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Kim Stolfer (FOAC) Needs YOUR Help Right NOW!


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2009
York, Pennsylvania, USA
Copied over from the Pennsylvania forum. Although the bulk of Kim Stolfer's work, and the
primary focus of Firearms Owners Against Crime is Pennsylvania based, I think everyone can
appreciate the value of the work being done here.

When one of us is in trouble, any of us, we all tend to lend support in whatever way we can.
Well, here is a call for such support...

My friend Kim Stolfer Needs YOUR Help right NOW!

Kim Stolfer is the Legislative Chairman for the Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League (ACSL), Chairman of Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC), Vice chairman of PA Sportsmen’s Association (PSA), Vice President Shooters Active in Firearms Education (S.A.F.E.) along with being a USMC combat veteran and Crew Chief of the last Marine helicopter to leave the American embassy in Saigon at the end of Vietnam war.

As many of you know, Kim Stolfer has been very active in the defense of PA hunters and gun owner’s rights in the political arena for over 25 years. He has been instrumental in getting the Castle Doctrine passed as well as many of our firearms rights restored. He has worked tirelessly in bringing 2nd Amendment education to many, including our elected officials. For decades Kim has volunteered his time to protect the freedoms of Pennsylvania citizens.
Kim made a lifelong commitment when he took his oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. He dedicated untold thousands of hours to fight against infringements to our Constitutional rights as an unpaid volunteer, especially when anti-gun politicians attacked your rights.
Kim has helped us and now needs our help.
He is very ill right now.
Kim’s health is suffering as his liver is failing; the medical treatments expenses are exceeding the insurance coverage.

Times are tough for some, send what you can, to:

Liver for Kim Fund
P.O. Box 326
Clinton, PA 15026
Make checks / money orders payable to “Liver for Kim Fund”.

Here is electronic place to make on-line donations

If you appreciate Kim’s sacrifice and dedication to the cause of Freedom, any contribution will help defray the cost of Kim’s care.

In addition to whatever else you do PLEASE include Kim in your prayers as this is where his fate now rests in God’s hands to recover.
THANKS in advance for your generous support to Kim’s greatest battle, the fight for his life.

Out of respect for Kim's condition, any inquires about Kim’s health should be sent here: pf1321@zoominternet.net

For anyone interested, here is a link to FOAC: http://www.foac-pac.org/

Thank you, everyone.
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