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Colorado Shooting; false flag?


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2012
small town USA seems like a perfect place to enact the perfect crime. Look at "fast and furious" FFS. Is it really so far out of the realm of possibility?

this was far from a perfect crime and i shudder at the terminology you used this was a psycho killing innocent men,women, and children, he didn't even get away thank god, if you think perfect crime the guy at least gets away with it for a while right? like movie wise. not trying to be a jerk or nothing honestly, just seemed to hit me somewhere when i read perfect crime... I'm not sure why even.


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
no, my intent was that the douche **** kills as many completely innocent and unarmed people as possible in the shortest amount of time.


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2012
I'm sorry for your loss, but nobody here has been "bad". I think Carrier's question was completely appropriate because really - somebody has to call the baby ugly. And I don't think vegassteve needs to apologize for hurting anyone's feelings either. We managed to keep this thread in our own forum this time - so stay in yours. I'm sure there are MANY things that I should ask you to apologize for because I find them offensive, but I won't because it's petty.

As Huey Freeman said:

"Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9-11. Thank you for your time and good night. "

hey man i never asked anyone for a apology period. freedom of speech is freedom of speech. i just asked for a bit of discretion at this rough time. thats all. sorry if there was a mis understanding somewhere along the lines. i must have missed this reply somewhere in the mess sorry for taking so long to address it. as for the telling me to stay in my forum i didn't realize there was a rule as of such and i guess ill do so for now on. i just don't like seeing so many dead and injured disrespected so much
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Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
and if you look at it from nevadacarrier's perspective, it really would be the perfect crime that you talk about. The perpetrators (i.e. .gov) are getting away scott free at the expense of some pawn, only to pass legislation creating a subservient populace.


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2012
please refer to your statements in this thread http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?104437-Open-Carry-encounter-at-the-Police-Station when in regards to staying in your own forum.

HA hahaha your seriously gunna pull this thats funny right there. your saying that you speak for every single person on the Nevada forum and have a ability to tell me to not post something somewhere i want to? way to be pro rights there! its sad that there are a few loons out there speaking for all of you out there and its sad that you make it so people don't want to visit your beautiful state. i find it funny that they put you in charge of being there Nevada spokesmen apparently. maybe there should be a recount. As we do in Colorado we respect the rights of private property owners, it appears that you own the Nevada forum and wish for me to leave so i will do just that. Goodbye, and too all the normal Nevada citizens I'm sorry that these guys got put in charge as spokesmen for OC and your great state. Good luck in your fight to keep the .Gov honest and respecting your rights.

P.S. i didnt come into your forum spewing mis information and trying to show how tough i am in a video that in colorado has nothing to do with nevada law. just to point out that it has nothing to do with anything. but good try bud
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Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
HA hahaha your seriously gunna pull this thats funny right there. your saying that you speak for every single person on the Nevada forum and have a ability to tell me to not post something somewhere i want to? way to be pro rights there! its sad that there are a few loons out there speaking for all of you out there and its sad that you make it so people don't want to visit your beautiful state. i find it funny that they put you in charge of being there Nevada spokesmen apparently. maybe there should be a recount. As we do in Colorado we respect the rights of private property owners, it appears that you own the Nevada forum and wish for me to leave so i will do just that. Goodbye, and too all the normal Nevada citizens I'm sorry that these guys got put in charge as spokesmen for OC and your great state. Good luck in your fight to keep the .Gov honest and respecting your rights.

P.S. i didnt come into your forum spewing mis information and trying to show how tough i am in a video that in colorado has nothing to do with nevada law. just to point out that it has nothing to do with anything. but good try bud

Well glad he removed himself from this thread. I didn't know that whole discussion went on in the CO forums over the video. From the 3.5 pages I read, this guy loneEchoWolf was very misinformed about our laws, and probably about the OP's intentions on the video posted. I speak for myself, not NV or this community - but I appriciate you staying away from our state, and I'm one that relies on tourism/visitors for my livelyhood. And I only saw this because he told others in that big ass forum to stay out of CO. This isn't really all that related to the OP of this thread.

I don't see it as some higher agenda, just a tragic shooting. Just like how I don't see it at all related to Batman, or violent movies the way some media is reporting. There's still a lot to be discovered. I do COMPLETELY see that any anti-gun group will and has already spun this to their agenda. And I have no problem at all discussing that this MIGHT be an agenda, or used as one.

