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NC OC experience reports


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Toddled into Lowes and watched an individual more mature than myself OC’g and has become my experience, two gentlemen walked up and while chatting out of the blue, insisted on displaying their concealed sidearm...

life is good at sam’s club while open carrying during numerous shopping trips of late

oh wake county sheriff’s chp office is granting appointments for DECEMBER...so much for 45 day turnaround!
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Toddled to Sam's encountered a gentleman OC'd, said it was good to see someone,OC'g...yep was the responce w/o looking up...

fyi, wayne's SO is now handout appointments for mid Feb for processing CHP/CCWs from classes conducted 10 days ago...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
well holiday spirit finally consumed me (truth be told my partner told me to get some jewelry repaired)
so i went into Barnes jewelry next to mall/firestone OC'g HK full sized 9, and the place was packed...staff didn't plink, tho a couple of customers shied away from my location in the store...

chatted with owner and several employees and none of the staff seemed concerned whatsoever...

bottom line...they now will have all my jewelry business as they were also quite efficient in sizing the necklace i needed....and other goods my partner deserves/desires...


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Fayetteville NC
Some amusement while grocery shopping at Walmart today: A young black man was there with his 5 children. The two young boys asked
Is that a real gun? Yes.
Do you have bullets? Yes
Are you a policeman? No
Are you going to shoot someone? I hope not.
Why do you have it? So I can shoot back.

After a few moments I went on and in another aisle met an older black man OCing a Springfield 9mm. We talked for a moment and then I told him about the kids. I suggested he go talk to them to let them see a black man carrying a gun. He later thanked me and told me he had fun talking to the kids.

Lowe's, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Food Lion were non-events.

Merry Christmas!


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Fayetteville NC
Spent a good part of the day in Locust OCing the 1911. There was an Eggstravaganza at the town center, with egg hunts for kids and about a dozen stalls selling homemade items (daughter-in-law selling jewelry). One lady vendor was OCing a Taurus Slim. Inside the Ace hardware store was a gun shop. Not much inventory or ammo, but what they had was reasonably priced.

On the way home, we ate lunch at the Parkway Diner in Albemarle. Good food and service. Saw one other diner OCing.

A good day, and the only masks worn were to enter, and leave, the diner.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Ran into local Ford dealership, elderly couple in front of me in line & chatted, then both got attended, then heard the wife loudly state..."he's an officer of the law..." I stopped my conversation w/clerk and stated...nope just a citizen carrying as i'm allowed to!!

we chatted further about the laws of the land and then went out separate ways...both glad we were able to share our smiles for a moment.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Ran into local Ford dealership, elderly couple in front of me in line & chatted, then both got attended, then heard the wife loudly state..."he's an officer of the law..." I stopped my conversation w/clerk and stated...nope just a citizen carrying as i'm allowed to!!

we chatted further about the laws of the land and then went out separate ways...both glad we were able to share our smiles for a moment.
"allowed to".


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
"allowed to".
So hammer6, per merriam-webster's learned opinion, quoted for your use, do you believe is violated and which definition should i have used...?

Definition of allow​

transitive verb
1a: PERMITdoesn't allow people to smoke in his home
b: to fail to restrain or prevent allow the dog to roam
2a: to assign as a share or suitable amount (as of time or money) allow an hour for lunch
b: to reckon as a deduction or an addition allow a gallon for leakage
3: ADMIT, CONCEDEmust allow that money causes problems in marriage
4achiefly Southern US and Midland US : to be of the opinion : THINK
bdialect : SAY, STATE
c: to express an opinion —usually used with as how or that
5chiefly Southern US and Midland US : INTEND, PLAN

intransitive verb
1: to make a possibility : ADMIT —used with of evidence that allows of only one conclusion
2: to give consideration to circumstances or contingencies —used with fora plan that allows for expansion
3: to give an opportunity : PERMITS She worked on the project here and there as time allowed.This should take 5 minutes for 1 strength-cardio circuit combo. If time allows, repeat once more for a 10-minute workout or twice more for a 15-minute workout.— Tracy Teare This plan is being implemented in phases as funding allows.— Waterloo-Cedar Falls (Iowa) Courier

While the Tarheel state, as touted on this OCDO for years, has no state constitutional nor legislative/county/city statutory restraints on NC citizens > 18 years and older from OPEN Carrying their SD handguns.

