0:42 seconds onwards: "Many of them had knives and guns." Legally-held ones, no doubt
There was a virtual media blackout last night, and they're still downplaying it a lot today. I'm in the security industry and was caught up in it. A colleague of mine is in hospital after being hit with poles and kicked in the head. I was spat at and punched in the face by a group of them while trying to move a group of tourists away from the area. Didn't see any guns personally, though I heard through a few cops that they had reports of people waving handguns around. There was a shots fired call at one point, but I haven't heard any more on that. We started getting pelted with bottles and chairs stolen from restaurants, and had to retreat inside after knives and machetes were being pulled. The police weren't screwing around (LOTS of OC spray and other force was being used), but it still took over two hours to bring the whole thing under control. They were running through CCTV trying to identify some of those involved. I was told not to hold my breath on them catching who attacked me, though.
Definitely one of the wildest nights I've had on the job.
There was a virtual media blackout last night, and they're still downplaying it a lot today. I'm in the security industry and was caught up in it. A colleague of mine is in hospital after being hit with poles and kicked in the head. I was spat at and punched in the face by a group of them while trying to move a group of tourists away from the area. Didn't see any guns personally, though I heard through a few cops that they had reports of people waving handguns around. There was a shots fired call at one point, but I haven't heard any more on that. We started getting pelted with bottles and chairs stolen from restaurants, and had to retreat inside after knives and machetes were being pulled. The police weren't screwing around (LOTS of OC spray and other force was being used), but it still took over two hours to bring the whole thing under control. They were running through CCTV trying to identify some of those involved. I was told not to hold my breath on them catching who attacked me, though.
Definitely one of the wildest nights I've had on the job.