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RCW 46.20.015Driving without a license — Traffic infraction, when.
(1) Except as expressly exempted by this chapter, it is a traffic infraction and not a misdemeanor under RCW
46.20.005 if a person:
(a) Drives any motor vehicle upon a highway in this state without a valid driver's license issued to Washington residents under this chapter in his or her possession;
(b) Provides the citing officer with an expired driver's license or other valid identifying documentation under RCW
46.20.035 at the time of the stop; and
(c) Is not driving while suspended or revoked in violation of RCW
46.20.342(1) or *
(2) A person who violates this section is subject to a penalty of two hundred fifty dollars. If the person appears in person before the court or submits by mail written proof that he or she obtained a valid license after being cited, the court shall reduce the penalty to fifty dollars.
RCW 46.20.005Driving without a license — Misdemeanor, when.
Except as expressly exempted by this chapter, it is a misdemeanor for a person to drive any motor vehicle upon a highway in this state without a valid driver's license issued to Washington residents under this chapter. This section does not apply if at the time of the stop the person is not in violation of RCW
46.20.342(1) or *
46.20.420 and has in his or her possession an expired driver's license or other valid identifying documentation under RCW
46.20.035. A violation of this section is a lesser included offense within the offenses described in RCW
46.20.342(1) or *
RCW 9.41.050Carrying firearms.
(1)(a) Except in the person's place of abode or fixed place of business, a person shall
not carry a pistol concealed on his or her person without a license to carry a concealed pistol.
(b) Every licensee shall have his or her
concealed pistol license in his or her immediate possession at all times that he or she is required by this section to have a concealed pistol license and shall display the same upon demand to any police officer or to any other person when and if required by law to do so. Any violation of this subsection (1)(b) shall be a class 1 civil infraction under chapter
7.80 RCW and shall be punished accordingly pursuant to chapter
7.80 RCW and the infraction rules for courts of limited jurisdiction.
(2)(a) A person shall not carry or place a loaded pistol in any vehicle unless the person has a license to carry a concealed pistol and: (i) The pistol is on the licensee's person, (ii) the licensee is within the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there, or (iii) the licensee is away from the vehicle and the pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.
(b) A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.
(3)(a) A person at least eighteen years of age who is in possession of an unloaded pistol shall not leave the unloaded pistol in a vehicle unless the unloaded pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.
(b) A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.
(4) Nothing in this section permits the possession of firearms illegal to possess under state or federal law.
RCW 69.50.425Misdemeanor violations — Minimum penalties.
A person who is convicted of a misdemeanor violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than twenty-four consecutive hours, and by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars. On a second or subsequent conviction, the fine shall not be less than five hundred dollars. These fines shall be in addition to any other fine or penalty imposed. Unless the court finds that the imposition of the minimum imprisonment will pose a substantial risk to the defendant's physical or mental well-being or that local jail facilities are in an overcrowded condition, the minimum term of imprisonment shall not be suspended or deferred. If the court finds such risk or overcrowding exists, it shall sentence the defendant to a minimum of forty hours of community restitution. If a minimum term of imprisonment is suspended or deferred, the court shall state in writing the reason for granting the suspension or deferral and the facts upon which the suspension or deferral is based. Unless the court finds the person to be indigent, the minimum fine shall not be suspended or deferred.