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Heavily considering a move to NH, specifically the Exeter/Portsmouth area


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
Hello everybody, I have been considering a move to NH for a while now for a change of pace from Packers, Brats and Beer. I'm not a fan of any of these things and am considered an alien here as such lol.

I have researched many of the laws and regs regarding carry and ownership, but can NH residents weigh in on things for me?

I'm interested to know if the state is truly black rifle friendly, magazine capacity friendly and all pistol type friendly.

Of course I'm also interested in Open Carry...I see constitutional carry is a sure thing for the most part at this point which is fantastic!

I'm a pretty politically conservative person and I am an avid gun owner so I am interested to hear about the general climate in the state. I could care less about social issues, people can do what they want. I believe in constitutionality in everything and from what I have heard and read it seems this is the general sentiment in the state.

So, any residents interested in informing a cheeshead?


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I've been waiting all day for some New Hampshire peeps to respond, but no luck. So, as a WI resident I'm just wondering what the reason is for a potential move? A change of pace is kind of generic for a move across the country in my mind, but it really matters not to me. Lots of non Packer fans in the state, I don't drink beer, but I do consume some brats occasionally. If you are hanging around people that have issues with you not being fans of those things, my opinion (unsolicited) would be that you need new friends, maybe not a move? Wisconsin pretty much has the things you are looking for, open carry, black rifle friendly, no mag limits, all pistol types friendly, fairly conservative provided you are not in Madison or Milwaukee. I personally prefer Sigs and HKs. But, each to his own. (Maybe a move to be near Sig Sauer?)

Without looking at a map, I believe New Hampshire would have Massachusetts to the south, which would be a pretty staunch anti-gun state you would have to navigate to go much of anywhere, along with New Hampshire being fairly small any travel of sorts would likely get you out of the state. I have family in Maine, don't visit often but when we do we generally go thru Canada.
Anyway, good luck with your quest. Wisconsin took a while to get a concealed carry law on board, but I think they got it pretty much right when they did. There are lots of others far worse anyway. I'm not so sure Constitutional Carry is a sure thing, nor that we really want it anyway.

I grew up in Indiana but have lived in Wisconsin since I was 15 and have no desire to go back to Indiana, nor do they want me...........
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Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina

I was commissioning crew on the last boat built by PNS, and lived there for about six months. The unions dragged the construction out to double its normal duration and expense. There were many suspicious events. Later, corresponding with peers there, we learned that publicity was more important than the integrity of the ships being serviced.

Milady Wife and I retired to Wisconsin more than ten years ago, it was the first place on our list to investigate, largely rural, wonderfully clean compared to the South, and, here anyway, well educated.

Five years ago we briefly visited Portsmouth-Kittery to see that the locale has been devastated by the years of Democrat Party politics; it voted 66% for Clinton 2016. When we went over the Memorial Bridge the stench of the scrap garbage piled almost up to the bridge deck was nauseating.

The Wikipedia article on gun laws in NH reviews them. Note that the shall-issue permits are issued locally.

I'll keep Wisconsin as my home.

The final vote was 46.8% for Cinton, and 46.5% for Trump

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
For being gun friendly it is hard to beat Wisconsin now days.

We well go constitutional carry in the next few years my a law change or a court ruling.

Except for Jan. Feb. March Wis. is great place.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina

President and Vice President
Clinton, Hillary/Kaine,Tim (D)
Trump,Donald/Pence, Michael R. (R)
Johnson, Gary/Weld, Bill (L)


Sorry, mi amigo. That's just the City of Portsmouth. If you check, you will see that Sununu only got about 50% of the vote, but guess what? He is the Governor. Splain, please?


