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First time MT handgun owner. Questions and concerns


Regular Member
Jan 2, 2009
Missoula, Montana, USA
imported post

Greetings to my fellow Montanan's. I just purchased my first handgun after alot of research. Santa was VERY good to me this year so I decided to up my original purchase of a .22lr Browning Buckmark camper to a more versatile Springfield XD(m) 9mm. I feel I made the right choice and I can't wait to get to Deer Creek with friend and start practicing with it.

I"ve just recently started researching the concealed weapon and open carry laws in Montana and I was suprised to find our laws pretty lenient towards carrying guns in such wasy. Being born and raised in Missoula, I've never seen anyone besides police carry an open firearm at their sides. I can't help but think what it would be like if I tried to do the same. I"m not very good at confrentation from people so I wonder if they alone would be reason enough NOT to consider carrying a firearm, concealed or not.

I'm also have some trouble intepreting the state law in whats lawful and whats not so i've got the following questions/concerns

A: Exactly what do I say to folks if I ever carry an open firearm in a general store like Wal-Mart? How do I back up my rights and freedom? What situation/places should I NEVER carry an open gun to prevent public panic and/or a police call about me?

B: What reasons/situations can I be arrested onsite for carrying an open weapon, regardless of my rights/laws?

C: If im afraid about what people will say/react to a firearm at my side, I hate to upset people let alone start an argument. Should I even attempt to carry out my rights/freedom as a US armed citizen for this reason alone?

Thanks for any incite or advice for a noobie to the gun world


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2007
Kalispell, Montana, USA
imported post

Greetings back at ya . Go Griz Maybe next year! Cats Suck..... Can you Believe this Snow, It rocks!!!

Now that I'm done with that lets get to Business. First there is a book buy Gary Marbut titled "Gun laws of Montana" Get it, Great Reference. Gary Marbut is a President of http://www.mtssa.org/there is a section in there also that has MT gun laws also Great Reference.

Getting Your CCPermit is not Hard Goto Sheriffs office pick up App fill it out. If you have been in the Military I suggest you Use DD214 for Proof of Firearms Training. If not you may have to Take a class they should be offered buy some one, ask a sporting good store For Info on that.

As for Open Carry, Ive Done it Twice in Missoula and All the time here in Kalispell,and other Places throughout MT. If you have people ask Questions or confront you BE POLITE we don't want them thinking were Idiots. Know the Law that will help allot. Remember If your Detained by Police and you NOW your doing Nothing Wrong stay Calm. They would arrest you if you were doing something Wrong. Generaly you wont have a Problem at all, even with the cops.

Don't Handle your Firearm in Public, It can be considered as Brandishing. If you have to go to the Rest room then doit. A Concealed Weapon in MT is Defined as,wholly or partially covered by the clothing or wearing apparel of the person carrying or bearing the weapon, That means If you have your Pistol in a holster on your belt ( typical OC way ) and a Jacket on covering the Pistol it considered Concealed and you would need a permit. If you are using a IWB (inside waistband) holster and no jacket, IT is PARTIALLY Covered, you would need a permit. A Firearm under the seat of your Pickup is not Concealed in the State of MT, To be Concealed it would have to be on your Person. If you are Outside City Limits you can Carry Concealed on your Person Without a Permit.

I personally Carry 1911 .45 Acp OC and CC most people just Ignore me and some ask what Kind it is. We Firearm owners should be aware of what is going on in the legal system, so I ask you stay Informed on 2nd Amendment Issues. Email your Reps all the way up to the President if you have to.

Please ask if you have any other ? I will gladly answer them to the best of my ability's


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2007
Kalispell, Montana, USA
imported post


That is the LInk to MT gun laws.

The one thing I find the Most Interesting is, If you are legally able to own a firearm inMT , The state Considers You Licensed for the Federal Gun Free School Zone ACt that Doesn't Allow Fire arms within 500 FT of a School or Property. There for When my Dog and I go For a Walk down Town and I pass by a school on the Sidewalk with my OC or CC Pistol I am Legal.


Regular Member
Jan 11, 2009
Lake County, Montana, USA
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lucas_flesher wrote:
Greetings back at ya . Go Griz Maybe next year! Cats Suck.....
Did you hear during OJ Simpson's first trial 'way back when' they were actually thinking of moving it to Bozeman Montana? They wanted to hold the trial in a town that knew nothing about football!!



Regular Member
Jan 2, 2009
Missoula, Montana, USA
imported post

I plan on getting my CCW this spring, but I dont' think im the type of person to deal with the pressure and looks i'll get with open carry. Im not good at face to face confrentations.


Regular Member
Sep 10, 2008
Kalispell, Montana, USA
imported post

Freezebyte welcome... at first you feel strange doing the OC thang, but this is Montana and there for competely legal. CC works if your not into OC, and getting your permit lets you walk in to any of our gun stores, fill out the FF 4473 pay your cash and walk with your purchase hassle free.

Mt Gunny bout covered it all.

Let us know if you ever get up to the Flathead area, and likewise when we head down to Missoula.


Regular Member
Jun 23, 2008
, Montana, USA
imported post

Hello and welcome new hand gun owner,I notice that your finger appears

to beon the trigger in your picture.It's a good idea for safety to only have your finger

on the trigger when you have your target in the sights and ready to fire.

There are other times,dry firing for practice,or to field strip certain pistols.

ALways good to triple check for a round in the chamber before hand,I'm sure you did

before the picture was taken. Well anyways good to have ya aboard.