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Church Usher


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2008
Nampa, Idaho, USA
I heard the Usher was not allowed to carry in the Church by law. Is that correct? Injuries and maybe life may have been saved.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I heard the Usher was not allowed to carry in the Church by law. Is that correct? Injuries and maybe life may have been saved.

hummm, considering the newspeek reports say the usher 'tackled' the gunman inside the church...

quote: Church usher Robert Engle, 22, saw the shooting and confronted the gunman, Aaron said. During a struggle, the gunman mistakenly shot himself."It would appear he was not expecting a brave individual like the church usher to initiate the struggle and confrontation," Aaron said. unquote http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/24/us/tennessee-church-shooting/index.html

quote: Another church member, a 22-year-old usher named Robert Engle, tackled the gunman and suffered injuries when he was pistol whipped. In the struggle, the shooter shot himself, although it wasn't clear if it was on purpose or an accident. unquote http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/09/25/tennessee-church-shooting-suspect-charged-with-murder.html

quote: A church usher, Robert Caleb Engle, 22, confronted the gunman and was "pistol whipped," Aaron said. "There was a significant struggle between the two," he said, adding: "During the struggle, the gunman shot himself, probably not intentionally, in the left pectoral muscle."

Engle, a licensed gun owner, went to his vehicle, retrieved his firearm, returned to the church and "made sure that the gunman didn't make any more movements until the police department arrived,"unquote https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/one-killed-eight-shot-church-shooting-tennessee-n804321

since there was no cite referenced by the OP, impossible to ascertain where their info originated...


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2008
Nampa, Idaho, USA
Listening to various talk radio shows. Can't remember which one as I listen to several. I am on our church security team In Idaho and always carry. Thought it unusual that someone "Permitted" would be unarmed.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
. I am on our church security team In Idaho and always carry. Thought it unusual that someone "Permitted" would be unarmed.

Social, wifely pressure are two of the biggest reasons people don't carry.

On site of one of the French terror attacks there were 8 off duty French anti terror officers they all left their firearms at home because their wife's didn't want them to bring them.

I get thanks at church for carrying a lot. I also heard in the past why do you have to carry a firearm to church many times. Not so much now days.

One gentleman always thanks me. He is a retired navy vet in is 70's who went and got his permit and tells me how much he likes his S@W model 36. When I ask him to carry at church also he gives me this blank look like "what me".

Several fine up standing members that also could carry but they don't. Who knows why they do not, is it they don't see the need, don't want the hassle. Their wife's are against it.

Can't get a straight answer from them.

So there are many reasons person who legal can and could carry at church does not.
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Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
McKenzie Tennessee, USA
I heard the Usher was not allowed to carry in the Church by law. Is that correct? Injuries and maybe life may have been saved.

Places of worship are NOT off limits per TN law, unless they properly post per T.C.A. 39-17-1359

In fact there is a TN AG Opinion that a church may use a volunteer security team (and they can be armed) without having to get a security license. https://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/attorneygeneral/opinions/op15-064.pdf

If a parishioner had to retrieve his firearm from his vehicle instead of having it on his person....that was his choice.