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More offense

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
There are those like KC3, Buckeye firearms, Virginia Citizens Defense League and many other organizations would have no reason to exist if the Second Amendment was constitutionally complied with. And we can't have any of that.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
The similarity is that all of you, like most good democrats, attempt to stop good, less restrictive gun bills

There is no similarity period.

Unlike you I'm not willing to pass a piece of crap bill then spend 20 yrs trying fix or get rid of it. Kind of like the CCDW bill in the 90s.

We just now got permitless concealed carry which is what we could have had by 2000 but for the same kind of crap as is being pushed this time.
A bad bill that will take 20 yrs to partially fix assuming it doesnt fall to the first court challenge as the sponsor says is "the plan".

Another correction . I'm not a Democrat.
I'm pro RTKABA to the bone. That would be the RIGHT to keep and bear arms.
Not the damn gov permission too that you've spent 20 yrs or more being so fond of.

Now hush. You already lost the argument and have resorted to diversion to avoid your documented history of supporting I infringement and bad Bill's.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
There are those like KC3, Buckeye firearms, Virginia Citizens Defense League and many other organizations would have no reason to exist if the Second Amendment was constitutionally complied with. And we can't have any of that.

There is nothing I'd like to see more than all the necessity for the existence of KC3 to be removed and the organization disbanded for lack of work to do. Do you think that we have some reason to exist other than necessity? What would those other reasons be? Perhaps it is a dislike of our families and we all want to spend as much time away from them as possible. Maybe we just like driving all over the state to attend city council and fiscal court meetings. And of course, the great salary and celebrity status afforded all KC3 members is really in demand. Our organization's goals do not coincide at all times with the goals of this forum. There may be times when those goals intersect but we have members that have never and never will open carry. Some of our members are absolutely opposed to open carry. I don't know of even a single KC3 member that relies on YOU to interpret the Constitution for them.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
There is nothing I'd like to see more than all the necessity for the existence of KC3 to be removed and the organization disbanded for lack of work to do. Do you think that we have some reason to exist other than necessity? What would those other reasons be? Perhaps it is a dislike of our families and we all want to spend as much time away from them as possible. Maybe we just like driving all over the state to attend city council and fiscal court meetings. And of course, the great salary and celebrity status afforded all KC3 members is really in demand. Our organization's goals do not coincide at all times with the goals of this forum. There may be times when those goals intersect but we have members that have never and never will open carry. Some of our members are absolutely opposed to open carry. I don't know of even a single KC3 member that relies on YOU to interpret the Constitution for them.

oh please playing the martyr doesn't suit you...cuz:

of course you enjoy the personal hobnob'g with county & state senior management

of course you enjoy the personal chess maneuvers with these senior managers

of course you enjoy the accolades as you unabashedly puff your chest out while bragging to everybody of your conquests with these senior managers

of course you thoroughly enjoy the personal ego boost when folk listen to you regale and weave your tales of meeting senior managers and your conquests all in the name of saving the 2A

of course you fail to see there are more multiple avenues and personalities to reach goals but you resort to lambasting individuals who you believe would detract from your place in the limelight on the 2A pedestal.

no gutshot, if you weren't "sacrificing" over this cause, you would have latched onto another cause célèbre or been a pulpit thumping back woods revival preacher!

nope martyrdom is not what drives you gutshot, not at all - its your ego!

ps: i bolded this so you could read it since thats your mantra for posting in bold...

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
oh please playing the martyr doesn't suit you...cuz:

of course you enjoy the personal hobnob'g with county & state senior management

of course you enjoy the personal chess maneuvers with these senior managers

of course you enjoy the accolades as you unabashedly puff your chest out while bragging to everybody of your conquests with these senior managers

of course you thoroughly enjoy the personal ego boost when folk listen to you regale and weave your tales of meeting senior managers and your conquests all in the name of saving the 2A

of course you fail to see there are more multiple avenues and personalities to reach goals but you resort to lambasting individuals who you believe would detract from your place in the limelight on the 2A pedestal.

no gutshot, if you weren't "sacrificing" over this cause, you would have latched onto another cause célèbre or been a pulpit thumping back woods revival preacher!

nope martyrdom is not what drives you gutshot, not at all - its your ego!

