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Why do You Open Carry?


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
Perhaps now would be a good time to repeat post #151 which is just a few posts back in this same discussion:

Bold added by me for emphasis...

What about **** like this? I've been in my local Walmart & have seen characters with a feckin Super Blackhawk hanging on their hip. Like the Old West. Making some sort of statement? I don't know.


Originally Posted by Bikenut Perhaps now would be a good time to repeat post #151 which is just a few posts back in this same discussion:

Bold added by me for emphasis...
What about **** like this? I've been in my local Walmart & have seen characters with a feckin Super Blackhawk hanging on their hip. Like the Old West. Making some sort of statement? I don't know.
What about it? Perhaps the open carrier is sending a statement to the bad guy of "As you can plainly see there is no doubt I have a gun to defend myself from you.". Or, in plain English, the statement is "Attack me and I will shoot you.".

Some of us open carriers are also presenting the political statement of "shall not be infringed".

A general comment not directed at any individual(s).....

There is also an unspoken statement to open carry that some folks just can't stand. The statement of "I will exercise my right to bear arms and I don't care if you don't like it.". Sometimes I think it is the "I don't care if you don't like it" part that gets into many concealed carry and/or just anti gun folks' egos.
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Then I guess one should not search for pictures of OC's carrying ARs AKs and such.

A man could have a heart attack just looking at the pictures.

The right to keep and bear arms is not dependent upon what some folks think is unacceptable and what should not be allowed.

Not to mention that openly carrying rifles and shotguns often helps to bring attention to the fact that there is a RIGHT to bear arms regardless of what kinds of guns some folks might think should not be carried. And oftentimes just the sheer audacity of carrying long guns helps to educate the public about the right to bear arms.

And with that in mind allow me to repeat myself:

There is also an unspoken statement to open carry that some folks just can't stand. The statement of "I will exercise my right to bear arms and I don't care if you don't like it.". Sometimes I think it is the "I don't care if you don't like it" part that gets into many concealed carry and/or just anti gun folks' egos.

Edited to add:
The reaction of, and I quote:
man could have a heart attack just looking at the pictures."
Is the same reaction many people had to seeing an open carried pistol when folks started open carrying in the beginning. And, at least in Michigan, the end result from all the media driven hysteria was people in Michigan learned that carrying a gun, both pistols and long guns, was their right and seeing open carry has become no big deal.
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
... I choose to carry my weapon concealed. I am comfortable doing so. ... I've been in my local Walmart & have seen characters with a feckin Super Blackhawk hanging on their hip. Like the Old West. Making some sort of statement? I don't know.
As one of our esteemed members here has stated a untold number of times (and I paraphrase)...OC, CC, NoC, a personal choice. Respecting each citizen's choice is our responsibility. You fail to meet such a simple standard.

You are but one in a long line of CC Industrial Complex minions who have come to OCDO, a open carry advocacy site, to excoriate OCers because you disagree with the manner in which a law abiding citizen chooses to exercise their 2A guarantee. As Firearms Instructor aptly points out, OC is the norm (for he, me and many others), and CC is a option when the circumstances so warrant.

Why can you not graciously and gracefully accept that some folks choose to exercise their 2A by OCing. What harm does a fellow citizen do to you by OCing where OCing is not unlawful. Your vociferous protestations harm the efforts to restore individual liberty.

According to Black's Law Dictionary, a tacit (or implied) admission is "an admission reasonably inferable from a party's action or statement, or a party's failure to act or speak." It means that a jury can reasonably take a defendant's failure to deny a direct accusation to be an admission in itself.
"The element of surprise," a tacit admission that some of our fellow citizens look forward to shooting another citizen.


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
As one of our esteemed members here has stated a untold number of times (and I paraphrase)...OC, CC, NoC, a personal choice. Respecting each citizen's choice is our responsibility. You fail to meet such a simple standard.

You are but one in a long line of CC Industrial Complex minions who have come to OCDO, a open carry advocacy site, to excoriate OCers because you disagree with the manner in which a law abiding citizen chooses to exercise their 2A guarantee. As Firearms Instructor aptly points out, OC is the norm (for he, me and many others), and CC is a option when the circumstances so warrant.

Why can you not graciously and gracefully accept that some folks choose to exercise their 2A by OCing. What harm does a fellow citizen do to you by OCing where OCing is not unlawful. Your vociferous protestations harm the efforts to restore individual liberty.

