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I have seen the light, Republicans ARE EVIL...


Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
I enjoyed this.


Herr Heckler Koch

There is not spit difference between the left and right wing of the Ruling Class. Read and heed Angelo Codevilla's essay America's Ruling Class: And The Perils of Revolution, The American Spectator July 2010


The GOP is dead (Bush-41), DEAD (Bush-43) and dead at the hands of Obowma's enablers like McLane the Manchurian Candidate. I'll vote repugnican if they run Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul, but more likely Constitution Party and scroom. Better me than my daughter water the tree of liberty.

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Left arm, right arm...*shrug* ...still the same big government monster.
Hear hear!

They should probably mandate that everyone vote Democrat.
As long as they don't force people to vote Democrat, that is.
Everyone henceforth must vote democrat if they so choose to vote. However, the decision to vote at all is still left to the individual. ;)


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
They should probably mandate that everyone vote Democrat.
As long as they don't force people to vote Democrat, that is.


A mandate is not force. A mandate is a mandate. You can't be forced to comply with a mandate, you can be fined or imprisoned for not complying with the mandate.

An example: There is a mandate that states that you have to agree with me, if you don't you will be thrown in prison. Now, you are not being forced to agree with me, you can choose to not agree with me. Although, the alternative to not agreeing with me is prison; you choose--it's all about choice, right?:cool:

Herr Heckler Koch

Genuinely curious: what about Newt Gingrich separates him, in your view, from the rest of the party, to such a degree that you consider him as worthy of representing you as Ron Paul?
Rod Paul kisses lieberaltarian patootie. If you had attended to the Hillsdale College Constitution 101 lecture series - about week 4 - then you would know what separates them from the principles of the Founding Fathers.


I am a conservative, a paleo-conservative, a neo-Confederate and in no way libertarian progressive.


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
Ah, he's a comedy writer. Or just intentionally ignorant.

E.g. the idea of fascism rests not upon its roots, but how it was implemented. When someone calls another a fascist, they are saying that the person prefers the government control what the people can do, the person is extremely nationalistic, and the person suppresses an opposing opinion. Wikipedia's article handes the issue quite well, pointing out that at the least, fascism refers to an authoritarian form of government. You know, such as one that tells you what to do with your body? Certainly, though, the Republican party tends towards capitalism to a greater degree than the classic fascist.

Continuing with the definitional diatribe, when someone calls another person a Nazi, they aren't literally calling them a National Socialist Party member. They are stating that the person exhibits, again, authoritarian views - this time, mingled with racial or immigration undertones. For example, in Seinfeld, the Soup Nazi was a character who showed a strict and controlling attitude. Similar views would be the

The history of the two present-day political parties is so absurdly mixed up that without paragraphs of writing, I'd be lying as much as Bill Whittle is in that video. The short of it is that the Democratic party of today formed out of factions of the Democratic-Republican party. Two sides to the same coin, indeed. Similarly, the Republican party were not the ideal citizens Mr. Whittle attempts to paint them as. While the Democrats held the South for a good time after Reconstruction, the 1948 shift in the party to hold a strong civil rights plank resulted in a shift where the Republicans took over the south because the people there were still looking to...well...be racist pricks. The platforms of both parties have shifted and realigned many times, each trying to pander to more voters, and calling it anything but that is sticking your head int he sand.

There are some places I think he gets it right. Affirmative action is way to mire people in dependence. Michael Moore is a liar and his sensationalistic hit pieces are laughable. And those who are acting out to suppress the ability of Republicans on college campus to speak are deplorable people. However, intentionally distorting the facts to make a point? I'll pass.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
Rod Paul kisses lieberaltarian patootie. If you had attended to the Hillsdale College Constitution 101 lecture series - about week 4 - then you would know what separates them from the principles of the Founding Fathers.

Since some of us haven't had the luxury, perhaps you can elaborate your claim?

I am a conservative, a paleo-conservative, a neo-Confederate and in no way libertarian progressive.