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
I've been waiting all day for some New Hampshire peeps to respond, but no luck. So, as a WI resident I'm just wondering what the reason is for a potential move? A change of pace is kind of generic for a move across the country in my mind, but it really matters not to me. Lots of non Packer fans in the state, I don't drink beer, but I do consume some brats occasionally. If you are hanging around people that have issues with you not being fans of those things, my opinion (unsolicited) would be that you need new friends, maybe not a move? Wisconsin pretty much has the things you are looking for, open carry, black rifle friendly, no mag limits, all pistol types friendly, fairly conservative provided you are not in Madison or Milwaukee. I personally prefer Sigs and HKs. But, each to his own. (Maybe a move to be near Sig Sauer?)

Without looking at a map, I believe New Hampshire would have Massachusetts to the south, which would be a pretty staunch anti-gun state you would have to navigate to go much of anywhere, along with New Hampshire being fairly small any travel of sorts would likely get you out of the state. I have family in Maine, don't visit often but when we do we generally go thru Canada.
Anyway, good luck with your quest. Wisconsin took a while to get a concealed carry law on board, but I think they got it pretty much right when they did. There are lots of others far worse anyway. I'm not so sure Constitutional Carry is a sure thing, nor that we really want it anyway.

I grew up in Indiana but have lived in Wisconsin since I was 15 and have no desire to go back to Indiana, nor do they want me...........

I'm probably just a touch too old to be thinking this way, similar to how the stereotypical immature 18-20 year old wants to run and escape home...but my situation allows for it. I no longer have any friends here; they are either completely occupied, have moved out of the reach or out of the state, or have turned into people I'm not interested in knowing (the criminal kind). All that is here are my parents who will be retiring soon and leaving...My two sisters are here but we don't have any sort of close relationship. Extended family is not around. I'm essentially completely alone after ending a very long term relationship almost a year ago. So in other words, I have no strings here, I'm tired of stagnating and not doing anything different with my life.

I am just looking to actually accomplish something different than everyone else around me....try something different. Whenever I want to do something with an acquaintance, it has to involve a bar and sports. I am into neither. I don't drink, and I'm not interested in any sports unless it involves shooting, off road racing or Olympic type competition.

If one does not drink in this state, one is alone on an island. It's %100 true. Unless you have people that share the same plight, it can get fairly lonely.

I like the idea of having Maine to the North. I enjoy small/medium game hunting and fishing, and messing around in the woods. It would be nice to be so close to a state that has good recreational opportunities and NH is no slouch either.

All the stats I have looked at rate the state a good deal higher than Wisconsin except for cost of living index,but than again people tend to make more on average.

Runner ups are odd if you care to know....Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, so completely opposite NH climate and whatnot.

Wisconsin is politically purple and tends towards blue and I seem to do alright tolerating people. I don't care for liberal mentality but I also don't lose my mind over it. I just do my own thing.

So I guess I'm just looking for a place that has a good chance at a decent job and is nice to look at and is gun friendly. I decided against the warm/desert states due to the fact that I need to see a good amount of trees around me and the states' stats were not that great. NH seems to fit the bill for a do-over. I'm about %50 sure on a move at this point.


Regular Member
Feb 13, 2007
Southern NH, New Hampshire, USA
Hello everybody, I have been considering a move to NH for a while now for a change of pace from Packers, Brats and Beer. I'm not a fan of any of these things and am considered an alien here as such lol.

I have researched many of the laws and regs regarding carry and ownership, but can NH residents weigh in on things for me?

I'm interested to know if the state is truly black rifle friendly, magazine capacity friendly and all pistol type friendly.

Of course I'm also interested in Open Carry...I see constitutional carry is a sure thing for the most part at this point which is fantastic!

I'm a pretty politically conservative person and I am an avid gun owner so I am interested to hear about the general climate in the state. I could care less about social issues, people can do what they want. I believe in constitutionality in everything and from what I have heard and read it seems this is the general sentiment in the state.

So, any residents interested in informing a cheeshead?