"The element of surprise," a tacit admission that some of our fellow citizens look forward to shooting another citizen.

"Element of surprise"; well, if someone doesn't surprise me trying to rob me ( or worse ), then I have no reason to surprise them. I pride myself in being an exceptional pistol shot. Many many years of serious practice. Am I the "very very best", of course not; but I am one of the "very best". And if you're that good, ya ain't braggin; just tellin the truth.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
"Element of surprise"; well, if someone doesn't surprise me trying to rob me ( or worse ), then I have no reason to surprise them. I pride myself in being an exceptional pistol shot. Many many years of serious practice. Am I the "very very best", of course not; but I am one of the "very best". And if you're that good, ya ain't braggin; just tellin the truth.
You being a "very best " shot is not the issue. Your campaigning that conceal carry outweighs open carry is a strikeout on this forum. You have no statistics to support your position. You are One in a line of hundreds that has come here trying to sell that bogus theory. You did not stick in your thumb and pull out a plum, sorry.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
"Element of surprise"; well, if someone doesn't surprise me trying to rob me ( or worse ), then I have no reason to surprise them. I pride myself in being an exceptional pistol shot. Many many years of serious practice. Am I the "very very best", of course not; but I am one of the "very best". And if you're that good, ya ain't braggin; just tellin the truth.
I bet you are. I bet you are also a grest athlete, a fabulous lover and all of the other things that easy to do on the internet.9


"Element of surprise"; well, if someone doesn't surprise me trying to rob me ( or worse ), then I have no reason to surprise them. I pride myself in being an exceptional pistol shot. Many many years of serious practice. Am I the "very very best", of course not; but I am one of the "very best". And if you're that good, ya ain't braggin; just tellin the truth.
Again, I would rather have my open carry "element of surprise" surprise the bad guy into deciding not to attack while he is sizing me up as his next victim than to be that next guy he attacks because my concealed gun leaves me looking like I am unarmed.

I have seen quite a few folks at the range standing motionless in a perfect weaver stance at anything from 21 feet to 25 yards taking their time to gain a perfect sight picture as they carefully and with perfect trigger control squeeze off a shot. And then do that again and again until finally emptying the gun 2 to 3 minutes later. They also said they were one of the "best pistol shots" and, after proudly showing off one ragged hole in their target, firmly stating that bad guys had best not mess with them!

Unfortunately that isn't the way a real life close quarters combat hurry up and save your life from an attacker intent on doing great bodily harm goes down. Careful target shooting under no stress in a clean and well lit environment doesn't train a person to defend themselves during a fast and fluid situation where both the defender and the attacker are moving around with both of them shooting as fast as they can pull the trigger under low light or even darkness while the defender tries to only shoot the bad guy and not any innocent bystanders.

Now if you are judging yourself to be one of the "very best" pistol shots because you have practiced close quarters combat situations then you have my respect. But if you are basing your assessment of your shooting ability on target shooting under no life threatening stress on a well lit range with lots of time to shoot perfectly then I would suggest taking some dynamic defensive shooting classes to discover the difference between being one of the best target shooters and being able to shoot well enough to save your bacon from a life threatening attack.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I see tangents & even a little pissin contest concerning my replies. I have carried a concealed weapon for over 40 years; and only had to draw it twice; and that was unnerving. You must consider being able to weigh a situation very very quickly; especially when your flooded with adrenaline. An entirely different scenario compared to posting on a forum. I choose to carry my weapon concealed. I am comfortable .

Getting your gun taken away is always possible! Most people who carry guns tell me “I never let a criminal get within 10 feet of me. I’m constantly aware of my surroundings.” It’s ********. They are deluding themselves. It’s physically impossible for one human to simultaneously scan 360 degrees at the same time. You always have to turn your back to something! Especially in a crowded public area, you simply can’t process all of the information fast enough to decide who is a threat and who isn’t.

I've been in my local Walmart & have seen characters with a feckin Super Blackhawk hanging on their hip. Like the Old West. Making some sort of statement? I don't know.

Jimsouth, here i was beginning to believe you might be a tad dense, but apparently you are getting a clue by saying you ‘see tangents...’ & ‘...just a little...’

but an august member requested you follow OCDO’S rules and provide a cite to what appeared to be an absolute statement of ‘this has happened’ which you have just changed to one of ‘...is always possible!’ So care to clarify which of your statement(s) is correct? [with cite, remember!]

