GPS is used by some departments for this reason.
But what your saying would force officers into MORE interactions over dumb things.
No doubt. Lemme tell you a 'there I was' story.
Our company had a mission to install computers and infrastructure with a popular coffee provider and once upon a time I was in Memphis on a Friday to do a store. No biggie, they generally take between 8 and 12 hours and I'd be back on my way to Atlanta that Friday evening. Installed, tested, documented, drove home an arrived about 2 or 3AM if I remember.
Lo and behold, at 7AM on Saturday I got a call that said I had to go back to Memphis (On My Own Time, as that was the contract) and fix a problem. "What problem?" says I, "It worked perfectly when I left."
"The store manager says his system won't work and he's called us directly to complain about your work. You. Go. Fix. We. No. Pay."
"If I find that it's not my problem, you're paying."
"You. go. fix."
So, in the van grumbling the whole way as I Knew everything worked, I'd tested every system. Arrived to find a manager upset that it took me more than an hour to get there. "Sorry; you're 400 miles away, it takes a few minutes to get here. What's the problem?"
"My printer doesn't work, I can't open the store!"
"Hmm, that's odd the printer worked perfectly last night. I had to print a report on it to do the installation and get paid. Let me look."
Go to the office, look at the printer, flip the power switch from Off to On and ask, "Did you call your help desk first?"
"No, you guys installed it, I called you."
"Okay, just sign here... and here. Thank you."
"Anything else?"
"No, the charge is for our standard minimum of four hours work, and since it's Saturday that's overtime. Oh, and you'll be charged for nine hours of travel each way. If you had called your help desk first, they would have asked you right off what lights were on your printer."
"Have a good day, Sir, I have to drive home now."
Twenty-Two motherfreakin' hours to flip a dang switch that could have been solved with a 10-minute phone call to his help desk. At least I got paid.