Inertia is a funny thing...
This is a clear indication that Boomboy007 understands individual liberty and how any individual liberty seeking citizen should peaceably interact with his fellow citizens in a free market society.
Unfortunately, many folks do not stand outside of Costco and discourage people from patronizing that business because of their anti-individual liberty positions.
alas OC for ME, et al., doesn’t boomboy seem a bit contradictory when he publicly states this is how, as a “libertarian” he should behave, YET out of the other side of his mouth he publicly states he surreptitiously violates big business’s contractually signed agreement and CC/OC his trusted pistola on their hip for the sole purpose of his convenience as he sells his “libertarian” values out to possibly save a couple $$$ ?
yes that is, in my humble opinion extremely hysterical!
rave on boomboy, rave on...