So last week myslef and my family went on vacation to Florida and I decided to take my gun with me. So I got onto Southwest website and looked up their policies on taking a gun in checked baggage. So I went to Gander Mountain and bought a $50 hard gun case. The foam on the bottom lifted out and I put my 5 mags fully loaded under the foam, reinserted the foam, put the gun on top with a gun cable lock running through the mag well, and locked it up with two matched locks that took the same key. I stuffed the case in the luggage and locked the bag up with a TSA lock (you can get them from walmart).
Now off to the Indianapolis airport. When I got the the counter I told the agent that the last bag had an item that needed to be declared. So I checked the other bags and threw it up on the scale and told her it was a firearm that needed to be declared. She had me open the suitcase and gun case to check it out. Everything checked out ok and all then I had to fill out a small piece of paper with my name and address and sign it. They then stuck it to the case and I locked it all back up. They didnt put anything on the outside of the bag to make it obvious to what was in it. I liked that part. They handed me a piece of paper to give to the TSA guys at the security checkpoint. I then proceeded to the checkpoint and handed them my ticket, drivers license, and the card. I was told to stop by a little "office" on the other side of the scanners and give them the card. So I went through the scanners with no issue and went to the little office gave them the card and was asked for my DL. They looked at it and asked if I had TSA locks on it I said "yes", they replied good because we have a master key if we need to get into it we will let you know, and said I was good. Got on the flight and headed to florida.
Now on the return home was a little different and quicker with Tampa airport. Did the same routine with my baggage at the counter. Ive got a bag to declare. Filled the paperwork out and never had to open my bag. They then had a Employee walk me over to a TSA security area and they took my bag and ran it thought a pretty big xray machine which I could only see part of it. A few minutes later they said I was good to go. No card to give anyone just go through the checkpoint like normal.
So I thought it went pretty well. I was very pleased with the over all expierence and never got hassled once. The only thing I didnt like was the fact that I had to conceal carry down there but it gave me and excuse to buy a shoulder harness.
Now off to the Indianapolis airport. When I got the the counter I told the agent that the last bag had an item that needed to be declared. So I checked the other bags and threw it up on the scale and told her it was a firearm that needed to be declared. She had me open the suitcase and gun case to check it out. Everything checked out ok and all then I had to fill out a small piece of paper with my name and address and sign it. They then stuck it to the case and I locked it all back up. They didnt put anything on the outside of the bag to make it obvious to what was in it. I liked that part. They handed me a piece of paper to give to the TSA guys at the security checkpoint. I then proceeded to the checkpoint and handed them my ticket, drivers license, and the card. I was told to stop by a little "office" on the other side of the scanners and give them the card. So I went through the scanners with no issue and went to the little office gave them the card and was asked for my DL. They looked at it and asked if I had TSA locks on it I said "yes", they replied good because we have a master key if we need to get into it we will let you know, and said I was good. Got on the flight and headed to florida.
Now on the return home was a little different and quicker with Tampa airport. Did the same routine with my baggage at the counter. Ive got a bag to declare. Filled the paperwork out and never had to open my bag. They then had a Employee walk me over to a TSA security area and they took my bag and ran it thought a pretty big xray machine which I could only see part of it. A few minutes later they said I was good to go. No card to give anyone just go through the checkpoint like normal.
So I thought it went pretty well. I was very pleased with the over all expierence and never got hassled once. The only thing I didnt like was the fact that I had to conceal carry down there but it gave me and excuse to buy a shoulder harness.