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State fires security firm after employee defends life with handgun


Regular Member
May 26, 2006
Alaska, USA
imported post


State fires security firm after employee uses gun at work

Last Edited: Thursday, 08 May 2008, 8:51 AM EDT

Created: Thursday, 08 May 2008, 8:51 AM EDT

BURRILLVILLE, R.I. (AP) - The state has ended a contract with a private security firm after one of its employees allegedly shot at an intruder during a confrontation at a Burrillville hospital.

The state Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals says the employee, Todd Brown, broke the rules by bringing a gun onto the campus of Zambarano Hospital.
The department ended its contract on Tuesday with Brown's employer, Industrial Security and Investigators.

The altercation happened Sunday night when Brown, a hospital security guard, went to investigate a flickering light inside a vacant building.

He told state police he encountered a man with a knife and fired a single shot at him from his 9 mm handgun.

State police have not found the alleged intruder, and don't believe he was shot.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2006
Bristow, Virginia, USA
imported post

When confronting an intruder: scream then use harsh language while dialing 911.

Whatever you do it is imperative that you not harm the perp or damage his self-esteem. After all he has suffered a bad childhood and was FORCED into a life of crime.

This story is not surprising coming out of a N.E. State.

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA
whew!! that was close......

When confronting an intruder: scream then use harsh language while dialing 911.

Whatever you do it is imperative that you not harm the perp or damage his self-esteem. After all he has suffered a bad childhood and was FORCED into a life of crime.

This story is not surprising coming out of a N.E. State.

i just thank god,, that the alleged intruder was spared becoming a VICTIM!
now that would have really messed with his self esteem.


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2009
Central KY
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Seems like by firing this firm, they're opening their doors to criminals that know that their security is unarmed.


Regular Member
Jun 10, 2008
Alabama, ,
The BG ran off, so why get the police involved with his gun? It's a nut house who is going to believe them when they say they heard a shot?

But it is refreshing that they punish the company, and not the employee who lived through it for a change.