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Heritage Foundation Collected SD Events form August 2019

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation

Unfortunately these are just a small recounting of likely untold numbers of lawful SD events...I especially liked the AR-15 SD event.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
...and?...a few more...



Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
It is good to see that you have expanded your reading list.

I note, from the hundred day old dateline;
July 3, Summerville, South Carolina. Concerned neighbors went to check out loud noises that they thought might be someone breaking into the local church, only to discover a very drunk trespasser roaming through a nearby backyard.
The drunk trespasser began attacking one of the neighbors, who then shot the drunk man in self-defense after his warning shot went unheeded.
Law enforcement officers determined the neighbor acted justifiably, and the drunk man is facing charges related to the incident.
A successful warning shot in ineffably liberal Scummerville, South Carolina (A.k.a. Flower town in the pines).

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Expanded? Not hardly.

Heritage attempts to navigate the swamp with waders on...yet, in the swamp they are...can't be in the swamp and not get mud on you. A deep dive into their policy positions and you will find items that are not as focused on the restoration of unfettered individual liberty as The Founders knew individual liberty to be.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Here is the "response" to a concern posed to Miss. Swearer, by me, regarding her opinion piece on "red flag" laws. Miss. Swearer does not appear to have a direct means of contacting her via the HF website.

OC for ME - Nov 7, 7:03 AM EST

To Whom it may concern,

Miss, Swearer made the below comment in the subject opinion piece.

Q: What makes a good red-flag law?
A: Laws that restrict an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, even temporarily, must follow some important guidelines.
- Provide meaningful remedies for those who are maliciously and falsely accused, and expunge any records of petitions that are not granted;

It should be noted that the "and" should be changed to include "or." This will deter law enforcement agencies in rabidly liberal enclaves from depriving a citizen of his constitutionally protected rights.

We all should know that bureaucrats will rarely expunge records as quickly as they create them. Severe sanctions, criminally and civilly, must be available to the abused innocent citizen when the state does not act to undo a wrong as quickly as they did to abuse the citizen.

Essentially, law enforcement has no incentive to do the right thing if there is not a great deterrent to their acts if they act unlawfully.

Kindest Regards
OC for ME
Jacob Battye@tfhintern.org (The Heritage Foundation)

Nov 7, 10:27 AM EST

Dear Mr. OC for ME,

We appreciate hearing from you, and are fully aware of the seriousness of confiscating someones guns. The Heritage Foundation takes very seriously the risks posed to liberty by red flag laws, but we also recognize the good that such laws could theoretically do. Red flag laws properly applied would remove guns from dangerous and volatile situations involving people not operating with their full faculties, and would result in fewer deaths from gun violence.

The threat to 2nd Amendment liberties is very real, but not every infringement on those liberties is unconstitutional. The Heritage Foundation's official stance on Red Flag Laws and gun confiscation more generally is that extremely strict oversight would be necessary to ensure that no person would have their weapons confiscated unless they had a genuine mental illness severe enough to endanger themselves and others, and even then their weapons would have to be given back on a strict timeline.

For the record, to this point, the Heritage Foundation has opposed all Red Flag Laws that have been proposed precisely because they are too difficult to enforce without being abused. The Heritage Foundation's current position amounts to nothing more than the admission that there may be a Red Flag Law sometime in the future that has a very limited scope, and is enforceable in a way that doesn't allow it to be abused, in which case it would garner the Heritage Foundation's support. No such law exists currently.

Thank you for your support of The Heritage Foundation.


Jacob Battye
Heritage Foundation
We shall see if Miss. Swearer responds directly.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
For the record, to this point, the Heritage Foundation has opposed all Red Flag Laws that have been proposed precisely because they are too difficult to enforce without being abused.
Most laws are abused on a regular basis.