PS of my own - not sure if I should start my OWN thread...saw Batman today at Palms in LV. There were about 8 cop cars outside the theatre when I left, and I saw about 10 uniformed police officers in and around the theatre. They were not there when I went in. I was CCing, having read that copy cat crimes were a concern, and that likely I wouldn't have been able to carry and protect myself during the movie had I OCed. I hesitate in posting this, but I figure information is information, and you can all judge/decide what you like. Did anyone OC to a movie today? And I don't think that if anyone did, anywhere in the world, that it would be disrespectful. I hate to say this - but I had a lot of friends on facebook comment things like 'I never thought I'd have to carry at a movie' and 'who would ever carry to a movie?'. Now - sadly I can refer to this shooting, as a reason for why you can never be sure when you'll need to defend yourself, therefore why not always be able to defend yourself?


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2009
Henderson, Nevada, USA
I'm very diffident to this being a false flag. The razor of our buddy Occam would find it more plausible that it is what it seems to be, a man who committed a heinous crime. Just because our government and the government of others have done or planned false flag events in the past does not mean this is one. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. A more likely case would be that lobbyist have legislation on hand to play to the fears of the uninformed and timorous public. Of course people should question their government and be vigilant about its actions in general. I am not saying that it is not possible that this was a false flag, but it would seem very unlikely. Someone mentioned Alex jones. Good grief. I will say he is one hell of an entertainer. I also like it when people reference him, I just raise them a James Randi. As far as not talking about it in fear of hurting peoples feeling while they suffer is ludicrous. People suffer every day all across the globe.

Nevada carrier

Regular Member
Mar 30, 2010
The Epicenter of Freedom
Please understand that I have not said that this was a false flag, in fact there isn't any strong evidence that it was. But, I stopped believing in coincidence a long time ago and you all know that feeling you get when something just seems wrong; "JDFR," Just don't feel right. Election year, One incumbent presidential candidate with a surreptitious anti gun agenda, and a challenger with a proven history of gun banning in the state he governed. The event occurred just miles from Columbine High School, which catalyzed the nation to institute an assault weapons ban in the past. He possessed a variety of weapons that are the typical targets of anti gun activists; an EBR, 2 Semi-Automatic hand guns, Remington 870 tactical shotgun, head to toe Body armor reminiscent of the bank robbery attempt in LA. That this event happens while the State department and the UN are vigorously debating the terms of an arms control treaty is just another indication that something isn't kosher here.

If this event isn't the Brady campaign's wet dream I just don't know what would be. Just look at their home page; at the very same time they express their condolences they are spinning the tragedy to their advantage.

"Our sympathies go out to the victims and families in Aurora, CO."
This is yet another reminder that guns enable mass shootings."

This is one of those times when the hair on the back of my neck stands on end, a shiver goes down my spine, and I just can't ignore it. Is all of this conjecture, and circumstance? Yes, but if there is ever going to truly be justice for those who were killed or injured, we must not ignore the possibility, however remote. To not discuss it is to do no justice to anyone. Lets not forget who the real villain is here, it's not me, it's the nutcase that squeezed the trigger, and possibly those whom may have been pulling his strings.

Riddle me this, if you will Bat Man. Can someone have something so important threatened or promised to them that they would succumb to blackmail and/or extortion, at the risk of their own life, be it at the hands of the police, a CCW carrying citizen or lethal injection? I venture to say that if you think this is outside the realm of possibility, you should examine why people must have their background and financial circumstances vetted in order to obtain security clearances. They do so for just that reason. To understand this psychology, please watch the film "Eagle Eye."

Again, I'm not saying this is the truth, but a question not asked cannot be answered.
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Regular Member
Apr 22, 2011
Aurora, Colorado
All I can suggest to those who were touched by this event is to turn their grief to anger. Demand to know the truth. TBG

Howdy Big Guy!
I am very heartened to respond to a reasonable gentleman from Nevada! Thank you for your tenor and tone.

That said, I'd like to stipulate that I don't buy the notion of a false flag event any more than I believe that George W. Bush was somehow directly involved in 911. My point is, and has been, that this type of speculation or calls for raising a fuss about our 2a rights is/was not really appropriate at a time when the bodies still remained in the theater. Not a time to pour salt into fresh wounds. Not a time for behaving in a manner alien to compassion and empathy on the very day when those folks who were attacked in a manner so vicious as to defy understanding.