BTW, as you keep mentioning carrying your ‘weapon’ is that a ballpoint pen, your pocket knife, numchucks, or? cuz according to Black’s Law Dictionary, quote:

An instrument used in fighting ; an instrument of offensive or defensivecombat (sic).

Now might i quantify your previous statement about you being an exemplarily good marksperson, yet is that ‘exemplary term’ also apply when your derrière is under stress of being bodily attacked coupled with hormonal rushes associated with being shot at while attempting to find cover? Nawll, I presume, with minimal leap of faith, that exemplary is standing behind the benchrest at your local ‘indoor’ shooting range, huh? Which distances did you say?

Finally Jim, I personally do not give a rat’s derrière to what kinda handgun someone open carrys out in public and is comfortable doing it.
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Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
I bet you are. I bet you are also a grest athlete, a fabulous lover and all of the other things that easy to do on the internet.9

I am a terrible athlete, I all but chain smoke; but I am a very good pistol shot. Also, never had a woman complain. I prefer CC - unobtrusive. Old saying: "Beware of the quiet man".
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Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
Again, I would rather have my open carry "element of surprise" surprise the bad guy into deciding not to attack while he is sizing me up as his next victim than to be that next guy he attacks because my concealed gun leaves me looking like I am unarmed.

I have seen quite a few folks at the range standing motionless in a perfect weaver stance at anything from 21 feet to 25 yards taking their time to gain a perfect sight picture as they carefully and with perfect trigger control squeeze off a shot. And then do that again and again until finally emptying the gun 2 to 3 minutes later. They also said they were one of the "best pistol shots" and, after proudly showing off one ragged hole in their target, firmly stating that bad guys had best not mess with them!

Unfortunately that isn't the way a real life close quarters combat hurry up and save your life from an attacker intent on doing great bodily harm goes down. Careful target shooting under no stress in a clean and well lit environment doesn't train a person to defend themselves during a fast and fluid situation where both the defender and the attacker are moving around with both of them shooting as fast as they can pull the trigger under low light or even darkness while the defender tries to only shoot the bad guy and not any innocent bystanders.

Now if you are judging yourself to be one of the "very best" pistol shots because you have practiced close quarters combat situations then you have my respect. But if you are basing your assessment of your shooting ability on target shooting under no life threatening stress on a well lit range with lots of time to shoot perfectly then I would suggest taking some dynamic defensive shooting classes to discover the difference between being one of the best target shooters and being able to shoot well enough to save your bacon from a life threatening attack.

What I said: It's all about being able to weigh a situation when flooded with adrenaline.


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
This sounds like a personal problem.

It is human nature, an ingrained biological function, to react with a jolt of adrenaline when confronted with a life threatening situation. It's all about being able to focus & weigh that situation quickly; very very quickly. You may take out a criminal, but kill an innocent person 50 feet behind them. So it boils down to moving slowly quickly.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
It is human nature, an ingrained biological function, to react with a jolt of adrenaline when confronted with a life threatening situation. It's all about being able to focus & weigh that situation quickly; very very quickly. You may take out a criminal, but kill an innocent person 50 feet behind them. So it boils down to moving slowly quickly.

Jim, do you have any objective evidence for the hyperbole you insist on hurling out here on the forum?

Further Jim, do you have any earthly idea of the disservice you do to this publicly read premier OC forum’s reputation by pedaling your ‘BS’ unsubstantiated nonsense?


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
I second!

I ain't lookin for a pissin contest. What someone wishes to do ( OC or CC ) within the frame of existing laws, is fine with me. I am comfortable carrying a concealed weapon. Many people wish to OC. God Bless Em.


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
Jim, do you have any objective evidence for the hyperbole you insist on hurling out here on the forum?

Further Jim, do you have any earthly idea of the disservice you do to this publicly read premier OC forum’s reputation by pedaling your ‘BS’ unsubstantiated nonsense?

I do not believe it's a disservice to point out it being necessary to focus & weigh a life threatening situation quickly. As I said, in situations like that, adrenaline does take over for a period.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I ain't lookin for a pissin contest. What someone wishes to do ( OC or CC ) within the frame of existing laws, is fine with me. I am comfortable carrying a concealed weapon. Many people wish to OC. God Bless Em.

Let me see you come to a forum dedicated to OC and your first post is why you don't.

Nope not looking for a fight at all.

I am sure we all believe you.