Good for you. Would you like a Wilkie button?

Herr Heckler Koch

Since some of us haven't had the luxury, perhaps you can elaborate your claim? Good for you. Would you like a Wilkie button?
Take the luxury, it's free and worth far more.

It is not my claim. The FF wrote the Constitution knowing that men can't be trusted and will not improve. Progressives and libertarians believe men are inherently good. I don't.

Oh, and I lived in South Carolina for thirty years, American by birth and Confederate by my God given choice.
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Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Put me in the camp with those who agree that Democrats and Republicans are just two wings of the same bird of prey (kudos to Andrew Napolitano for that phrase).

The video presenter is full of it. Maybe five Republicans actually operate as though they believe I should keep my money; the rest are big government goons who have a proven track record of driving the national debt to the moon and increasing the size and reachof government. They lie just as much as the Democrats do. They pander just as much as the Democrats do.

Capitalism. Hogwash. They are just as much in bed with corporations, making laws and regulations for rent-seeking corporations, as the Democrats. We don't have capitalism in this country, we have corporatism (corporations and government in bed together).


Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA

A mandate is not force. A mandate is a mandate. You can't be forced to comply with a mandate, you can be fined or imprisoned for not complying with the mandate.

An example: There is a mandate that states that you have to agree with me, if you don't you will be thrown in prison. Now, you are not being forced to agree with me, you can choose to not agree with me. Although, the alternative to not agreeing with me is prison; you choose--it's all about choice, right?:cool:

Your lack of lexicographical knowledge, especially for someone attending an institution of higher learning, is disturbing.
If one cannot be forced to comply with a mandate, then the mandate has no power over any person, government unit, corporation, state or anything else. One might as well say "pretty please with sugar on top" as to mandate that something be done.

By your logic, one cannot be forced at gunpoint to hand over one's wallet, purse, nor virtue. One can always tell the robber or rapist 'No.'

Actually, the alternative to not agreeing with you...................... seems demonstrably to be the correct course of action in almost every circumstance I have observed of your opinion.
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Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee

By your logic, one cannot be forced at gunpoint to hand over one's wallet, purse, nor virtue. One can always tell the robber or rapist 'No.'


But for sh*ts and giggles...

Interesting how you state that I have a lack of lexicographical knowledge then follow it up with three scenarios: Gunpoint (wait, this is not a scenario, this is an element), Robbery, Rape. You also include two objects: Wallet, Purse; and Virtue, which is not an object, at best a moral notion.

Gunpoint is not the same as Robbery nor Rape. Gunpoint can be a tool for persuading the individual to give into a Robbery or Rape.

A person can be compelled to hand over their wallet or purse but they still have an option to not hand either over. Virtue is, well, Virtue--there is no point in considering a moral notion being robbed from a person at gunpoint.

A robber, and a rapist can be told No. I said nothing about consequences in telling a robber or rapist No. With a Robber or Rapist, one has the option to resist, if they are not restrained.

Am I missing something here? You seem to be relating a number of things to one another, and they are necessarily related.

I don't put much stock in my courses; no person should, IMO.

Can a person be robbed of their Virtue at gunpoint? Scenario: Man walks up to Jesus, pulls out a gun, and demands that Jesus rapes a woman that Jesus just healed. Jesus, by fear of death, rapes the female. Is Jesus still Virtuous? Yes, but Jesus compromised a Principle of his.
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Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
In this case "being robbed of one's virtue" is an polite euphemism, used to avoid the phrase "having a penis forcefully introduced to and penetrating the vagina of a woman, often referred to as rape." See definition 3, here

Were you really unaware of that use of the phrase until now????


Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Fallschirmjäger said:
Actually, the alternative to not agreeing with you...................... seems demonstrably to be the correct course of action in almost every circumstance I have observed of your opinion.
Arghhhhh.... well played, well played. That's what I get for trying to do two things at once.
Too late for a do-over, since I've already been quoted :)
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