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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I preferred "old school" leather holsters myself, but due to the "obscure" milsurp guns I sometimes carry, ANY "civilian" holster for them was scarce. Only MILITARY flap-holsters were ever made/intended for such guns, not civilian holsters.
One of my leather holsters came from Serbia, where (unlike in America) such "scarce/obscure/obsolete" guns are well-known, still often seen and so they make custom-fitted CIVILIAN hoslters for them...even if there's not a lot of selection, as least you CAN get a civilain holster. But I have their military holsters, too.
As an OCer, however, I wanted better security (at least Level II retention), so my holsters have been exclusively polymer, like the Blackhawk Serpa, IMI Defense Roto-Rig, and Cytac.
-- C
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