I haven't heard of any problems with Black rifles. You can't carry a loaded rifle or shotgun in your car. There are no mag restrictions, no restrictions on pistols that I'm aware of. I freely admit that I don't necessarily have my ear to the ground on these things as well.
We are now Constitutional carry, so is Maine and Vermont.
We do have state preemption when it comes to firearms laws, so no patchwork of laws that vary from town to town.
In my area, I don't generally see anyone open carry. I choose not to, but I don't have a issue with anyone that does.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
Do you like mountains? Clear mountain streams & deep cool lakes full of trout? Millions of acres of public land? Antelope are almost considered small game. Very generous allotment of tags for big game and reasonably priced for residents (how about female bison for $252) #3 gun friendlyist state. Low cost of living. 70% voted for PRESIDENT Trump. Very friendly people who are outdoors orientated not bar oriented. 49th in population density (behind Alaska).

You'd hate here never mind.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I'm probably just a touch too old to be thinking this way, similar to how the stereotypical immature 18-20 year old wants to run and escape home...but my situation allows for it. I no longer have any friends here; they are either completely occupied, have moved out of the reach or out of the state, or have turned into people I'm not interested in knowing (the criminal kind). All that is here are my parents who will be retiring soon and leaving...My two sisters are here but we don't have any sort of close relationship. Extended family is not around. I'm essentially completely alone after ending a very long term relationship almost a year ago. So in other words, I have no strings here, I'm tired of stagnating and not doing anything different with my life.

I am just looking to actually accomplish something different than everyone else around me....try something different. Whenever I want to do something with an acquaintance, it has to involve a bar and sports. I am into neither. I don't drink, and I'm not interested in any sports unless it involves shooting, off road racing or Olympic type competition.

If one does not drink in this state, one is alone on an island. It's %100 true. Unless you have people that share the same plight, it can get fairly lonely.

I like the idea of having Maine to the North. I enjoy small/medium game hunting and fishing, and messing around in the woods. It would be nice to be so close to a state that has good recreational opportunities and NH is no slouch either.

All the stats I have looked at rate the state a good deal higher than Wisconsin except for cost of living index,but than again people tend to make more on average.

Runner ups are odd if you care to know....Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, so completely opposite NH climate and whatnot.

Wisconsin is politically purple and tends towards blue and I seem to do alright tolerating people. I don't care for liberal mentality but I also don't lose my mind over it. I just do my own thing.

So I guess I'm just looking for a place that has a good chance at a decent job and is nice to look at and is gun friendly. I decided against the warm/desert states due to the fact that I need to see a good amount of trees around me and the states' stats were not that great. NH seems to fit the bill for a do-over. I'm about %50 sure on a move at this point.

I have no issues with anything you said except one. I've lived in Wisconsin for 43 years, I'm 58, and have not had a single drink of alcohol, public or private. Maybe things were different 35 years ago, but I don't feel slighted, or think I'm missing out on anything. Or plighted!! Haha I have friends that don't drink, the ones that do could care less about it. More for them?

Funny Story: SYSCO drivers meeting alcohol and drug training in Wausau. 15 or so drivers, trainer went around the room asking how often each person drank in a week to where they couldn't remember. Every night to once a week/month answers with high fives and such. I was the last person she asked, said I've never been drunk, actually never even tasted alcohol. She responded, this is a classical example of denial. I said if you don't like the answer, don't ask the question. Got a rousing ovation from my fellow drivers, who all knew I didn't drink. Got walked out into the hall by my supervisor who said I needed to show respect, they paid a lot of money for this person and training. I said you wasted it. Ended up leaving and never heard another word about it. Maybe you had to be there.

I doubt your situation is worse than that, you need to look elsewheres for friends. In your defense my 26 year old son says pretty much the same thing, but I fear he gave up the "battle". So, I am not unfeeling about your situation. I have a few good male friends that are 20-30 years older than me, maybe that might be a possibility?

My sister and family live in Maine and enjoy it. Weather much the same, they probably get more snow. I know my nephews spend a lot of time around Mt. Washington? Even in the winter. They are all outdoor survivalist hiker mountain climber types. One walked the Appalacian Trail a few years ago.

Would you mind sharing which general part of the state you are in? Good luck in your endeavor. As I get older I find that I care less and less about what people think about me. Wish I could have learned that at a younger age!