This stated, the Tarheel state has NOT ESTABLISHED NOR PROHIBITED private/public property retail entrepreneurs servicing j.q.public visiting the establishment from putting up signage stating "NO WEAPONS" [OC/CC] mandates on their property.

so, as stated. "allowed" to, was actually a promo for the dealership who allowed this NC citizen & potential customer to conduct business w/the organization while maintaining my SD posture by open carrying my trusty handgun on my hip!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
yet another beautiful day OC'g to county dump, Highway 55 for lunch, [sidebar saw a portly shabbily dressed man wearing a sidearm with Halloween mask, not covid mask, on enter food lion...thought what a fool], off to camper part store, all wearing my trusty HK USP 9 on my side.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
this morning I stopped for bkfast at my favorite bkfast place on Ash St where the cook OCs...

while chatting about firearms/local range/etc...he told me he went to the local SAM's Club yesterday and the greeter, D, told him the had to leave his OC firearm outside. Told by greeter it was new policy being enforced...

without making a special trip, i walked in past the same greeter who didn't bat an eye at my OC'd sidearm!

will toddle over for bkfast tomorrow tell my friend the good news


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Fayetteville NC
Why do they do this?

Last week my wife and I ate at El Patron in Aberdeen. I OCd a Taurus. I noticed another couple with the man OCing a Glock. We left about the same time, and once outside I asked which model he had. He proceeded to unholster it to show me the various details.?????

Yesterday in the nearby Lowe's store, I followed four young guys to the plumbing section. One carried a G19 and another had an extended mag sticking out of his pocket. When I asked about the mag, he pulled it (33 rd Glock) and the gun out to show me. ????

I guess I should just stop asking, then they won't show them off.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Alas, er, uh, at a favorite bkfast/lunch place in rural religious Eastern NC, the male owner OC's & i were chatting and he told me he just gotten thrown out sam's, next day visited just so i could tell ~ him i went over to sam's after he told me he got thrown out to advised him the bloke at door let me in...then i pointed out the bloke might've thrown him out cause he "looked too young" to carry!! All the while staff, local customers and two of us laughing w/guns oc'd!

Then a patron hollared we should conceal and quit causing trouble showing off our toys....

Immediate silence ensued from staff, customers, yet nobody claimed

owner looked out & calmly and clearly stated throughout the place - - they should finish their meal and leave and not return if they felt that way....he then returned to cleaning up tables

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Why do they do this?

Last week my wife and I ate at El Patron in Aberdeen. I OCd a Taurus. I noticed another couple with the man OCing a Glock. We left about the same time, and once outside I asked which model he had. He proceeded to unholster it to show me the various details.?????

Yesterday in the nearby Lowe's store, I followed four young guys to the plumbing section. One carried a G19 and another had an extended mag sticking out of his pocket. When I asked about the mag, he pulled it (33 rd Glock) and the gun out to show me. ????

I guess I should just stop asking, then they won't show them off.
But they are proud of their man toy and so happy to show it off. You made their day.

Usually when I go into Home Depot there are a few employees that look or ask what I'm carrying, in a good way.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
been OC'n throughout the tarheel, the buckeye, the mountain, and the bluegrass states w/o incident...

life is good...


New member
Jun 13, 2021
North Carolina
Started my OC journey yesterday in Central NC. Got a P365 with a holster that rides pretty tight so it's actually easy overlook it if you're looking at me head on. Never OC'ed before and I'm surprised how quickly I'm getting used to it. About half the people I've encountered don't even see it upon first glance. I've found it amusing watching various people's reactions. But I just give everyone one a big smile and act extra polite and try to be a good representative of the 2A and no one's yet to blink twice. I'll be OC'ing from now on out. I love North Carolina.


