All I can suggest to those who were touched by this event is to turn their grief to anger. Demand to know the truth. TBG
Howdy Big Guy!
I am very heartened to respond to a reasonable gentleman from Nevada! Thank you for your tenor and tone.
That said, I'd like to stipulate that I don't buy the notion of a false flag event any more than I believe that George W. Bush was somehow directly involved in 911. My point is, and has been, that this type of speculation or calls for raising a fuss about our 2a rights is/was not really appropriate at a time when the bodies still remained in the theater. Not a time to pour salt into fresh wounds. Not a time for behaving in a manner alien to compassion and empathy on the very day when those folks who were attacked in a manner so vicious as to defy understanding.
Let us, momentarily, consider the possibility that such conspiracy may exist. How better to defeat a foe than the age old concept of "divide and conquer"? The most stubborn resistence to the anti's is a certain cohesion among gun owners. Now... "if we can only divide them, we can win the day", they might say. So a few well placed posts on forums such as this, at a time when emotions are raw, visceral, are certain to drive a stake into the hearts of those who promote 2a. They'll argue, set about ripping at one another, and fracture some cohesion. Just lob an ideological grenade or two into a gun forum here or there, and let them turn on one another. They'll do more damage to themselves than we anti's can accomplish. That would be reasonable and logical thinking on their part, and a far more compelling conspiracy in terms of immediate results.
Hence have I called for letting the grief work through. Hence have I tried to call on folks to hold off on anything apart from the immediate situation of those suffering in the aftermath. Hence have I tried to encourage people to demonstrate compassion and empathy for those who were directly affected. Hence there is a time to wait and "keep our powder dry". Hence should we hold our fire until we have a clear target. "Do not fire until you can see the white's of their eyes!", as was said at Bunker Hill.
And I'll say again, this ain't the time to go off half cocked.
We can wax our own particular ideological perspective later, after the bodies are buried.
We can promote individual agendas later, after the dead have been laid to rest.
We can examine whatever facts may exist regarding a conspiracy once the bombs have been disarmed.
And we can turn our attention to rational, logical, reasonable discussion of these things when the horror of the immediate situation has been tamed.
But no, we can't hold off for a moment. Not for a day. Not for an hour. Not for a second.
Many have demonstrated their lack of compassion and their arrogance by their demeanor and how use this tragedy for their own device.
They accuse the government of an attitude "Never allow a tragedy to go to waste" while accusing it of manipulating opinion.
But folks on our side do precisely the same thing they decry the government of doing. Two wrongs, neither right.
As a gentleman who demonstrates reasonableness, I felt compelled to write a reasonable response to your post. You did very well in comportment.
And it is much appreciated. What saddens me is the tendency of some among us to cast reasonable comportment aside for personal agenda during a time of tragedy.
I believe, strongly so, that in so doing.... we need no antis. We do more than sufficient damage to ourselves.
Their objective achieved by the simple expedient of letting us become our own worst enemy, and we need not look far to see the very worst manifesting in our midst.
We ought be better than this. We ought rise above such things rather than accomplish the goals of antis among ourselves in aid of their agenda.
There is a time to tackle our defense of 2a rights.
When we can analyze, examine and reasonably deal with those who would oppose our rights.
But it ain't when emotions run high, and reason is dulled by the horror of the day.
Otherwise, we're no better than George Armstrong Custer, who divided his forces into three columns and facilitated his own doom.