty ridiculous for a city of this size.
Next time tell them you shot the guy who left the package and see how long it takes them to show.
Better yet, tell them there is some guy driving a camo painted minivan with a skull on the hood, wearing a kilt and carrying a gun not doing anything illegal:celebrate. Oh yeah, and there might be a bomb. At least 8 cops will show up in minutes.

ETA: Hope it's not too soon and you can laugh at this, Badger.


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2008
Spokane, Washington, USA
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deepdiver wrote:
Better yet, tell them there is some guy driving a camo painted minivan with a skull on the hood, wearing a kilt and carrying a gun not doing anything illegal:celebrate. Oh yeah, and there might be a bomb. At least 8 cops will show up in minutes.

ETA: Hope it's not too soon and you can laugh at this, Badger.
The problem with that scenario is than they all go *POOF* and dissapear before dealing with the bomb :)