Let us, momentarily, consider the possibility that such conspiracy may exist. How better to defeat a foe than the age old concept of "divide and conquer"? The most stubborn resistence to the anti's is a certain cohesion among gun owners. Now... "if we can only divide them, we can win the day", they might say. So a few well placed posts on forums such as this, at a time when emotions are raw, visceral, are certain to drive a stake into the hearts of those who promote 2a. They'll argue, set about ripping at one another, and fracture some cohesion. Just lob an ideological grenade or two into a gun forum here or there, and let them turn on one another. They'll do more damage to themselves than we anti's can accomplish. That would be reasonable and logical thinking on their part, and a far more compelling conspiracy in terms of immediate results.

Hence have I called for letting the grief work through. Hence have I tried to call on folks to hold off on anything apart from the immediate situation of those suffering in the aftermath. Hence have I tried to encourage people to demonstrate compassion and empathy for those who were directly affected. Hence there is a time to wait and "keep our powder dry". Hence should we hold our fire until we have a clear target. "Do not fire until you can see the white's of their eyes!", as was said at Bunker Hill.

And I'll say again, this ain't the time to go off half cocked.
We can wax our own particular ideological perspective later, after the bodies are buried.
We can promote individual agendas later, after the dead have been laid to rest.
We can examine whatever facts may exist regarding a conspiracy once the bombs have been disarmed.
And we can turn our attention to rational, logical, reasonable discussion of these things when the horror of the immediate situation has been tamed.

But no, we can't hold off for a moment. Not for a day. Not for an hour. Not for a second.
Many have demonstrated their lack of compassion and their arrogance by their demeanor and how use this tragedy for their own device.
They accuse the government of an attitude "Never allow a tragedy to go to waste" while accusing it of manipulating opinion.
But folks on our side do precisely the same thing they decry the government of doing. Two wrongs, neither right.

As a gentleman who demonstrates reasonableness, I felt compelled to write a reasonable response to your post. You did very well in comportment.
And it is much appreciated. What saddens me is the tendency of some among us to cast reasonable comportment aside for personal agenda during a time of tragedy.
I believe, strongly so, that in so doing.... we need no antis. We do more than sufficient damage to ourselves.
Their objective achieved by the simple expedient of letting us become our own worst enemy, and we need not look far to see the very worst manifesting in our midst.

We ought be better than this. We ought rise above such things rather than accomplish the goals of antis among ourselves in aid of their agenda.

There is a time to tackle our defense of 2a rights.
When we can analyze, examine and reasonably deal with those who would oppose our rights.
But it ain't when emotions run high, and reason is dulled by the horror of the day.
Otherwise, we're no better than George Armstrong Custer, who divided his forces into three columns and facilitated his own doom.


Nevada carrier

Regular Member
Mar 30, 2010
The Epicenter of Freedom
So a few well placed posts on forums such as this

Stop, just stop right there. Don't forget where you're posting this. I've met most of the people who regularly read and post in the Nevada forum. They know how hard I have fought to preserve and advance our RKBA in Nevada. So before you begin asserting that I'm here to plant some kind of poison pill, and start a fight, you might just want to take a half step back. I'm looking at the bigger picture, from an objective point of view. I am not the type of person to let emotion get in the way of critical thought. Understandably, you seem to be too emotional right now. I suggest you go be with your family, friends or clergy and properly grieve this tragedy rather than pointing the dirty end of the stick at people who, ultimately, are on your side all along.
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Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
1 I don't give a rats behind if your from mars.
2 if you think false flags are poppycock then you are not a student of history.Our government has and will pull these things.

Have a nice day pard.

1) I think you two are 'out to lunch' on this subject

2) I think the suggestion is in very poor taste at this time.


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
your saying that you speak for every single person on the Nevada forum

I speak for no one but myself - way to put words in my mouth. Do all people in Colorado go around looking for something to get offended by? GTFOH with that ****.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I speak for no one but myself - way to put words in my mouth. Do all people in Colorado go around looking for something to get offended by? GTFOH with that ****.

Are you that insensitive? That much of a (insert word for extremely stupid)?

They just suffered a horrible massacre, what kind of insensitive person makes stupid remarks like yours?


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
Back on topic - This really couldn't have come at a worse time. Do I think that the govt is behind it? I sincerely hope not. Do I think they are capable of something like this? Absolutely. Just look at the history books and you will find them littered with ATROCIOUS things our govt has done. When that lady got shot in AZ after they legalized constitutional carry is when I began to wonder about the possibility of there being a greater force behind things like this.