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Idaho: Permitless Carry Legislation Introduced


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2011
Boone County, KY
Idaho: Permitless (Concealed) Carry Legislation Introduced

This bill seems different from the one discussed here.
It appears different because it has a different sponsor.

While Kentucky is considering having permit-less carry and West Virginia might override the Governor's veto to have permit-less carry, Idaho is also considering permit-less carry as well.

Senate Bill 1378 sponsored by State Senator Curt McKenzie would allow any Idaho resident, over 21 with a clean record to carry concealed without a permit. The current permit system in Idaho would still be in place assuming for those who would wish to carry in other states.

The distinction here is that the law would only apply to residents of Idaho and those who wish to carry concealed from other states would still be required to have a permit.


"Today, Senate Bill 1378, important self-defense legislation, was introduced in the Idaho Senate. Sponsored by state Senator Curt McKenzie, SB 1378 would allow a law-abiding individual, who is a resident of Idaho and 21 years of age or older, to lawfully carry a concealed handgun for self-defense without needing to first obtain a government-issued permit. SB 1378 is being referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee for consideration. Please contact the members of the Senate State Affairs Committee and respectfully urge them to support SB 1378. Please click the “Take Action” button below to contact the members of the Committee!

Under the provisions of SB 1378, an individual who is over the age of 21, a resident of Idaho, and who is not otherwise disqualified from obtaining a concealed weapons license (CWL), may lawfully exercise their fundamental right to self-defense by carrying a concealed handgun without having to first undergo a government-mandated permitting process. SB 1378 will not allow individuals who are prohibited from possessing a firearm, under state or federal law, to lawfully carry a concealed handgun.

Under the provisions of SB 1378, Idaho's existing permitting process is left fully intact. Non-residents may still obtain an Idaho CWL and Idaho law still allows any non-resident to lawfully carry a concealed weapon in the state if they possess a valid CWL from another state. This legislation recognizes that self-defense situations are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate. As a result, law-abiding Idahoans will be able to lawfully possess a concealed weapon in the manner and under the circumstances that best suits their needs. "

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© 2016 National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. This may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. 11250 Waples Mill Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 1-800-392-8683(VOTE)


Jul 5, 2006
Looks like a nice step forward while not giving anything up. That is how we make progress.

The only thing to be concerned with in this bill is the requirement that the person not otherwise be ineligible for a carry permit. Depending on the exact conditions of what is required for the permit, this could bite a few folks who should not be bit. But if anyone finds such problems, that requirement could be narrowed or eliminated in a future session.

Best of luck. This bill would be good for both Idaho and many other States.

Like we've seen with shall issue permits, the more States that move in a decent direction, the easier it is to get other States to follow. We have seen unilateral recognition of all other permits go from a rarity, to being fairly common. Campus carry is currently fairly rare, but is gaining some traction. And permit free concealed carry was a pipe dream 20 years ago, but in the last 5 years has progressed nicely.



Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
The step back is the banning of open carry for 18-20 Year olds.

Looks like a nice step forward while not giving anything up. That is how we make progress.

The only thing to be concerned with in this bill is the requirement that the person not otherwise be ineligible for a carry permit. Depending on the exact conditions of what is required for the permit, this could bite a few folks who should not be bit. But if anyone finds such problems, that requirement could be narrowed or eliminated in a future session.

Best of luck. This bill would be good for both Idaho and many other States.

Like we've seen with shall issue permits, the more States that move in a decent direction, the easier it is to get other States to follow. We have seen unilateral recognition of all other permits go from a rarity, to being fairly common. Campus carry is currently fairly rare, but is gaining some traction. And permit free concealed carry was a pipe dream 20 years ago, but in the last 5 years has progressed nicely.

18-20 year old people can open carry without a permit in Idaho, now. Someone deliberately put this poison pill in the legislation.


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2010
beckofbeyond - Idaho
18-20 year old people can open carry without a permit in Idaho, now. Someone deliberately put this poison pill in the legislation.

Idahoans between the ages of 18 and 20, could still conceal-carry outside city limits, but would need training and a license to do so within city boundaries.


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2010
beckofbeyond - Idaho
The sheriff of a county (may) shall issue a license to carry a concealed
weapon to those individuals between the ages of eighteen (18) and
twenty-one (21) years


Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
House passes permit less carry.


The House in Idaho has passed S 1389 restore permitless carry. SB 1389 passed the Senate 27-8. It passed out of the House committee yesterday, March 17th. It will be sent to Governor Butch Otter. Governor Otter has been shown to be a Second Amendment supporter in the past. It seems likely that he will sign SB 1389. It is an incremental step that is not far off of existing law in Idaho. Governor Otter signed the Idaho campus carry bill in the face of intense opposition by the powerful higher education lobby in Idaho.


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2008
Nampa, Idaho, USA
Nearly what the people proposed. Will have to work on some refinements in the future.
At least reciprocity is still good for non residents.