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Lawsuit filed for illegal open carry stop of forum member RCall


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2007
Madison, AL
I know that Roy appreciated all the support.

You must understand that the amount asked for in the original complaint is usually window dressing. And the amount asked for and what is settled for truly have no correlation.

In the grand scheme of things this was a nice settlement, dollar and cent wise.

The point of this suit was to shine the bright light on Riverside's crooked cop(s). And to force them into a training program.

Now the crooked cop Jones will have to figure out how to harass other unsuspecting citizens without getting caught.

One of the problems for Riverside is they know that Jones is a liability, not an asset.

And one last thing. The attorney Roy chose has a number of successes in gun cases. I personally believe that picking the right attorney is 80% of the fight.

Just to clarify, when I said the amount asked for was "unusually(?) high," I was referring to that as a reason for the case getting a lot of attention outside of Ohio. The question mark was my admission that I really have no idea if it was high or not, "unusually" or otherwise, but what I really want to impress is that I couldn't care any less if it was a high request or not. The $25K is just as "acceptable" to me as 10 times the asking amount would've been, assuming of course, that Mr. Call and whatever attorneys or OC or more generalized gun rights advocacy organizations he may be associated with find it acceptable (without quotation marks! HA!).

I don't know if or how much you guys followed the attention away from Ohio-specific sites or sub-forums like this one, but there was a disgusting amount of criticism leveled by other gun owners/so-called 2A "advocates" towards Mr. Call for both the amount of the suit and the way he handled himself during the initial stop. Me, personally, I'm thrilled to death that he saw the thing through to a positive conclusion no matter how much the dollar amount was. I will never get the "Shhh!! Don't exercise your rights out in the open in front of God and everybody!" crowd. Kudos to him for not listening to them, and for forcing Riverside to at least address the lawless "law enforcers" among them.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Just to clarify, when I said the amount asked for was "unusually(?) high," I was referring to that as a reason for the case getting a lot of attention outside of Ohio. The question mark was my admission that I really have no idea if it was high or not, "unusually" or otherwise, but what I really want to impress is that I couldn't care any less if it was a high request or not. The $25K is just as "acceptable" to me as 10 times the asking amount would've been, assuming of course, that Mr. Call and whatever attorneys or OC or more generalized gun rights advocacy organizations he may be associated with find it acceptable (without quotation marks! HA!).

I don't know if or how much you guys followed the attention away from Ohio-specific sites or sub-forums like this one, but there was a disgusting amount of criticism leveled by other gun owners/so-called 2A "advocates" towards Mr. Call for both the amount of the suit and the way he handled himself during the initial stop. Me, personally, I'm thrilled to death that he saw the thing through to a positive conclusion no matter how much the dollar amount was. I will never get the "Shhh!! Don't exercise your rights out in the open in front of God and everybody!" crowd. Kudos to him for not listening to them, and for forcing Riverside to at least address the lawless "law enforcers" among them.

The high number was to get the attention of the city, not the gun community. There will always be armchair quarterbacks who think they know how to handle every situation that comes their way. Understanding that no high stress situation comes off like clockwork, Roy Call stood on his rights and defended those rights the best he could.

Many of these quarterbacks want to ignore the dictates of the Supreme Court. The only rights you have are the ones you are willing to fight for.

When you read all the documents, it is clear that officer Jones was stalking Roy Call for the right time to harass him. Jones did not expect the fight he got. But, Jones has not learned his lesson and will never learn his lesson. He has been harassing people for years and he will continue until he personally has to pay the price.
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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...- Sgt. Harold Jones, who lied repeatedly in his police report, gets to keep his job (more on this later)


I've been in possession of the audio from Roy Call's recorder since shortly after the incident, but have not posted it for reasons you can imagine, not the least of which was to give Riverside and Sgt. Jones an opportunity to do the right thing. Clearly, that never happened, and the fact that Sgt. Jones is still employed by Riverside makes it all the worse.

I encourage you to re-read, or read for the first time, Sgt. Jones' report: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5lbeHrEn3m1dUYyYWFTeFlPQm8/edit?pli=1

Read the report, and estimate how long transpires between the initial words spoken between the two, and the time Jones take possession of Mr. Call's firearm. You estimated a minute or two, didn't you?

Now, listen to the tape and note that the time was actually 10 seconds. Then, re-read the report, and note the other lies Jones makes about what took place before Mr. Call's firearm was taken.



I think any open-minded person could only draw one conclusion: Sgt. Jones = LIAR

Ask yourself what would have happened if this tape didn't exist (and it's my contention that Jones unsuccessfully attempted to erase it), and what can, should, and will we and Ohio's "gun rights" organizations do in the aftermath of this kind of event?

Some more information: match up 1:03 on OFCC's copy of the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siAqelKBUAA with :27 of the second recording above.

Thanks to an anonymous, very capable person for hosting the audio files.
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