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Search results

  1. S

    Does Utah have this kind of gun law? It should.

    Especially our Weber/Morgan Narcotics Task Force officers. Reminds me of that old saying: "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear, Mr. Sworn Officer." (http://www.allgov.com/Top_Stories/ViewNews/Indiana_First_State_to_Allow_Citizens_to_Shoot_Law_Enforcement_Officers_120611)...
  2. S

    SLUGMAG.COM: "Princess Kennedy: Tranny get your gun"

    January 2012 SLUGMAG.COM: "Princess Kennedy: Tranny get your gun" "...I came across a post for the Concealed Firearms Permit class, being offered at the Pride Center. I immediately signed up to take the four-hour class so I could get my strap on! The class is offered by Scott Mogilefsky...
  3. S

    QSALTLAKE.COM: "Concealed weapon permit training to be held at Pride Center"

    QSALTLAKE.COM: "Concealed weapon permit training to be held at Pride Center" Nov. 5, 2011 QSALTLAKE.COM: "Concealed weapon permit training to be held at Pride Center" (http://www.qsaltlake.com/2011/11/05/concealed-weapons-permits-to-be-held-at-pride-center/) Concealed firearm permit...