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Openly carrying a Ruger LCP...?


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2008
Northville, MI
I just got a Ruger LCP yesterday and do not yet have a CPL. What are your thoughts on someone OCing a subcompact?

It's the only handgun I own and I have a nice leather OWB holster for it with a thumb snap... I'm really trying to resist the urge to OC it while doing my daily business, or even just for a walk around the neighbourhood to test it out. Is this bad? Should I just wait for my CPL (or a bigger gun)?


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
The purpose of the weapon should be for the protection of you and your loved ones against the chance you are where something bad goes down. If you don't have it on you, it can't help you. It will do the job if you need it. Carry it


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
The LCP is not a subcompact handgun. It is smaller than that is is loosely referred to as a mouse gun or mini gun. It is better than a hammer but does not suffice as a serious self defense handgun. Yet if that is all you have than go for it and carry it until you can get something in a more powerful caliber and load. This is not to disparage your new gun in any way, but rather to help you understand the purpose of its design and use. I carry an LCP when I go out and about at the beach in the cargo pocket of my shorts. Is it my preferred carry gun? Absolutely not. Is it one I do carry when the situation presents itself that it is my better choice. Absolutely yes.

So yes, carry it. And then as time and funds allow, consider picking up something in at least a 9mm configuration for your primary carry gun.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2008
Northville, MI
The LCP is not a subcompact handgun. It is smaller than that is is loosely referred to as a mouse gun or mini gun. It is better than a hammer but does not suffice as a serious self defense handgun. Yet if that is all you have than go for it and carry it until you can get something in a more powerful caliber and load. This is not to disparage your new gun in any way, but rather to help you understand the purpose of its design and use. I carry an LCP when I go out and about at the beach in the cargo pocket of my shorts. Is it my preferred carry gun? Absolutely not. Is it one I do carry when the situation presents itself that it is my better choice. Absolutely yes.

So yes, carry it. And then as time and funds allow, consider picking up something in at least a 9mm configuration for your primary carry gun.

I know the LCP's intended purpose, I wanted one when I got my CPL; fate had it that I'd get it sooner. :)

I realize it's not an ideal defensive weapon, and I'm working on getting a mid-size 9mm.

Thanks for the input.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
The LCP ... is better than a hammer but does not suffice as a serious self defense handgun. ....

Name a case of civilian self-defense where a human attacker advanced through .380 (or less) gunfire to continue the attack.

It will clearly be an exception, and you can probably find even more of these flukes happening with more-often carried rounds like the almighty .45.

Never belittle someone for carrying a small firearm. Commend them for carrying a firearm.
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Regular Member
Dec 4, 2008
Big D
Name a case of civilian self-defense where a human attacker advanced through .380 (or less) gunfire to continue the attack.

It will clearly be an exception, and you can probably find even more of these flukes happening with more-often carried rounds like the almighty .45.

Never belittle someone for carrying a small firearm. Commend them for carrying a firearm.

(Some people feel inadequate, I guess. But I do dry the line at wearing a HiPoint ;-)


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2008
Northville, MI
Name a case of civilian self-defense where a human attacker advanced through .380 (or less) gunfire to continue the attack.

It will clearly be an exception, and you can probably find even more of these flukes happening with more-often carried rounds like the almighty .45.

Never belittle someone for carrying a small firearm. Commend them for carrying a firearm.

Hey, I'm perfectly fine carrying a .380 Auto most days. I'm probably one of the few remaining fans of .32 Auto, so the .380 is just a step up. :)


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Name a case of civilian self-defense where a human attacker advanced through .380 (or less) gunfire to continue the attack.

It will clearly be an exception, and you can probably find even more of these flukes happening with more-often carried rounds like the almighty .45.

Never belittle someone for carrying a small firearm. Commend them for carrying a firearm.

If you read my post, you would have seen that I did no such thing. In fact, I even admitted that I carried an LCP at times where I deemed it to be the better choice. Of course I commend people who carry. There are better choices that a .380ACP just as there are better choices than a 9mm. But one carries what one carries and if that is their choice or option at the time, so be it.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
I directly quoted what I was referring to. To tell someone that their sidearm is not a "serious self-defense handgun" is belittling them, IN MY OPINION. You are, of course, welcome to argue otherwise.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
No one was "belittled." A rational post as to the value of the LCP as a defensive firearm was made that addressed the firearm and not the carrier.

Personally, I think that the LCP would be a great backup gun. I wouldn't carry it myself as a primary, but I can see others, in their unique circumstances, choosing this reliable and compact firearm as their primary.

I hope no one sees this as belittling anyone who chooses to carry an LCP!


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
No one was "belittled." A rational post as to the value of the LCP as a defensive firearm was made that addressed the firearm and not the carrier.

Personally, I think that the LCP would be a great backup gun. I wouldn't carry it myself as a primary, but I can see others, in their unique circumstances, choosing this reliable and compact firearm as their primary.

I hope no one sees this as belittling anyone who chooses to carry an LCP!

Precisely. Most of us know that a handgun is a compromise as far as a defensive firearm is concerned. Certainly better than other tools but not the match of a rifle or shotgun. And in the handgun ranks, there are handguns which are better and worse than other handguns for various reasons.

The intended purpose of guns such as the LCP Ruger is that of backup or when the situation is such that a primary carry gun is not available or advised, a temporary primary. I do completely agree with your statement, "but I can see others, in their unique circumstances, choosing this reliable and compact firearm as their primary" just like I do agree with MAC702's statement about commending people who carry a firearm for their protection. At least the OP has taken the steps to see to his defense and that is what matters most.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
Most days, my edc is a CZ82. It has a nice 9x18HP that leaves a nice hole and affords rapid follow up shots. On some days I will wear my P64 in the same calibre. It is small and I wear it in a fobus paddle out where everyone can see it. I really do not give a rats patoot what others think of my weapon as the only person it is their to please is me. MAC702 said "I'm known to slip my VZ-70 in my tuxedo and call it a night... ". I like that. I wear the P64 when I "dress up" for Herself, it looks good, black frame/white grips, pretty.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Most days, my edc is a CZ82. It has a nice 9x18HP that leaves a nice hole and affords rapid follow up shots. On some days I will wear my P64 in the same calibre. It is small and I wear it in a fobus paddle out where everyone can see it. I really do not give a rats patoot what others think of my weapon as the only person it is their to please is me. MAC702 said "I'm known to slip my VZ-70 in my tuxedo and call it a night... ". I like that. I wear the P64 when I "dress up" for Herself, it looks good, black frame/white grips, pretty.

We both carry our P63 at times, it is usually my about the farm gun because it is light small and does not interfere in chores. IMO considering that the velocity is much higher than a 38 out of a snub barrel it is more capable. Many people who diss the .380 think nothing of carrying a 38 snub nose, which loses considerable power due to the short barrel. And I am a 38 fan also.
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Belittle: to speak slightingly of.

If you guys want to argue the word choice, fine. My point lied elsewhere, and I'll consider that settled.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Again, the person was not spoken slightingly of. The capability of the firearm was rationally discussed.

Folks really should distinguish between comments directed at the person and comments directed at the situation or at an object.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
You're right. If I comment about your clothing, it in NO WAY should be construed as commenting on your taste in clothing.

I read too much into it and imputed motives falsely. I retract the statement.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
You are correct. If I wore a short-sleeved shirt on a frigid winter's day and you commented on that shirt's inability to protect against the cold, it would in no way be a comment about me. As a matter of fact, I do wear short-sleeved shirt every day to work, even in the winter. It is my uniform shirt.
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