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WowBernie Guisto was giving them out in Multnomah County??? First I have heard of that. I thought he rather oposed it. Guisto was by no means a friend of gun owners. I sent him e-mails about it in the past and he made it quite clear to me that if he had say we woudn't be armed. Not in those words exactly, its been a while, but the man never impressed me much. His comments were alwayssomething along the linesof (My job is to protect my officers and if youcarry agun then they are not safe).
As forBob Skipper, I don't really know how he stands. He is a member of my Presbyterian Church and often see him there, but never talked to him about this subject. I think he is a good guy, but couldn't say how he responds to the Washington crowd.
For what its worth (just hearsay) I've read or heard more than once Clatsop county is easy going on you.
By the way Skipper will not be sheriff for much longer, Don't know who is replacing him but certially will be different.