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South Hill Mall Verizon Wireless store yesterday 11-31-09


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2009
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I was having a rather frustrating interaction with the staff at South Hill Mall's Verizon store yesterday at about 1pm. Another customer was concluding his business and was starting to leave when the staff commented about his gun. One employee clarified for the other that Washington was an open carry state and that the customer was perfectly legal (great to hear).

The fact that the man was carrying eluded me even though I was quite aware of his presence. As a very flamboyant black male adult in his twenties and decked out with some serious bling (I think that is the right term) somehow I overlooked the equally loud display of a semi-auto pistol in a drop holster.

I quickly found myself reconsidering some of my preconceived notions of what OC should look like. After all, I have heard many of us say that the bad guys don't open carry. So much for us all being a bunch of old duffers, middle age objectors, young geeks or wannabe cops (only humor intended)... OC has gone gangsta!

So, if this was one of y'all that I ran into, please don't take offense. I just had to laugh at myself and this diverse culture in which we participate. Figures that my first coincidental encounter with a fellow OCer would be notable. I always assumed that I would just cross paths with M1Gunner at a Home Depot someday.


Regular Member
Nov 26, 2008
Shoreline, Washington, USA
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Thats one of the few disagreements I have with some people here.

You don't have to wear a dress shirt and dress pants to OC.

I dont care if you are white, black, purple, green, long haired, saggy pants, or hey if you crossdress.

As long as your legal, OC as you see fit, fashion wise. You don't have to be Ward Cleaver.

Its time to stomp the Image of the average OC'er as "Whitey"

Daath 474

Regular Member
Sep 20, 2009
, Washington, USA
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I CC myself and I'm still afraid to OC in my small town. I've got tattoos and piercings, which pretty much aren't a common thing around here. The tattoo on the back of my neck is a Baphomet pentagram so I'm also afraid of some sort of religious discrimination as well. Otherwise, I dress fairly normal. Black or white plain t-shirts, Levi's jeans, black skate shoes. When I dress nice, which I like to do; I'll wear a suit and tie. It's just the idea of a lawful Satanist carrying a firearm may be too unnerving for some small minds in a small town. Maybe someday...



Regular Member
Jan 22, 2007
Puyallup, Washington, USA
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Good to hear your story. I wonder if any of the employees bothered to notify security. Even though one individual there was aware of state law, it is still forbidden to carry in South Hill Mall, unless something has changed in the last 60 days (I don't go to the mall much). Kudos to them if they did not call security. As we all know...some rules were just made to be broken/challenged.


Regular Member
Oct 26, 2009
Sedro, Washington, USA
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Thanks for sharing, great story. I love hearing about something other than a tucked in button down as carry dress...kudos to him for the drop-leg as well, and not getting kicked out of a mall. :celebrate

That picture made me laugh, good stuff!


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2009
Curtis, Washington, USA
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As bullshlt as I think it is for those who choose to carry being limited by ANYTHING, I do have to respectfully disagree with you here. The rules of private property need to be respected. If I'm a guest in your home, I follow your rules as I hope you would follow mine. (Bachelor in a man cave, the rules are simple here, bring beer, watch ESPN)

We can yell and scream at the owners of the malls all day long, in the end, it's their property. I just know where NOT to shop.

Besides, they don't have trophy animals on the walls, why shop at a mall anyway? :question:



Regular Member
Oct 1, 2009
Curtis, Washington, USA
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To Stryker,

Well worded expression and funny observation! Love to see stereotypes challenged.

To ANYONE who lawfully OC's - MASS KUDOS! I believe, as many of you, that this would be a much safer Country if this was far more common!

Respects to all who deserve...


Regular Member
Jan 22, 2007
Puyallup, Washington, USA
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Thanks for the comments.

You are correct that I would respect the rules in your house, but should you find me to be violating them, I would understand if you ask me to leave. The same would occur if I was found to be breaking the rules in the mall.

I know you can say that you will choose where you will or won't shop, but the reality is that sometimes you will go to places that don't welcome firearms. In those times, I refuse to allow myself, my family, or others to be potential victims by abiding to some nonsensical rule. I don't know you, but I would truly be surprised if you did not carry (CC more likely than OC) in the malls when you visit them. If you can say to me, in all honesty, that you DO NOT CARRY where rules, not laws, say you cannot, than I apologize in advance for assuming that you care about your safety.

Edited for grammar


Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
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Commodore and all....

I think that we all respect private property rights. But I wanted to throw out their for discussion the notion of 'a place of public accomadation'... that term is a vital term for the SC in determining 1st amendment rights in a public setting... i.e. your 1A rights don't stop at the front door to a mall or other place of public accomadation.

I have always CC'd at the mall because it is just easier and more respectful, but in my opinion it is a place that is of public accomadation and the RKBA would not necessarily be asked to stop at the front door. A smaller stand alone business may have more restrictive rules in the case of the 1A.



Regular Member
Sep 5, 2009
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N6ATF wrote:
November has a 31st day now?


November was a very busy month for me, so it just felt like there was an extra day.

With respect to the South Hill Mall's rules, they just completed a remodel/renovation and I could not find any visible restrictions posted regarding firearms. I also seem to recall that their pre-remodel posted code of conduct was along the lines of no unlawful possession of firearms. My once or twice a year visits to this mall are always in the holiday season and my winter attire makes cc the natural choice. Thus I can't say that I really know the mall's view on OC. I also see that a Dick's Sporting Goods store is going in. Anyone know to what extent they foray into firearms?

Daath: All of us Ward Cleavers out there already assume that you and the gangsters are packing heat, so you might as well prove us right. At the same time you can prove us wrong by demonstrating that you're not out to shoot the place up or eat the family pet.:lol: The problem is that many of us, to the public majority,look like we could be parolees from Arkansas.:X

Last thing on the Verizon store is that they have their own private security guard who was very proximate to us during my visit. He must have been keeping a very close watch on the activities, but no interaction whatsoever. I also asked the Verizon rep if he had seen others OC before, and he said no but that the mall security guards were"too chickenshlt to approach some guy with knives last week, so they probably wouldn't mess with a guy with a gun." Sounds questionable, but it was an interesting observation.

The attire for today was surgical scrubs, and I must say that you really have to cinch up the drawstrings tight to keep the britches up, even when it is only a 9mm Keltec in the holster. It is also good to know that St. Joe's in Bellingham has a security office that will let you check your firearm during your visit. A nice alternative to leaving it in the car.


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2009
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The South Hill MallRadio Shack needed a visit andI noticed that the old rules sign was once again posted.Clearly the property owner's intention is to notsupport open carry, but the exception seems to support concealed carry. The"except as authorized by state& federal law" partcould be interpreted several ways.



Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
Kitsap Co., Washington, USA
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"except as authorized by state& federal law"

- In WA, if it is not "Illegal", then it is legal, and thus authorised.

- Seems they intend more to reserve the right to make their own call at will, they DO have the right, however, their wording leaves a lot to be desired. Seems they could be leaving themselves open for serious debate from customers on that subject.

Just my thoughts
