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Can Non-Residents Get RI Permits?


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2011
See RI 11-47-11 and RI 11-47-18

Thanks for that info. Does RI mail out the application package or do you have to actually go to the licensing authorities in any RI city or town to pick one up? Is there a state website with this info?


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2006
Michigan, USA
Thanks for that info. Does RI mail out the application package or do you have to actually go to the licensing authorities in any RI city or town to pick one up? Is there a state website with this info?

The Attorney General has the application online. You will have to pick up the license in person, the permit is may issue.

The police chief license is shall-issue, many chiefs will make you sue them to get a permit. If you are not willing to sue (and ask for damages) then don't bother with this avenue.

The AG is may-issue but if you have a reason, they will usually issue (unlike Maryland and New Jersey).


Regular Member
May 4, 2011
Naugatuck CT
You will have to make an appearance at some point of the process....I don't remember exactly when. You will also have to have "proper showing of need".

RI Pistol instructions

I h'm looking to get a RI permit I had a few questions.

Where do I send in the permit.
You said I should go with the AG do you have an address for him.
Do I just put on the envelope Attention Peter Kilmartin?

Also permit page 38
Do I just leave the whole page blank or just the top half
I'm assuming it needs to be notarized.

FBI Hand print cards where can I get those. When I got my permit they handed them out.
Does it matter what color I remember Utah doesn't accept white.

I took my CT NRA class like 7 years ago is there a expiration date on the training. I also took a NRA course for Utah 2 years ago.
Will those work for the NRA training?

Say you need a letter why you need a permit.
What is an acceptable reason to need a pistol permit?

I need a pistol permit to protect my family and myself when traveling to visit family members in Rhode Island. I've had a CT pistol permit for 7 years. I live on the western side of Connecticut and without a Rhode Island permit I am required to leave my pistol at home therefore not able to protect my family or myself for the entire trip.

I would appreciate you to accept my pistol permit so I can protect my family and myself.

Thank you very much.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2006
Michigan, USA
You have two options, you can either apply to the Attorney General under RI 11-47-18; however, it is a may-issue statute. They may not give you a license. If they deny you, you can ask per Mobsy v DeVine to see all the evidence used to deny you, they usually in turn issue you a restricted permit for work purposes only. Keep in mind that restrictions on a Rhode Island license have no basis in the law and NO ONE has ever been convicted of violating a restriction. In fact some court cases have involved judges laughing at the restrictions.

You also have the option of applying for a shall-issue licenses under RI 11-47-11. Many chiefs do not like to issue, if they give you a hard time, you will have to be willing to spend a little bit of money to bring them into court, they will usually back down.

Bottom line,

The AG route is a gamble.

The town permit will result in your favor; however, you may have to be willing to have a lawyer file a suit. If they don't think you are serious then most chiefs will screw with you.

Those are your only two options. I've been involved in RI gun matters for 8 years now and I'm the VP of CRALRI.

Good luck, let us know how this turns out.