ps: i bolded this so you could read it since thats your mantra for posting in bold...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
There is nothing I'd like to see more than all the necessity for the existence of KC3 to be removed and the organization disbanded for lack of work to do. Do you think that we have some reason to exist other than necessity? What would those other reasons be? Perhaps it is a dislike of our families and we all want to spend as much time away from them as possible. Maybe we just like driving all over the state to attend city council and fiscal court meetings. And of course, the great salary and celebrity status afforded all KC3 members is really in demand. Our organization's goals do not coincide at all times with the goals of this forum. There may be times when those goals intersect but we have members that have never and never will open carry. Some of our members are absolutely opposed to open carry. I don't know of even a single KC3 member that relies on YOU to interpret the Constitution for them.

There was no need for KC3 in the 90s and there is none now.

Yall pushed a bad hide your gun law back then that it took decades to partially get out from under though the regulations on places one can " legally" cc though they are paper tiger regs with no teeth, still remain to be gotten rid of like the ccdw requirement has been finally.

And now you want to support a bill that illegally creates an incentive for citizens to keep paying a fee, forced training as crappy as it's always been , and submit to monthly background checks to prop up what the gun owners of ky have soundly rejected. The need for a ccdw permit.

Or if Goforth is to be believed, pass a bill that will be defeated in court in say another decade and kill ccdw all the way around.

Either way it's a junk bill that cant be allowed to pass.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
There is nothing I'd like to see more than all the necessity for the existence of KC3 to be removed and the organization disbanded for lack of work to do. Do you think that we have some reason to exist other than necessity? What would those other reasons be? Perhaps it is a dislike of our families and we all want to spend as much time away from them as possible. Maybe we just like driving all over the state to attend city council and fiscal court meetings. And of course, the great salary and celebrity status afforded all KC3 members is really in demand. Our organization's goals do not coincide at all times with the goals of this forum. There may be times when those goals intersect but we have members that have never and never will open carry. Some of our members are absolutely opposed to open carry. I don't know of even a single KC3 member that relies on YOU to interpret the Constitution for them.
The bold text is simply astounding...and telling..."absolutely opposed" to the peaceable exercise of a constitutionally protected right. I can only surmise that these individuals do have their actions colored by their personal beliefs.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
The bold text is simply astounding...and telling..."absolutely opposed" to the peaceable exercise of a constitutionally protected right. I can only surmise that these individuals do have their actions colored by their personal beliefs.

A thousand likes. Much like the NRA KC3 doesnt nessacarily support the 2A or even the ky constitution concerning the RTKABA.

They peruse their own agenda. Usually at odds with what most ky gun owners support. As evidenced by their support for Goforths latest bid to prop up the ccdw permit even though it is not needed now.

I urge ky gun owners to call their representatives, Express their OWN position concerning the RTKABA and make plain that KC3 nor the NRA speak for them

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
The bold text is simply astounding...and telling..."absolutely opposed" to the peaceable exercise of a constitutionally protected right. I can only surmise that these individuals do have their actions colored by their personal beliefs.
Do you not understand that there are people in this world that oppose open carry? Have you not read many posts here on OCDO by some of those people. Do you not realize that most CC instructors have a vested interest in opposing OC? Name one organization that could keep those people out and please describe how that could be done. Even a blood oath would not be effective. Personally, I don't know how to make a case for CC that does not begin with OC. Not everybody shares that opinion. Some of those people apply to KC3. I suspect we have members that oppose gun ownership entirely. How do you suggest we identify them and keep them out? I don't think a person has to be too inventive to realize that there might be gun owners and open carry advocates that become members of anti-gun organizations. To think otherwise is terribly naive.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Do you not understand that there are people in this world that oppose open carry? Have you not read many posts here on OCDO by some of those people. Do you not realize that most CC instructors have a vested interest in opposing OC? Name one organization that could keep those people out and please describe how that could be done. Even a blood oath would not be effective. Personally, I don't know how to make a case for CC that does not begin with OC. Not everybody shares that opinion. Some of those people apply to KC3. I suspect we have members that oppose gun ownership entirely. How do you suggest we identify them and keep them out? I don't think a person has to be too inventive to realize that there might be gun owners and open carry advocates that become members of anti-gun organizations. To think otherwise is terribly naive.

