Regular Member
So I went to a relatively new gun store in the area, Coyote Creek Outfitters in Rochester, NH on Rt. 11, and saw the sign next to their front door saying "No Loaded Firearms Beyond This Point" :banghead: . If you go there it's pretty obvious to see. So being the concerned gun owner that I am, I asked an employee about the sign and he said "The sign is for people looking to service their guns or try out holsters" which is understandable. He also said "We do welcome CCW holders [no mention of open carry] to shop here" but that's not what the sign says. I asked if they would consider rewording the sign and the employee said "No, and that we have the right to ask people carrying firearms to leave". Now it seems like they are sending a mixed message. Granted I didn't talk to the store manager or owner, at least the name tag on the employee didn't say manager on it. I tried to call back but they were closed when I called so I will call back when they are open and speak to the manager or owner of the store. I was disappointed to see that sign but I do respect their private property rights and will go elsewhere so long as that sign stays up, there is a Walmart right up the street which I have not had much of an issue with since I started OCing, but at least they don't have a "no guns allowed" sign in their door. Now I don't know if this is a new trend in the area as Rennesanse Firearms also still has a similar "No loaded firearms allowed sign" (as of a month or so ago last I checked) which was brought up in another post.
There are gun stores in the area that welcome open and concealed carry. One I know of is a store called Gold and Things in downtown Rochester. Their selection is small as they just started selling guns, but they seem have a good prices on special orders and reasonable ammo prices. Another store is Ammo Dump also on Rt. 11, which to my knowledge does not have any such sign banning people from carrying in the store.
There are gun stores in the area that welcome open and concealed carry. One I know of is a store called Gold and Things in downtown Rochester. Their selection is small as they just started selling guns, but they seem have a good prices on special orders and reasonable ammo prices. Another store is Ammo Dump also on Rt. 11, which to my knowledge does not have any such sign banning people from carrying in the store.