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Why President Obama Will Lose in a Landslide


Regular Member
Jun 12, 2011
The mean streets of WI
If everyone is so set on only voting for someone "electable" why not vote for Obama? He has proven to be electable...

Or the guy who has won 30 years worth of a seat in congress o_O

Heh, I was going to say... people would say how Ron Paul is unelectable and yet he's won more elections than Obama and Romney combined and is obviously the more honest and conservative candidate than either of them. He's also won the most delegates in like 10 states, but apparently that's a secret.

Romney might actually have a chance if the Fast and Furious stuff finally gets traction. Obama keeps stepping in it.

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Шптщку ршьб ршы рфекув ащк Щифьф идштвы ршь ещ еру зщште ру цщгдв мщеу ащк Щифьфб ша Щифьф цфы кгттштп щт еру Кузгидшсфт ешслуе гтвук ф вшааукуте тфьую
Whoops. Keyboard must have switched to Cyrillic on me without noticing. :uhoh:

What I said:

Ignore [Praying], he's so blinded by his hatred for Obama that he'd vote Obama if he were on the Republican ticket under a different name espousing the same bull.

Or something to that effect.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
And why not? I'm affected by the corruption just as much as you are. My tax dollars pay the politician's salaries. Just because I don't waste my vote in a rigged, corrupt, two party system doesn't mean I can't be upset about it.


All one needs in order to have a valid complaint is to be a victim of the looting expropriators known as the federal government.

+1 on both and I'd like to ad that I think those who don't vote for the two evils even to the point of not voting have more of a right to complain since they didn't give their implied consent to being governed by those evil's elected into office.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Those fascists? Yeah right. Maintaining the status quo would be better than giving control to that party. Though this election I'll probably be voting for Gary Johnson.

Did you sign the petition to get him on the ballot? I did and petitioned for him although I still might write in Ron Paul. I met Gary Johnson and like him but still feel he is libertarian light.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Communist California
As I told my Grandpa when he told me I needed to "put aside my religious bias and not take into account the fact that Romney is Mormon" and just vote for him:

Grandpa, you need to put away your bias against my religious beliefs and the fact that Obama is black and just accept the fact that whether we get Obama or Romney it doesn't matter. China is still going to become the new world super power in 25 to 50 years, and both politicians are going to get us there. The only difference between the two of them is how quickly they weaken our nation and allow our debt holder to take control. It doesn't matter if I write in Ron Paul or Sarah Palin. This country is screwed again this year anyway. We're still voting for the lesser of two evils.

I'm not voting this time around off of religious principles (never have), at best I'm voting for whoever will bring in more work to this starving economy and lower my taxes. 30% of my paycheck is a little too dear for me... and I'm not exactly making a lot of money. If I can't get my taxes lowered, I guess I'll write in Palin. She's got a nice gun rack.
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Regular Member
Jun 24, 2006
Dale City, VA, Virginia, USA
Anyway, for this election, I think the big-government, pro-policing the world, pro-preemptive war, pro-Federal Reserve, pro-Goldman Sachs, pro-TARP, pro-Patriot Act, pro-NDAA indefinite detention gun-grabber is going to win.

Pretty much a guarantee.

Wait, which one are we talking about again?


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
As I told my Grandpa when he told me I needed to "put aside my religious bias and not take into account the fact that Romney is Mormon" and just vote for him:

I'm not voting this time around off of religious principles (never have), at best I'm voting for whoever will bring in more work to this starving economy and lower my taxes. 30% of my paycheck is a little too dear for me... and I'm not exactly making a lot of money. If I can't get my taxes lowered, I guess I'll write in Palin. She's got a nice gun rack.

Are you really paying 30% of your paycheck, or are you strictly speaking of the highest marginal rate?

Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
Obama wont lose in a landslide but if either Romney or Obama wins I think freedom and liberty lose.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Did you sign the petition to get him on the ballot? I did and petitioned for him although I still might write in Ron Paul. I met Gary Johnson and like him but still feel he is libertarian light.

Hunt up Gary Johnson's interview with Robert Wenzel recently (2-3 weeks?). A real eye-opener. I'm not sure Gary qualifies as a libertarian--light, dark, or incipient.

Ahh, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTch7InkZjo
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Communist California
Are you really paying 30% of your paycheck, or are you strictly speaking of the highest marginal rate?

Actual number on a regular paycheck, on average - 27%. Sorry for the round up to the nearest whole 10th for ease.

As far as non-regular paychecks, e.g. those that have per-diems + field bonus + hazard pay on top of my regular salaried paycheck: 47% on average, and I am not joking here.

Why are my tax rates that high? Because I am single with no children. Am I making that much? No, I make roughly 50 - 70 K / year. Hell, they probably charge me extra taxes because I was "privileged" enough to go to engineering school for 6 years and walk out with a mountain of debt which I had to pay off all the way recently because our government thinks they can raise interest rates on those loans. Uncle Sugar gets enough of my money in taxes, I wasn't about to pay more than I agreed to on my school loans.

