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How can i convert feet per second to mph?
How can i convert feet per second to mph?
Hey "V" searched online conversions Says Feet per second X 0.68181818182
Hey "V" searched online conversions Says Feet per second X 0.68181818182
So a F22 raptor can fly faster at mach 2.25 or 1500 mph?
That doesn't seem right.
If you are looking for a quick & dirty, multiply by 7 and drop the last digit:
1150 * 7 = 7850. Drop the digit gives 785 (instead of 784.09--close enough).
So imagine how fast the bullet from one of those guns is traveling!So a F22 raptor can fly faster at mach 2.25 or 1500 mph?
That doesn't seem right.
Uh, 1150*7 = 8050, not 7850...