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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Started my OC journey yesterday in Central NC. Got a P365 with a holster that rides pretty tight so it's actually easy overlook it if you're looking at me head on. Never OC'ed before and I'm surprised how quickly I'm getting used to it. About half the people I've encountered don't even see it upon first glance. I've found it amusing watching various people's reactions. But I just give everyone one a big smile and act extra polite and try to be a good representative of the 2A and no one's yet to blink twice. I'll be OC'ing from now on out. I love North Carolina.
No gang tattoos that I can see nor a man ponytail. Biting your fingernails is pretty common, but chewing off the fingers of your gloves seems extreme. All in all you look pretty clean cut for a Bible-thumping gun toting Central NC gang member.

Welcome aboard. ;)


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Started my OC journey yesterday in Central NC. Got a P365 with a holster that rides pretty tight so it's actually easy overlook it if you're looking at me head on. Never OC'ed before and I'm surprised how quickly I'm getting used to it. About half the people I've encountered don't even see it upon first glance. I've found it amusing watching various people's reactions. But I just give everyone one a big smile and act extra polite and try to be a good representative of the 2A and no one's yet to blink twice. I'll be OC'ing from now on out. I love North Carolina.
apologies to axl...

welcome to the jungle...

might i ask a personal question...have you obtained your NC conceal privilege so you are intimately familiar with statutory mandates within the tarheel state, e.g., where OC'g is allowed and no carry period isn't!

reviewing 220 postings might be tremendously boring & time consuming...

hollar if you wish to meet up and do lunch or grab a bite...

again welcom...


New member
Jun 13, 2021
North Carolina
No gang tattoos that I can see nor a man ponytail. Biting your fingernails is pretty common, but chewing off the fingers of your gloves seems extreme. All in all you look pretty clean cut for a Bible-thumping gun toting Central NC gang member.

Welcome aboard. ;)
Thanks for the welcome! I REALLY like to wear my compression gloves when I'm not working so I sometimes forget they're even on! Had carpel tunnel relief surgery a few years ago and I can't recommend these things enough! No piercings and no marks that playing and laboring in the sun didn't give me. :)

apologies to axl...

welcome to the jungle...

might i ask a personal question...have you obtained your NC conceal privilege so you are intimately familiar with statutory mandates within the tarheel state, e.g., where OC'g is allowed and no carry period isn't!

reviewing 220 postings might be tremendously boring & time consuming...

hollar if you wish to meet up and do lunch or grab a bite...

again welcom...
Thanks for the welcome! I do not have my conceal carry permit. I'd say that I am only moderately familiar with the local open carry laws. I've been lurking on this site for nearly a year and learning a LOT of useful information trying to get ready. However, I've also learned that there's a lot I don't know still.

Most recently, I've found information on this discussion board about open carry driving extremely useful. I just recently obtained the firearm I intend to use as my EDC, so while I not a beginner... this is very new for me. I don't intend to get my conceal carry permit any time soon at least, I'm always grateful for information.

I am considering taking a conceal carry course since it isn't that expensive and might have useful state specific info. Thankfully, my activities almost never take me to places that forbid firearms but I wouldn't mind any NC specific information.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
always remember cups, et al., by NC statutes covering NC citizens wishing to purchase a handgun from a commercial or private seller, quote:
14-402. Sale of certain weapons without permit forbidden.
(a) It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation in this State to sell, give away, or transfer, or to purchase or receive, at any place within this State from any other place within or without the State any pistol unless: (i) a license or permit is first obtained under this Article by the purchaser or receiver from the sheriff of the county in which the purchaser or receiver resides; or (ii) a valid North Carolina concealed handgun permit is held under Article 54B of this Chapter by the purchaser or receiver who must be a resident of the State at the time of the purchase.

best reason to obtain your privilege card