oh i know how to make a case for OC'g as i use it all the time, but since you have me on ignore i shan't share

ah what the heck...
lott's statistical commentary regarding 98% of the bad guys turn tail or surrender when some citizen has a firearm on their person...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Do you not understand that there are people in this world that oppose open carry? Have you not read many posts here on OCDO by some of those people. Do you not realize that most CC instructors have a vested interest in opposing OC? Name one organization that could keep those people out and please describe how that could be done. Even a blood oath would not be effective. Personally, I don't know how to make a case for CC that does not begin with OC. Not everybody shares that opinion. Some of those people apply to KC3. I suspect we have members that oppose gun ownership entirely. How do you suggest we identify them and keep them out? I don't think a person has to be too inventive to realize that there might be gun owners and open carry advocates that become members of anti-gun organizations. To think otherwise is terribly naive.

The kentuckians that opposed open carry conceal carried before you were a gleam in your pappys eyes.

And more people people concealed carried right on thru thru the 90s until today without that blessed ccdw yall fostered off on the rest of us.

Kc3 doesnt speak for most ky gun owners .
Never has. Neither does the NRA.

Get used to it. You guys back a crap bill like gofoths present one and ky gun owners are going to put you in a corner and crush the bill.
Just like they did back with that disaster of a permitless carry bill that included FOL signage etc.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Do you not understand that there are people in this world that oppose open carry? Have you not read many posts here on OCDO by some of those people. Do you not realize that most CC instructors have a vested interest in opposing OC? Name one organization that could keep those people out and please describe how that could be done. Even a blood oath would not be effective. Personally, I don't know how to make a case for CC that does not begin with OC. Not everybody shares that opinion. Some of those people apply to KC3. I suspect we have members that oppose gun ownership entirely. How do you suggest we identify them and keep them out? I don't think a person has to be too inventive to realize that there might be gun owners and open carry advocates that become members of anti-gun organizations. To think otherwise is terribly naive.
Is permit-less CC the law of the land in KY?

We here in Missouri have permit-less CC and the CC instructors in Missouri continue to provide their services. As far as I know "they" are not actively engaged in undermining OC...they don't have to like OC but we expect them to support the 2A else their reputations as "ardent" 2A supporters is at risk. Pay to play schemers, members of the CC Industrial Complex, are not well respected in Missouri.

I try to make a case for the 2A..."shall not be infringed"...instead of making a case for OC, CC, or both.

I suspect that those involved with KC3 on a routine basis likely know who the individuals in KC3 are that adamantly oppose OC...it is naive to think otherwise.

As to keeping them out...please research the term ostracize.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
.... I don't think a person has to be too inventive to realize that there might be gun owners and open carry advocates that become members of anti-gun organizations. To think otherwise is terribly naive.
Being a gun owner does not equate to being a 2A supporter...ask Creepy Grandpa Joe.

And I suspect that being a member of a "anti-gun" organization is a very misleading statement. Show me a OCer who supports Mad Mommies...show me a CCer who supports stop and frisk...cops excluded of course...

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
The all or nothing crowd is dangerous.

We now have 16 "constitutional" carry states and a couple more working at it.

We have more shall issue states then may issue.

More people in the USA can legally carry then ever before.

Where would be if we have waited for the perfect bill.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Seeking "the perfect bill" is a distraction tactic in this specific debate...this thread appears to be focused on supporting one manner of carry (CC) to the detriment of the other manner of carry (OC)...vs. all supporting and working towards "shall not be infringed"...which is a absolute statement by our Founders.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
The all or nothing crowd is dangerous.

We now have 16 "constitutional" carry states and a couple more working at it.

We have more shall issue states then may issue.

More people in the USA can legally carry then ever before.

Where would be if we have waited for the perfect bill.
This one has got me scratching my head. Please explain.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
The all or nothing crowd is dangerous.

We now have 16 "constitutional" carry states and a couple more working at it.

We have more shall issue states then may issue.

More people in the USA can legally carry then ever before.

Where would be if we have waited for the perfect bill.

With the ability to cc or OC without all the moderate trade off regulations. That's where.