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Texas House Speaker declares 'constitutional carry' dead after activist shows up at his home


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I won’t bother. You made an assertion that disagreed with the facts as presented in a news story I read. If you won’t source your assertions, I just won’t assign any credibility to them. Thank you.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I won’t bother. You made an assertion that disagreed with the facts as presented in a news story I read. If you won’t source your assertions, I just won’t assign any credibility to them. Thank you.

Ah eye95, your olde modus operandi of days past manifesting itself for all to see...”I just corrected you, where I thought you were in error, even tho I was the one who completely misunderstood entirely!”


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
At this point, I would suggest that "folks in OH," who appear to have absolutely no first-, second-, third-, or even forth-hand knowledge of this so-called "incident" may want to stay out of the business of patriots like Chris McNutt.


The above is presented as factual in the OP-linked story, and I opined based on that assertion of facts. If you have sourced assertions of facts that differ, please present them from that source. I will be happy to consider them.

The actual facts with regard to the matter are readily and easily available to anyone who possesses even a modicum of interest in obtaining them.

I won’t bother. You made an assertion that disagreed with the facts as presented in a news story I read. If you won’t source your assertions, I just won’t assign any credibility to them. Thank you.

Ah eye95, your olde modus operandi of days past manifesting itself for all to see...”I just corrected you, where I thought you were in error, even tho I was the one who completely misunderstood entirely!”

Folks, that quotation, ostensibly attributed to me, is nothing that I have ever said.

solus is a liar.

Eye95, please read the posting where you corrected TXOC16, then discerned you were in fact in error, ending up trivializing your entire misunderstanding of their previous posting on the subject matter at hand.

Further eye95 nowhere did I state nor attribute anything to you except pointing out you irrational & incoherent misunderstanding of posts and then contradict yourself is your modus operandi and has been for years.

But now eye95 your audacity to call me a liar... shows the membership your complete lack of self discipline to control your emotional outbursts as well as professionalism and civility towards this member is truly abhorrent and disgraceful behaviour.
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Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
Please be forewarned that, for some, this may be very difficult to watch as it quite clearly illustrates Chris' illegal activities, his obviously aggressive nature, and his incredibly hostile attitude. Quite frankly, given the totality of the engagement, I am beyond surprised that the DPS troopers didn't immediately taze him, cuff him, and arrest him for, umm, contempt of RINO? :
As is obvious, Chris' actions were every bit as innocent and innocuous as he maintained they were (as anyone who knows him even in passing knew they were), he did exactly what he said he did (and, perhaps more importantly, didn't do what many others maintained he did), and Dennis "The Menace" Bonnen lied about the entire incident and continues to do so, fully aided and abetted by the multitude of so-called "news-reporting" organizations that merely accept, report, and repeat verbatim anything and everything that fits their own anti-America, anti-Constitution agenda.

Look, I have more than my share of crow recipes, but I ain't gonna be pulling one out for this incident, and perhaps, just perhaps, it's time for some others to look themselves in the mirror and recite the line, "Our own worst enemies, indeed."
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
TXOC16, do all the state legislators have standing TXSP or other LEs overseeing their residences or was someone notified LEs this mtg was about happen?

What was the rationale to obtain the bodycam?

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I won’t bother. You made an assertion that disagreed with the facts as presented in a news story I read. If you won’t source your assertions, I just won’t assign any credibility to them. Thank you.
The FACTS presented in the video expresses doubt concerning the veracity of the FACTS in the news story that eye95 relies on as true.

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
Below is my letter to my local Texas State Representative, Doc Anderson, regarding the shameful acts of Speaker Bonnen.

I am demanding that you as our Texas State Representative sternly admonish the Speaker for his outright lies, now proven, against Chris McNutt and the Texas Gun Rights organization. That he immediately apologize to Mr McNutt and the people of the State of Texas for his obnoxious behavior.

The speaker has been on a campaign to smear Mr. McNutt and TXGR in order to stop HB 357 from getting a fair hearing. As you know this bill was not allowed to move to the floor by the previous Speaker in the last session and now is being blocked by the current Speaker.

This behavior is unbecoming to the to the high standards we should expect and demand of the Speaker of the House of the State of Texas.

This is being sent to you on behalf of Myself, My wife Stephanie, My 19 Year old daughter Georgia, and my 18 year old son Benjamin.


Every Texas resident should write and call their State Representative, regardless of party affiliation, and demand the Speaker be held accountable for his actions.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
I think we're missing something here-

An elected official that swore an oath to the Constitution is "punishing" a group of people advocating for the removal of infringements on a fundamental right, by "decreeing" that the bill is dead?

Seems like this dude should be removed from office for treason.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Start trash talking that anti-liberty/liberal house speaker at every opportunity. He is no friend of the 2A or individual liberty, no matter what comes out of his lying pie-hole.

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
Constitutional carry is now officially dead for this legislative session. We try again next session.
