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Why are most American made firearms made in anti-firearm states?


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
imported post

Liko81 wrote:
Correction: Ruger moved to Prescott AZ recently. Far more gun-friendly.
Ruger's still HQ'd in Conn. but also makes guns in AZ and NH as well :)


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2008
Las Vegas, NV, ,
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When many of these companies were founded, "anti-gun" and the brady bunch did not exist. The baby boomer generation has done wonders to this country (no offense to all you baby boomer OCers!!!)

Guns were once part of the greater culture of this country, now its more of a "fundamental" fridge culture as the media puts it.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2008
Sandy Springs, Georgia, USA
imported post

Well at least I can be proud of the fact that there are so many manufacturers in the state where I was born, raised, and spent 30 of my 37 years, Connecticut. I bought a Colt Series 80 (for the most part) simply because I felt it was my civic duty to own a gun made one town over from my hometown and I'll be using that "CT based/made" kind of rationalization to justify many more purchases in the future.

A Stag Arms AR....

AMossberg shotgun....

A Ruger revolver....

A Ruger pistol....

A Colt Revolver....

The list goes on and on.... I mean I have to do it, right?

After that is complete I'll like likely move on to the nearby states as well. Springfield MA is spitting distance from CT and if you go there, wellyou might as well hit Exeter NH too....