Have Gun - Will Carry
Regular Member
That said, I stand by my earlier statement: "My point is "so what?" It's not the cop's home. It's the kid's home. I'm sick and tired of cops knocking on doors and flipping out like blithering idiots whenever the person answering the door is armed. He or she SHOULD be armed. We have enough crime as it is, and some wackos dress up as cops."
If the kid is pointing it at the cop, that's one thing. If he's simply holding it, that's another. I talked with a friend who is law enforcement, and he said their SOP is:
- if the firearm is holstered, keep a close eye on it and the individual, noting behavior, demeanor, etc.
- if the firearm is in hand, ask the individual to put it down.
- if they refuse, take action to secure the firearm.
Not to detract from the excellent points raised by OCfM since this was posted - and I fully agree with you too, but... I must have missed the "bullet point" (pun intended) where SOP tells them to just shoot the individual without warning upon seeing an item which doesn't even resemble a gun...
Yet that's exactly what the top cop and others are trying to defend because, you know, it MIGHT HAVE BEEN a gun. Hey, as long as the cop goes home at the end of the day, everything's just peachy, right? Too bad for the innocent boy who dared to answer the door at his own residence while holding a game controller! SMH...