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"Is that your second job?"


Activist Member
Dec 9, 2010
Ashland, KY
Last year on the day OC became legal here, I had to go inside my bank. My bank is posted so left the sidearm in the car. My shirt was covering the top part of the holster and the security guard saw the bottom part of it. He followed me out and this was the conversation:

SG: Are you on duty today?
Me: Ummm....no.
SG: You can't carry a gun in the bank.
Me: I didn't, it's and empty holster, the gun is in the car.
SG: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accost you.

We then had a short chat about OC and how the security guards have tried to get the credit union to remove their gunbuster signs.

Do "No Firearm" signs hold the weight of law in OK, or is it illegal in OK to carry in a bank under authority of state law?


Activist Member
Dec 9, 2010
Ashland, KY
+1 and remember, cops know who most other cops are, and cops off duty do not want to be recognized as cops. When off they wear jeans and sweatshirts, or something like that. The only time they dress up is for a reason to dress up, court, duty, dates, as a general rule. If a person is going to get hassled, they are going to get hassled. The gun is the focus of objection with those that fear firearms, not how a person is dressed.

I guess all of the LEOs in my area are completely different than the ones in your area. You always seem to bundle EVERY LEO in to the same bunch, when you have no idea what other LEOs want or do outside of your local ones.

Most every one I know wear khaki tactical or dress pants and a button up shirt or polo off-duty, with their gun and badge concealed. This is how I dress as well, because it is what I like and it is comfortable. I rarely carry openly any more unless I am on-duty or going to court. I will carry openly while working security jobs not related to my full-time employment, but other than that I normally carry concealed.

Why would the way I dress lead someone to believe I am a peace officer? My firearm is not visible nor is any other identifying accessories. I dress like I do because it is convenient and comfortable, and the waist-line of my tactical pants allow me to go from an IWB to an OWB without having to change pants.


Regular Member
Feb 8, 2011
Moore, OK
Do "No Firearm" signs hold the weight of law in OK, or is it illegal in OK to carry in a bank under authority of state law?
Currently there is no case law either way and different jurisdictions define trespassing differently. Some indicate that the presence of a sign is enough for trespassing charges while others do not. After Nov 1 of this year, the law will change and will say that carrying past a "No Weapons" sign is not a violation of the law unless it is a statutory prohibited place. Carrying past a "No Weapons" sign can get you asked to leave and if you don't, you can be charged with trespassing and a $250 fine.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I have shirts that say things like "I put the laughter in slaughter" and "I hear voices...and they don't like you" among other shirts with similar sayings from my youth. Wearing a shirt like those while OCing is going to send the wrong message to the masses, so I changed what I wore in order to send a more positive image. Why would I do that? Because while it "shouldn't" matter, by changing the public's mind on the subject makes it easier to work on restoring our rights and changing my attire helps to achieve that goal.

I have a pirate tshirt that says "got rum?". I was taking large amounts of pain medication (TBI) and I would weave as I walked. Sweet Baboo suggested I lose the shirt. I complied. I still wear that "I put the Fun in Funeral" shirt when I OC (unlicensed embalmer). Most people do not notice my weapon anyway.

Dirk platinum

Regular Member
Nov 3, 2013
We have a few, mind you very few, volunteer fire persons who carry radios, AND badges around. Not sure the reasoning on it though since it is not like a fire can see a badge and stop. Because of the good they do for the community I shrug it off. I was issued a pager as a LEO, and I hated it, I "accidentally" turned it off, or the batteries went dead continually while I was off work. One day I went to work and they handed me a case of batteries. After that I made sure I was out of range on my day off.

Kudos to you for being responsible while OCing, and not letting people get the wrong idea.

I'm a firefighter for the tennesse state forestry ,I have to carry a "leo " style walkie at all times .Can be annoying .