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What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
These decrees — issued by those who have no legal authority to issue them, enforced by cops who hate what they are being made to do, destructive of the freedoms that our forbearers shed oceans of blood to preserve and crushing economic prosperity by violating the laws of supply and demand — should all be rejected by an outraged populace, and challenged in court.

These challenges are best filed in federal courts, where those who have trampled our liberties will get no special quarter. I can tell you from my prior life as a judge that most state governors fear nothing more than an intellectually honest, personally courageous, constitutionally faithful federal judge.

Two statements that are severely lacking in the governments...one is a lie and the other is a fantasy...please feel free to choose which is which...

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
These decrees — issued by those who have no legal authority to issue them, enforced by cops who hate what they are being made to do, destructive of the freedoms that our forbearers shed oceans of blood to preserve and crushing economic prosperity by violating the laws of supply and demand — should all be rejected by an outraged populace, and challenged in court.

But the populace is not outraged.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
And KY gun owners, the vast majority of them it seems, are not interested in HB 610 either. It takes but a few tenacious citizens to effect change that all benifit from...those who can will, those who don't pay any attention do not...just the way it is.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
And KY gun owners, the vast majority of them it seems, are not interested in HB 610 either. It takes but a few tenacious citizens to effect change that all benifit from...those who can will, those who don't pay any attention do not...just the way it is.

There is much interest in HB 610 by ky gun owners. Much interest in defeating it as the piece of poo bill it is.
Take the permit qualifier out of it its decent.
As long as the bill makes an elite class of carriers out of those holding a ccdw vs those who don't its DOA if the majority of ky gun owners have their way.

What the talking heads in Frankfurt and KC3 have never been able to grasp is there have always been more ky carriers carrying concealed with no permit than bothered to get one.
The ccdw scam as it exists now has to go.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

The 1792 and 1797 Kentucky Constitution said:

“That the right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.”

But in 1850 the concealed carry part was added.

“That the right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned, but the general assembly may pass laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed arms.”

And by the way, “defence” was spelled with a “c”, the English/Canadian spelling.

State constitutions may not be more restrictive than the federal constitution. State constitutions may protect the people more so than the federal constitution, but not less. So, the addition could be challenged as unconstitutional. Now that the USSC has declared the Second Amendment applies to the states (McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742), they too can’t regulate the method of keeping and bearing of arms in case of confrontation.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
...regulate the method of carry?...no...regulate where?...SCOTUS won't touch that argument with a 10' pole...

They had their chance in Heller to settle this issue once and for all...nope, they punted on 1st and goal from the one yard line with no defenders on the other side of the ball vs. going for the end zone...

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...regulate the method of carry?...no...regulate where?...SCOTUS won't touch that argument with a 10' pole...

They had their chance in Heller to settle this issue once and for all...nope, they punted on 1st and goal from the one yard line with no defenders on the other side of the ball vs. going for the end zone...
You're right, Heller danced around concealed carry for 15 to 20 pages deciding to kick the can down the road.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2017
Planet Earth
But the populace is not outraged.

AND that portion of the populace that either already IS (or will be) outraged is probably too small in number to make a significant change. But I don't blame them (because I'm one) and I urge them to keep taking the fight to the politicians and the polls in November.
"Elections have consequences."


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
When this dumb mass hysteria pandemic pandemonium is over, if it is ever over, I will join and contribute money to a effort to identify and punish ‘elects’ that violated the Constitution. I will resign all of my benevolent subscriptions to direct the funds towards that effort.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
dougie, this event, as in 911, has been seared in the citizen's minds and those involved in perpetrating the civil atrocities against this nation's citizenry, like abusive partners in marriages ~ where after the violence phase....
they will beg,
they will plead
they will state unequivocally it won't happen again
pleaseeee give them another chance
they will state this was a entirely new situation and admit they lost focus ~ won't happen ever again

just allow them to showing how much they learned and changed from this life altering event ~ keep in office!

it is nothing but learned rhetoric to maintain their power & control status over the citizens!

sorry to be even more cynical, but our nation's citizens will capitulate to their wimperin, whining, etc., so dougie your singular vote won't do squat to change one iota of anything...strictly business as usual!


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
These decrees — issued by those who have no legal authority to issue them, enforced by cops who hate what they are being made to do, destructive of the freedoms that our forbearers shed oceans of blood to preserve and crushing economic prosperity by violating the laws of supply and demand — should all be rejected by an outraged populace, and challenged in court.

But the populace is not outraged.
A large segment of the population ARE outraged, but to sheepish to resist dictatorship in America.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
A large segment of the population ARE outraged, but to sheepish to resist dictatorship in America.

perhaps not so much sheepish per se, but lack specific knowledge, e.g., offspring having to take over the familial cohort during an emergency, or take care of their parents when dementia sets, or provide care during the last years of their parents lives!

the willingness is there i'm sure, but there is truly no knowledge base since this egregious incident is new and nobody has dealt with something like this in their lives so there's nobody e.g., relatives, neighbours, community activists to consult for guidance on a path forward.

remember newspeek/social media has hyped everyoneone up getting the world to believe they're, aunty, G/parents, friends, etc are going to die ~ in two weeks!

additionally...those whom are laid off...there's no money to pursue judicial action...

life continues as we will now expect the nice TSA agent at the aeroport to also chect our temperature after we show them our papers of citizenship!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

remember newspeek/social media has hyped everyoneone up getting the world to believe they're, aunty, G/parents, friends, etc are going to die ~ in two weeks!

If not in two weeks, per AOC the world will end in 7 years. Since the thousand or so end of the world predictions have not panned out this one must be true because Chicken Little said so.

Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
In the OP, it is asked "What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?" Let me ask you this, instead- "What good are your Constitutional rights if you acquire permanent impairments/disabilities? Maybe you lose an arm or a leg; maybe you lose your hearing, or your eyes; or maybe you end up in a wheelchair...?


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
In the OP, it is asked "What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?" Let me ask you this, instead- "What good are your Constitutional rights if you acquire permanent impairments/disabilities? Maybe you lose an arm or a leg; maybe you lose your hearing, or your eyes; or maybe you end up in a wheelchair...?
We all end up disabled one way or another, sooner or later, and I would rather be in my figurative wheelchair with my gun in my lap. This may be a generation gap thing, right ZOOMER?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
In the OP, it is asked "What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?" Let me ask you this, instead- "What good are your Constitutional rights if you acquire permanent impairments/disabilities? Maybe you lose an arm or a leg; maybe you lose your hearing, or your eyes; or maybe you end up in a wheelchair...?

logan 5, not sure of the point of your post since the newspeek WA Time's article is quite explicit in the implications of the constitutional infringement going on, quote:

These decrees — issued by those who have no legal authority to issue them, enforced by cops who hate what they are being made to do, destructive of the freedoms that our forbearers shed oceans of blood to preserve and crushing economic prosperity by violating the laws of supply and demand — should all be rejected by an outraged populace, and challenged in court. unquote

especially since if disabled you should and can still advocate for elimination of constitutional infringements by our overseers!

Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
I would think that having a physical impairment should have the right to physically protect themselves.