May 1, 2016
Do you like mountains? Clear mountain streams & deep cool lakes full of trout? Millions of acres of public land? Antelope are almost considered small game. Very generous allotment of tags for big game and reasonably priced for residents (how about female bison for $252) #3 gun friendlyist state. Low cost of living. 70% voted for PRESIDENT Trump. Very friendly people who are outdoors orientated not bar oriented. 49th in population density (behind Alaska).

You'd hate here never mind.

It it wasn't frozen 5 months of the year and July 4 high temps of what 82, methinks I would give that strong consideration. I want it warm enough to wear a loincloth and rubber flip flops, with nothing else at least 3 months of the year. And still sweating outside wearing that. I really think Wisconsin does not quite get there.

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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
It it wasn't frozen 5 months of the year and July 4 high temps of what 82, methinks I would give that strong consideration. I want it warm enough to wear a loincloth and rubber flip flops, with nothing else at least 3 months of the year. And still sweating outside wearing that. I really think Wisconsin does not quite get there.


We call that "ice fishing season" and you could wear a loincloth if you want, people here tend to mind their own business.

Wisconsin??? Try Wyoming.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
It it wasn't frozen 5 months of the year and July 4 high temps of what 82, methinks I would give that strong consideration. I want it warm enough to wear a loincloth and rubber flip flops, with nothing else at least 3 months of the year. And still sweating outside wearing that. I really think Wisconsin does not quite get there.


You COULD wear that here in the summer, but after about 2 minutes the mosquitoes would have all of your blood!! Gotta be -40 for a couple of months to kill off all the snakes, scorpions, and gators. We see 100 every couple of years, otherwise 100 percent humidity, but I suppose that's not quite the same.

Wisconsin, Wyoming, West Virginia, all on the end of the list and pretty much the same thing!

Disclaimer: I've been in 48 states multiple times each, that was sarcasm.
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Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Portsmouth is the most left-leaning town in the state, but even there you have no restrictions on guns.

NH has never assimilated federal gun laws. There was never any such thing as a state AWB, and there won't be at the state level. We've tried for years to remove the restriction on loaded rifles or shotguns in or on vehicles (which includes OHRVs), but all the energy this year went to successful passage of Constitutional Carry. That frees us up to take on Fish & Game about long guns next year. There is a loophole -- an SBR is legally a pistol in NH under RSA 159 (barrel less than 16"), and there is no contrary definition elsewhere that I can find. By plain reading of the law, it's legal to carry in a vehicle, loaded, either an SBR or AR pistol with a wrist brace. By the way, a license is still needed to carry a loaded handgun in a boat or on an OHRV.

NH has no GFSZA. Schools are supposed to have a policy to expel students who have a weapon at school, but that is disciplinary and not a criminal matter.

The only place off limits by law is courthouses, and they must provide secure storage while you're inside. I've never seen a no-guns sign, but I've heard there are a few out there, mostly in corporate locations like Buffalo Wild Wings. Such signs are only enforceable as ordinary trespass, with no enhanced penalty.

No one freaks out about open carry. Even the tourists from Mass and Quebec treat it like just one of those quirky things people do in NH. Even during heavy coat season I see someone OCing at least once a month, and in the summer I see it at least weekly, sometimes several times a week.

The seacoast area has a lot of great food, but it's too flat for me. I live north of the notches, and I need my mountains.
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Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
I was commissioning crew on the last boat built by PNS, and lived there for about six months. The unions dragged the construction out to double its normal duration and expense. There were many suspicious events. Later, corresponding with peers there, we learned that publicity was more important than the integrity of the ships being serviced.

Milady Wife and I retired to Wisconsin more than ten years ago, it was the first place on our list to investigate, largely rural, wonderfully clean compared to the South, and, here anyway, well educated.

Five years ago we briefly visited Portsmouth-Kittery to see that the locale has been devastated by the years of Democrat Party politics; it voted 66% for Clinton 2016. When we went over the Memorial Bridge the stench of the scrap garbage piled almost up to the bridge deck was nauseating.

