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February OC Get-Together in Monument: 2-22-14...


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
As discussed during our First Annual New Year's OC event in COS (held on Sunday 1-26-14), we plan to schedule monthly OC meetings in the COS, Monument and Castle Rock area. [EDIT: and Parker, too.]

February's event will be in Monument, CO:

Village Inn
-- 315 Colorado 105, Monument, CO 80132, (719) 481-3500
-- Saturday
-- 2-22-14
-- @ 2:30p.m.

And as per the previous event in COS, any CCers who would like to attend are also welcome.

March's OC event is tentatively scheduled for Castle Rock -- date & time TBD later, @ the IHOP or VI there. Then probably back to COS for April.

[EDIT (2-1-14): I should add that "no gun is necessary" to attend...meaning that people who perhaps are just interested in OCing (or CCing as we can answer questions on that, too) but either don't have a gun yet or aren't carrying yet (for whatever reason) -- or are just new to the practice -- are welcomed to attend, too.]


  • Village Inn - Monument (map) 1-27-14.jpg
    Village Inn - Monument (map) 1-27-14.jpg
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Regular Member
Aug 6, 2009
, ,
I'd love to come to one of these. My wife does all my scheduling and I'm usually just booked solid. I'll keep trying though.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)

As mentioned, we're going to rotate these events among the 4 cities/towns already listed: COS, Monument, Castle Rock and Parker. One event held monthly rotating among those 4 places. I think this is important because TMK, there is NOTHING presently going on regularly at ANY of these 4 places. IMO, there SHOULD be. Considering this 4-city area covers a fair amount of real estate (unlike events in one city/town only), sooner or later an event will be coming to EVERYONE's home town...so yes, I hope they can make at least one event, especially since it'll be a local one (for them).

The problem with this "monthly rotations" plan, however, is we won't be doing another COS (the largest city among the 4) event until April -- 3 months after the one we had in January.

Consequently, in the not too distant future, there may be 2 events in a given month (to make more efficient use of time and not "waste" months when we COULD have something happening), but in 2 different cities/towns. For example: 1 event in COS and another in Parker the same month (but different dates). Or some other combination of cities/towns for the same month. This way we won't be "gone" from a particular city/town TOO long.

But that's just an idea for now...

The EVENTUAL goal of all this is to get regular MONTHLY OC meetings/events in ALL of these 4 locations
, but since this "organized" effort is only getting started, we're just doing the rotations now. Hopefully in a few months we can organize OCers (and even CCers to some extent) to get something happening monthly in their home cities/towns on a monthly basis. Once that's done (and even further in the future), we can then have events (maybe yearly) where we ALL can get-together somewhere and meet our "OC sub-chapter colleagues" from these 4 cities/towns.

While I am sure ALL of us OCers do what we can (individually) as we're out & about in our parts of Colorado, IMO we should also be organized to some extent, which I think would help "the cause" just a bit more than some unknown number (and probably not many anyway) isolated "lone wolf" OCers with no contact with other OCers in their areas -- or even really KNOWING or SEEING any other OCers. Likewise, even each city/town can get LOTS done for "the cause," but again, I think it'd be even better if they were in contact (kept in the loop at least) of what's going on in other cities/towns, rather than working in isolation. Maybe eventually, even the whole STATE can be organized -- who knows! ;-)

Whatever, that's the plan as outlined. Until then, we'll just be doing the rotations.

Hope to meet you sooner or later...

P.S. Of course, DENVER is not on the list of possible venues for OC events! I DO, however, go to Lakewood (Denny's @ 565 Union Blvd.) and Littleton (IHOP or VI @ Ken Caryl & Loop 470) occasionally, so maybe there or some other suburb of Denver -- where OCing IS allowed -- could be scheduled for some date in the future.

I think our options for organizing are numerous. We should take advantage of that...and act.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I believe he's referring to the big honkin' motorcycle he has (probably a Harley v-twin cruiser)...

I had one (2005 Honda VTX1300R v-twin) "on the beach" back in Galveston, TX, (no ice/snowy weather there to worry about on a 2-wheeler) but sold it immediately after Hurricane Ike (2008) to a FEMA "biker babe" who was working on the island to help us recover afterwards. Then a year later I got a Vespa GTS-250 scooter but gave it away when I moved here (Summer 2013). Kept my motorcycle endorsement (from my TX drivers license) when I got my CO license "just in case" but it may well be my 2-wheeler days are over.

As for riding animals...well clearly, that's a horse of a different color!


[sorry, just had to say it]
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