I would REALLY like to get a house and some property sometime in the next century. Wonder if that'll bring my taxes down at all?
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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Actual number on a regular paycheck, on average - 27%. Sorry for the round up to the nearest whole 10th for ease.

As far as non-regular paychecks, e.g. those that have per-diems + field bonus + hazard pay on top of my regular salaried paycheck: 47% on average, and I am not joking here.

Why are my tax rates that high? Because I am single with no children. Am I making that much? No, I make roughly 50 - 70 K / year. Hell, they probably charge me extra taxes because I was "privileged" enough to go to engineering school for 6 years and walk out with a mountain of debt which I had to pay off all the way recently because our government thinks they can raise interest rates on those loans. Uncle Sugar gets enough of my money in taxes, I wasn't about to pay more than I agreed to on my school loans.

I would REALLY like to get a house and some property sometime in the next century. Wonder if that'll bring my taxes down at all?

Try being self employed then try to dare to ever hire anyone.....its ridiculous the amount you get to keep after paying, your share of taxes, your share of what the government says you have to pay on your employees, your share, of state taxes, L&I, medicare, mandatory insurance and bonding, building fees (contractor) etc.

When I built my home my taxes went way down, only because I get to write of some interest. It's all ridiculous I'd much prefer anarcho capitalism over, fascist/socialist state we live in now.


Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
CCCP (Calif)
I liked this article:

Unless you're a union thug, or suckling the government tit I can't see how you'd feel more secure in life with the thought of the moonbat messiah ruling for 4 more years.

PFW, you are definitely born again hard. You are a minister of death praying for war. Outstanding.

Reeps tend to get us into wars. Demos tend to get us out of them.

That's another reason, as long as you are making a list of reasons you'd feel more secure.

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Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
PFW, you are definitely born again hard. You are a minister of death praying for war. Outstanding.

Reeps tend to get us into wars. Demos tend to get us out of them.

That's another reason, as long as you are making a list of reasons you'd feel more secure.

Pretty sure they all start wars.


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
Actual number on a regular paycheck, on average - 27%. Sorry for the round up to the nearest whole 10th for ease.

As far as non-regular paychecks, e.g. those that have per-diems + field bonus + hazard pay on top of my regular salaried paycheck: 47% on average, and I am not joking here.

Why are my tax rates that high? Because I am single with no children. Am I making that much? No, I make roughly 50 - 70 K / year. Hell, they probably charge me extra taxes because I was "privileged" enough to go to engineering school for 6 years and walk out with a mountain of debt which I had to pay off all the way recently because our government thinks they can raise interest rates on those loans. Uncle Sugar gets enough of my money in taxes, I wasn't about to pay more than I agreed to on my school loans.

I would REALLY like to get a house and some property sometime in the next century. Wonder if that'll bring my taxes down at all?

Those percentages are not possible if you're making 50-70k per year, even with California's additional income tax (consider: the sum total of the highest CA bracket and federal tax brackets, which applies to money over 1 million and 388k, respectively, is only a 45.5% marginal rate). Moreover, are you getting anything back at the end of the tax year? If so, you need to deduct that to get your actual effective tax rate. E.g. when I was working a summer job in college where I was told "get this done by the end of three months", I was putting in 100+ hour weeks and getting paid/taxed as if I earned that amount year round. Since I hadn't claimed additional withholding, I ended up getting most of that money back, making my tax rate much lower than what it was.

And despite your sarcasm quotes, it really is a mixture of luck and effort that gets you into a position where you can work for a comfortable living with a good chance of retirement. I was lucky enough to be born into a family that could afford computers, that put an investment into my education and wellbeing, such that I didn't have to choose between self-improvement and survival. While I certainly had to and continue to have to work to graduate with an engineering degree and land a good job, there's no denying that luck played a role in my present high level of earnings.

Add to that the fact we're at a point in history with some of the lowest overall taxes despite a wealth of services and support that was not available. It's really somewhat silly to claim 30% is "too dear", since it's neither the amount you're actually paying nor historically high.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Communist California
@ Sudden Valley: I hear you there as I work closely with my boss, it's the government penalizing you for hiring more people... and we wonder why people have a hard time getting or creating more jobs in this country.

@ Tawnos: trust me here, my stub isn't lying. 27% when I make a 40k salary, 47% when I start making a bonus that kicks it up to near 70k (those bonuses typically happen 3 months / year and I make about $10k /month before taxes, a little over $5k / month after taxes). I talked to my CPA last year and we took one deduction off this year as I was getting a little cash back (e.g. about 10% of the total I paid in). She said we'll see where it lands me this year, if I get enough money back we'll try another deduction.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I think Obama will win despite all the support he has lost, because Romney is a lousy choice on the Republican ticket and there will be a lot of voter apathy.

We can't afford any apathy. No matter how lame people think Romney will be, he won't make things worse. Obama, on the other hand, will make things far worse.

Romney may even start making things better.