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Came across two open carry yesterday


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Word of advise: with the new gun law which I totally favor seems to come a certain level of arrogance. I was getting inside a gas station in Locust Grove yesterday to pay for my gas and there was a young man in his early twenties standing at the entrance way - I politely said excuse me but instead of moving he stared me down and took his time to clear the doorway then I noticed his shinny Walter 22 cal on his hip (open - carry) and a smirk soon followed on his face - based on past experience I knew he was not law enforcement but a GFL holder - so to defuse a potentially volatile situation I asked how his day was going so far - feeling like I was showing him ultimate respect he simply replied "ok " with a huff and puff of the chest. That same evening on my way home stopped to use a wamu ATM went I approached noticed someone was inside and older man (late sixties) took my place in line behind him approximately four feet which is good distance he then turned around looked at me and placed his right hand on his taurus Raging Bull 44 Magnum (which in my opinion only a nut would carry in an urban area - it’s a very powerful hunting handgun) I simply told him to take his time that I was in no rush he then smiled with confidence the type people like that can only get holding a gun thinking they have the upper hand. No matter what the Constitution says the right to carry a gun for self protection is a privilege otherwise everyone who applies for a GFL would get one. Don’t get me wrong I’m pro gun and treasure the right to defend myself and therefore never leave my house without my Glock which I conceal carry. I welcome open carry and respect peoples choices - my neighbor does it all the time I simply hope that the new law is not getting into peoples minds. Paranoia can be a detriment to anyone. With arrogance comes fear. I simply hope that things will not go back to the Cowboys days when people were shooting it out over silly things

Samuel Adams

Regular Member
Apr 19, 2008
Hinesville, Georgia, USA
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You may or may not have run into a couple of bad apples. It is probably just your perception of them open carrying. As for your comment on the Constitution, the Second Amendment does notsay "the 'privilege' to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". Unless one is a convicted felon, it is a right not to be regulated by any man.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
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when someone turns around looks at you with his hand on his gun it is no perception it's simply paranoia - there is a p in there alright


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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I imagine everybody will have to put up with a certain amount of this sort of thing. A restriction has been lifted. Give them a little while. The majority, I think, will relax a bit as the new-ness wears off.


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
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That same evening on my way home stopped to use a wamu ATM went I approached noticed someone was inside and older man (late sixties) took my place in line behind him approximately four feet which is good distance he then turned around looked at me and placed his right hand on his taurus Raging Bull 44 Magnum (which in my opinion only a nut would carry in an urban area

Very powerful? Why is a .429 240 grain bullet moving at 900 fps any different then a .452 230 grain bullet moving at 900 fps? You don't know his ammo choice. Second even if it is a 325 grain bullet moving at 1650 fps, what difference should that make to a justified shooting? I know it can make a huge difference if you have to defend yourself against a person trying to run you over. Not all "deadly weapons" fit in a pocket.


Regular Member
Feb 22, 2007
Morgan, Utah, USA
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mycoldhands wrote:
Word of advise: with the new gun law which I totally favor seems to come a certain level of arrogance. I was getting inside a gas station in Locust Grove yesterday to pay for my gas and there was a young man in his early twenties standing at the entrance way - I politely said excuse me but instead of moving he stared me down and took his time to clear the doorway then I noticed his shinny Walter 22 cal on his hip (open - carry) and a smirk soon followed on his face - based on past experience I knew he was not law enforcement but a GFL holder - so to defuse a potentially volatile situation I asked how his day was going so far - feeling like I was showing him ultimate respect he simply replied "ok " with a huff and puff of the chest. That same evening on my way home stopped to use a wamu ATM went I approached noticed someone was inside and older man (late sixties) took my place in line behind him approximately four feet which is good distance he then turned around looked at me and placed his right hand on his taurus Raging Bull 44 Magnum (which in my opinion only a nut would carry in an urban area - it’s a very powerful hunting handgun) I simply told him to take his time that I was in no rush he then smiled with confidence the type people like that can only get holding a gun thinking they have the upper hand. No matter what the Constitution says the right to carry a gun for self protection is a privilege otherwise everyone who applies for a GFL would get one. Don’t get me wrong I’m pro gun and treasure the right to defend myself and therefore never leave my house without my Glock which I conceal carry. I welcome open carry and respect peoples choices - my neighbor does it all the time I simply hope that the new law is not getting into peoples minds. Paranoia can be a detriment to anyone. With arrogance comes fear. I simply hope that things will not go back to the Cowboys days when people were shooting it out over silly things

Raging Bull 44 Magnum ......

To me this is an EXCELLENT choice if STOPPING power.

I wish I could afford a S&W 629 (44Mag) 4" barrel,as my daily carry. That would be GREAT STOPPING power. Why?? You ask. It would just stop people by just looking at it:lol:.



Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Try spending twelve years with the NYPD five out of those twelve working narcotics undercover on Brooklyn’s streets then we can talk scary.you think I came across a racist base on my previous posts pointman how soon you jump to conclusions the only thing that nut and I had in common that day is the fact that we were both white.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
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People ALREADY shoot it out over silly things! Just go to any inner city neighborhood! But yes, there are ALWAYS a few ass's in any group. Be safe!


Regular Member
Jun 10, 2008
Alabama, ,
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Isn't NW Georgia home of Big Foot? 44 mag might be needed.:celebrate:celebrate
I can't wait to become proficient with my wildey, i'm 'shooting' for first carry
to my sisters wedding in March. Satin finish will go very nice with my suite,
and spit shined boots. Having a little trouble with active retention holster,
but will work it out.

Even an OC can have a bad day, but other than a bad stare any problems?
Better to have a few wierdo's , than for all citizens to be disenfranchised.
Unfortunately, any standard you try to curb them, will only be used against yourself
in the future.

Just think about how much faster, and cheaper it would have been to just
have the AL, FL, and GA govenors just hold a 3 way duel to settle the water
dispute. The spineless polititions would have settled it in minutes rather than
fill thier diapers on the field of honor.:shock: And not waste tax payer money gandstanding.


Regular Member
Dec 30, 2009
, , USA
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My 40 cal does just fine. If I need something bigger than that, I'll use my wifes mini-van. Some people get carried away with using their 2nd Amend. Right/Privilage.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
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The Second Amendment is not a 'privilege', it is a 'Right'!

Our Fore Fathers did never once siad someone losses their Right to Keep and Bear Arms solely because of a Felony Conviction, or any other of this 18 U.S.C 922 crap.

Maybe, perhaps, convicted Felons, and other Persons who are also banned from having/a Firearm(s), should also be banned from owning/having/using..., a Bible, neverhave any Privacy, be subjectedto Unreasonable Searches and Seizures, be subjected to random Cruelty and Torture, and also have their hands/tongues cut out so they can not have 'Freedom of Press' or 'Freedom of Speech' to tell about these injustices.

Gun Control has nothing to do with 'Guns', but everything to do with 'Control'!