The Wikipedia article on gun laws in NH reviews them. Note that the shall-issue permits are issued locally.

I'll keep Wisconsin as my home.

I don't mean to be rude...but "scrap garbage piled almost up to the bridge deck" does not sound very accurate. From everything I've been told and all the info I have researched on the well being and condition of the state it appears to be as clean and kept up if not more so than Wisconsin in most areas. I just really find that hard to believe. But, I guess I wasn't there so it could be possible.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
Do you like mountains? Clear mountain streams & deep cool lakes full of trout? Millions of acres of public land? Antelope are almost considered small game. Very generous allotment of tags for big game and reasonably priced for residents (how about female bison for $252) #3 gun friendlyist state. Low cost of living. 70% voted for PRESIDENT Trump. Very friendly people who are outdoors orientated not bar oriented. 49th in population density (behind Alaska).

You'd hate here never mind.

I appreciate the input :). Yes, I do like all of those things. That's the type of answer I like to hear. Thanks!


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
I have no issues with anything you said except one. I've lived in Wisconsin for 43 years, I'm 58, and have not had a single drink of alcohol, public or private. Maybe things were different 35 years ago, but I don't feel slighted, or think I'm missing out on anything. Or plighted!! Haha I have friends that don't drink, the ones that do could care less about it. More for them?

Funny Story: SYSCO drivers meeting alcohol and drug training in Wausau. 15 or so drivers, trainer went around the room asking how often each person drank in a week to where they couldn't remember. Every night to once a week/month answers with high fives and such. I was the last person she asked, said I've never been drunk, actually never even tasted alcohol. She responded, this is a classical example of denial. I said if you don't like the answer, don't ask the question. Got a rousing ovation from my fellow drivers, who all knew I didn't drink. Got walked out into the hall by my supervisor who said I needed to show respect, they paid a lot of money for this person and training. I said you wasted it. Ended up leaving and never heard another word about it. Maybe you had to be there.

I doubt your situation is worse than that, you need to look elsewheres for friends. In your defense my 26 year old son says pretty much the same thing, but I fear he gave up the "battle". So, I am not unfeeling about your situation. I have a few good male friends that are 20-30 years older than me, maybe that might be a possibility?

My sister and family live in Maine and enjoy it. Weather much the same, they probably get more snow. I know my nephews spend a lot of time around Mt. Washington? Even in the winter. They are all outdoor survivalist hiker mountain climber types. One walked the Appalacian Trail a few years ago.

Would you mind sharing which general part of the state you are in? Good luck in your endeavor. As I get older I find that I care less and less about what people think about me. Wish I could have learned that at a younger age!

The big thing about the non-drinking thing for me is I have to deal with millennial mindset on the whole issue. The encounter you had with the trainer has been a common occurrence for me. Every time I say "no thanks, I don't drink" when I'm offered a beer or drink, people legitimately laugh like I told some hilarious joke and always say something along the lines of "yeah right". I have been told that I'm lying as you were. In fact, many people take offense to it and act like I'm trying to put myself above them when I say I don't drink. My ex's parents and aunt literally used that as a wedge issue to say that I was "arrogant" for almost the entire 5 years we were together. Her newfound friends said I was a buzzkill and had to go. The truth is, I just never got into it, I don't like the taste of alcohol and I don't need to be drunk to have a good time. I have never been drunk, same as you.

The problem is if you are in the millennial generation (I hit 30 last month) and do not share the same thought process and outlook on life as your fellow generation, life will be extremely hard for you. Sure, that doesn't change anywhere you go but at least I won't live in the city that was voted THE "drunkest city in the country".

I live in Appleton and drinking and drugs seem to be the only thing anybody around here my age is interested in. And good luck with the dating scene, but that is more of a generational issue than anything.

