Here's a new one with Raleigh PD tonight
I had just parked my car on a downtown Raleigh street and I was leaning in the door to get my wallet to put in my pocket, so my strong side hip is pointed right back up the street. Wouldn't ya know it, the first car that passes in that 3 seconds it took me to reach in the car is a RPD cruiser. So he hits the brakes and does a u turn, stopping across both lanes and two officers get out, walking toward me fairly calmly.
The first one says stop, and I do.
He then says "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Me "Well I don't have a lot of time right now officer"
RPD1 approaches me and gently puts his hand on my right wrist and says that while we're talking he needs to hold my gun
Me "In that case, am I being detained?"
RPD1 "It's pretty uncommon to see a man walking in downtown Raleigh with a gun on his hip"
(I resist the urge to say there are now three of us doing just that on this one block!)
Me again, "Am I being detained?"
RPD2 Knows where I'm heading with this, he says to RPD1 "No, no, it's cool we just wanted to stop and talk"
Me "If I am free to go I am going to keep heading that way" Pointing down the block.
RPD1 - "You know it's your right to carry that gun and it's our right to stop and check on people with guns"
(At this point all of 60 seconds might have passed, and they weren't going to hang themselves by forcing detainment on someone who knows his rights, so I'm ok with them)
RPD1 Starts into a guns in public type lecture as I'm kind of turning to walk away, like he's trying to prolong the "talk". So I politely excuse myself and keep walking away.
They followed me for a while in their cruiser with the lights off, then waited by my parked car for about 30 minutes or so. I really didn't want to get back in it and have them pull me over for some b.s. ticket so I waited them out before doing anything with the car.
They didn't seem like bad guys or anything, but I feel like they were trying the same old cop trick of making it sound like you don't have a choice when you do.