?!?! Of course, there is. Movies? Didn't you know?
<cue John Wayne voice from
Rio Bravo>
"You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would."
Then, after Dean Martin shoots the blood-dripping killer out of the loft:
<more John Wayne voice, directed at the bad guy who wanted to pick up the gun>
"And, nobody walked in here, huh?"
<clonk> (sound of Winchester barrel across the bad-guy's face)
Dean Martin: "Chance!"
John Wayne: "Awww. I ain't gonna hurt him."
Movies!! Don't you get it? They're real! You gotta follow John Wayne decorum when taking down the bad guy.*

*Like in
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: from across the street, after Pompey tosses him the rifle. Rance Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) never knew, and Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin) never saw it coming. Ok, ok! I'll stop with the movies.