You are correct about having older friends; I got along well with my only other coworker who has since left for a different job that shared the same views as me for the most part and was obviously mature and thoughtful about approaching any situation. This is not true for anybody my age. Unfortunately he works odd hours and has a family and other hobbies so we don't get to visit with each other much. He also doesn't drink, maybe just a beer every now and then. This seems true with other older friends I had in the past as well. Its difficult to remain in contact.

I'm glad to hear that your sister enjoys the area. I like that Maine and Vermont are so close by. Both are wonderful states by all accounts I have been told. Some more reinforcement for a move :)

I wish I wouldn't sound so whiny but ever since I graduated high school I have just had a hard time fitting in with people here. They just seem to have a do-nothing attitude, have no goals outside of the next night out and believe that Wisconsin is the only place in the world to live. I know this to be absolutely false and further demonstrates why I want to escape the "cult" of Wisconsin.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
Portsmouth is the most left-leaning town in the state, but even there you have no restrictions on guns.

NH has never assimilated federal gun laws. The was never any such thing as an AWB, and there won't be at the state level. We've tried for years to remove the restriction on loaded rifles or shotguns in or on vehicles (which includes OHRVs), but all the energy this year went to successful passage of Constitutional Carry. That frees us up to take on Fish & Game about long guns next year. There is a loophole -- an SBR is legally a pistol in NH under RSA 159 (barrel less than 16"), and there is no contrary definition elsewhere that I can find. By plain reading of the law, it's legal to carry in a vehicle, loaded, either an SBR or AR pistol with a wrist brace. By the way, a license is still needed to carry a loaded handgun in a boat or on an OHRV.

NH has no GFSZA. Schools are supposed to have a policy to expel students who have a weapon at school, but that is disciplinary and not a criminal matter.

The only place off limits by law is courthouses, and they must provide secure storage while you're inside. I've never seen a no-guns sign, but I've heard there are a few out there, mostly in corporate locations like Buffalo Wild Wings. Such signs are only enforceable as ordinary trespass, with no enhanced penalty.

No one freaks out about open carry. Even the tourists from Mass and Quebec treat it like just one of those quirky things people do in NH. Even during heavy coat season I see someone OCing at least once a month, and in the summer I see it at least weekly, sometimes several times a week.

The seacoast area has a lot of great food, but it's too flat for me. I live north of the notches, and I need my mountains.

Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for. So basically it has the same stance on guns if not better than were I am now. That was one of the top criterion for me when deciding on a place among obviously all the necessary stuff like cost of living, crime rate, unemployment rate, etc. Appreciate the post!


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Manchester, New Hampshire
What should also be mentioned is total knife freedom/pre-emption. Since HB 1665 was passed back in 2010, NH allows the carry/possession of ANY knife by law-abiding citizens. (This includes trench-knives that I use for my OC-EDC).

No income or sales taxes, and a 2.7% unemployment rate.

And yes, this is a Patriots State. Tom Brady is larger then life in these parts.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
LOWEST unemployment.

Tell me about it.

I'm the HR guy for my store, which is part of a huge retail grocery conglomerate that flies many banners. Think Top 3 privately held companies in the industry used by every person in the country.

Even up in the "poor, 'high' unemployment" end of the state, we have trouble attracting applicants. There are more job openings than there are unemployed people.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011
What should also be mentioned is total knife freedom/pre-emption. Since HB 1665 was passed back in 2010, NH allows the carry/possession of ANY knife by law-abiding citizens. (This includes trench-knives that I use for my OC-EDC).

No income or sales taxes, and a 2.7% unemployment rate.

And yes, this is a Patriots State. Tom Brady is larger then life in these parts.

Thanks, this was going to be my next question; whether or not the knife law is in line with firearms. I do like my blades.

The financials are impressive too, which after I parsed out gun hating states I began working on the financial health and general info regarding the last few states remaining and NH had some great numbers. I get it doesn't mean everything but the state looks very beautiful to somebody who likes the outdoors and combined with the sunny financial and job outlook I'm sure I can make it work for me :)

I'm fine with Mr. Brady; as long as the minute I say I don't follow football people don't turn their backs on me.